good morning dear god

Chapter 278 Help me take good care of her, thank you.

Chapter 278 Help me take good care of her, thank you.

Lin Ran shook his head and said he didn't know.

But Lin Ran told Xiao Yu that at noon yesterday, a girl who claimed to be Feng Xiuying came to see Xi Xinruo and said she was a friend of President Xiao.

"You go down first."

After hearing Lin Ran's words, Xiao Yu's eyes remained calm.When Lin Ran left the office, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and his hands clenched into fists.

He propped one arm on the desk, put his hand on his forehead, and frowned.Xiao Yu probably already guessed why Xi Xinruo asked for a week's vacation.

Feng Xiuying must have said something to Xi Xinruo, but what exactly did she say?

Xiao Yu immediately picked up the phone and called Xi Xinruo.

The system prompts that the other party is in a call.

Xiao Yu waited for a minute, then continued to call again, the system voice still reminded that the other party was on the call.

Xiao Yu slowly moved the phone away from his ear, stared at the phone for a moment, and then realized that he was blocked by Xi Xinruo?

No, Xiao Yu felt that he had to find Xi Xinruo immediately, and he had to explain clearly in front of her.

He didn't want to wait for a moment, and waiting for a minute and a second would be a torment.

Although he was still a little uncertain about whether Xi Xinruo had a good impression of him, he just didn't want her to misunderstand her.

Xiao Yu took the car keys and walked out of the office immediately.

He drove very fast all the way, and twice almost ran through the red light.But he couldn't care less.

Xi Xinruo has been lying in bed this morning. Qi Xiao made breakfast and brought it to her room.

"Jingle, jingle—"

Two slightly hasty doorbells rang.

Qi Xiao, who was writing a novel in the room opposite Xi Xinruo, hurried out to open the door after hearing the noise.

When she opened the door, she saw Xiao Yu standing straight outside the door.

He was still panting, and he seemed to have run for a while.There were still tiny beads of sweat on his forehead.

It's not that Qi Xiao has never seen Xiao Yu before, but the one in front of him is wearing a light gray shirt and black slacks. He is handsome and chiseled, with clear eyes and slightly frowning eyes looking at her.

"Xin Ruo, don't be sad. When I see Xiao Yu next time, I will scold him severely in front of him!"

The phrase "Haikou" that she swears to her crotch last night in front of Xi Xinruo suddenly popped into Qi Xiao's mind.

Qi Xiao was a little bit timid at the moment.Facing such a magnificent face, she couldn't speak no matter what.

Qi Xiao muttered to herself: Qi Xiao, when have you ever been so cowardly in your life?

"Xinruo, are you home?"

Xiao Yu's face was dark, and he asked in a deep voice.

Qi Xiao paused for a moment, before answering, Xiao Yu had already walked into the room from beside her.

"Hey, how did you get in?"

Qi Xiao immediately turned around and followed behind Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu walked a step away from Xi Xinruo's room and stood still.

He stared at the door with heavy eyes, and he hesitated to speak a few times when he came to his lips.

"Xinruo, are you in the room?"

He asked Qi Xiao beside him, but his gaze was still on the door.It was as if that door separated him and Xi Xinruo into two worlds.

The anger in Qi Xiao's heart has not subsided yet.She said angrily: "Xinruo is already asleep, and I don't want anyone to disturb her."

Xiao Yu knew that Xi Xinruo must still be awake for this meeting.She also knew that he was standing at the door of her room right now, but she just didn't want to come out, see him, or listen to his explanation.

"Help me take care of her, thank you."

Xiao Yu suddenly turned around and said to Qi Xiao.After saying this, he immediately walked out of the house.

 May I beg for a few comments?You have to promise me.

(End of this chapter)

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