good morning dear god

Chapter 269 His fiancee

Chapter 269 His fiancee (1)

Xi Xinruo smiled, this person is still familiar.

Xi Xinruo followed Feng Xiuying into the direct elevator of the shopping mall.Xi Xinruo saw her press the button for the third floor.

That's right, women's clothing is sold on the third floor.

Xi Xinruo originally thought that Feng Xiuying might let her walk around the mall with her, but unexpectedly, Feng Xiuying took her directly into a clothing store.

"Miss Feng, you haven't come to our store for a long time."

As soon as they entered the store, they saw a young female clerk who greeted her enthusiastically with a smile.

"I just came back from the United States recently, and I just arrived in Jiangcheng yesterday."

As Feng Xiuying said, she looked at the styles and colors of the clothes in the store.

"Oh, that's right. What kind of clothes does Miss Feng plan to buy when she comes today?"

The pace of the waitress always followed Feng Xiuying and greeted her warmly.

"I didn't come here today to buy it for me." Speaking of this, Feng Xiuying turned around, her eyes fell on Xi Xinruo, "I bought it for my friend, you can choose a small dress for her, put Bring out this year's new models from your store and let her try them out."

The waitress immediately turned around and looked at Xi Xinruo.Since Feng Xiuying said she was her friend, the waiter didn't dare to be slighted, and said with a smile: "Okay, please wait a moment, I'll go get some and let you try."

After the waitress finished speaking to Xi Xinruo, she stepped quickly to the side, picked out three dresses from a row of hangers, and walked over in less than 5 minutes.

"Miss Feng, what do you think of these skirts? They are all new this year. If you don't like them, I'll get some more for your friends to try on."

Feng Xiuying sat on the sofa in the store, glanced at the dress in the waiter's hand, and said to Xi Xinruo: "Xinruo, go and try it, see which style you like, I will buy that one .”

Ever since she first entered this store, Xi Xinruo felt that no matter the decoration in the store, or the fabric and texture of the clothes, they were not ordinary brands.

They also just met today, so it's not good for someone who met for the first time to pay for her clothes.

Seeing that Xi Xinruo stood still, she seemed a little hesitant.

Feng Xiuying stood up from the sofa and walked up to Xi Xinruo: "Xinruo, didn't I say that I asked you to accompany me out today, and I asked you to buy the clothes, so the money for the clothes should be Let me do it. Don't be polite to me, if you are polite to me again, we will be late in a while. "

"I promised to accompany you out, so I should pay for the clothes."

Xi Xinruo thought so in her heart.

Feng Xiuying pretended to be angry: "Xinruo, you are still being polite to me. If you do this again, I will feel really sorry. Do you want me to live this day with such a mood?"

If Xi Xin saw that Feng Xiuying insisted on paying, if she refused again, it would seem a bit hypocritical.

"OK then."

Xi Xinruo randomly took a skirt from the waiter and went into the dressing room.

After changing clothes, Xi Xinruo walked out of the dressing room.

Feng Xiuying's eyes suddenly froze.

This is a white tube top dress, wearing Xi Xinruo's better figure, coupled with her delicate and gentle appearance, the whole person looks particularly beautiful and elegant.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

The waiter standing by was surprised.

"Xinruo, what do you think of this one?"

Feng Xiuying made a sound and asked lightly.

Xi Xinruo felt a little awkward, she didn't wear a dress with such a revealing upper body, it didn't feel natural at all, and the hem of this dress was a bit long, she wasn't used to wearing such a style.

(End of this chapter)

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