good morning dear god

Chapter 266 uses his own real name.

Chapter 266 uses his own real name.

More than three years ago, when he first came into contact with online literature, there was a literary friend who was writing at the same time as him.

The two of them have the same love for web articles.It's just that that literary friend didn't rise as fast as he did in the online literary world.

Xiao Yu admitted his talent in writing.Without any writing foundation, he became a god with one book.

He and the literary friend encouraged each other, often cheered each other up, and discussed the future writing direction of online articles.

After Xiao Yu became famous, that literary friend often sent him text messages, asking him for advice on writing doubts.

Then one day, that literary friend sent him a message and suddenly said that he wanted to worship him as a teacher.

Xiao Yu felt a little unsuitable at the time. Although he admitted that his writing ability was better than that of his literary friend, it was not enough to be able to be his teacher.

So he never promised him.Later, the number of Xiao Yu's readers increased, and his reputation in the online literature circle grew.

Many book fans knew that the two had always had a good relationship, so some book fans started to leave messages under that literary friend's homepage, saying that his writing was too bad and telling him not to write anymore.

Later, that literary friend encountered another incident.A "fan book" similar in content to the novel he was serializing appeared on the Internet

Under the double blow, the literary friend finally decided to close his pen and stay away from online literature.

Until now, when Xiao Yu thought of that literary friend, he felt regretful and heartbroken.

That literary friend actually wrote very well, but he was a little impatient and eager to catch up with him.

But that literary friend may not have figured it out. Some things do require talent. It’s not that you work hard, and there will be unexpected results—such as writing online articles.

Since then, Xiao Yu never contacted his literary friend again.

It was also at that time that he decided that no matter how famous he was in the future, he would not disclose his identity.

Xiao Yu did what he said, and although he has not disclosed his real identity so far, Xiao Yu's screen name is his real name——Xiao Yu.

The silence of the night will make people unconsciously think of the past.Those who are happy, sad and entangled, helpless and hesitant.
Xiao Yu doesn't want to continue to recall, because it still hurts.

After Xiao Yu finished chatting with his apprentice, he went downstairs to take a shower, and then lay down on the bed.

Just as I was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep, I suddenly remembered something.

Xiao Yu picked up his phone again and sent a message to Xi Xinruo.

"Xinruo, I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow. If you have anything to do, you can find Lin Ran, or call me directly."

Xiao Yu stared at this message and paused in thought.In fact, it was very late at this moment, and she was probably already asleep, so she couldn't see this message, but he still wanted to send her a message.

He obviously only went back to Jiangcheng for a day, but he was still a little worried about her.

He also knows that a day is fleeting, and nothing will really happen.

Maybe he just wanted her to know that he wouldn't be going to the restaurant tomorrow.

On the other side, if Xi Xinruo had chatted with her master, she was also inexplicably a little excited. Recently, as her master, she still cares about her, so it is not in vain for her to call him master.

After Xi Xinruo finished washing, she just lay flat on the bed, and the message on the mobile phone next to her rang.

She randomly picked up the phone, saw the sender's name, suddenly got up from the bed, and sat up straight.

Seeing this message from Xiao Yu, her heart was shaken, and an impulsive emotion crawled through her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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