Chapter 75
Seeing that it was almost the end of the new year, Donggong also had to take care of the preparations for the new year.

This task fell on Huilan. Currently, she is the only high-ranking concubine in the East Palace, so naturally she will do her part.

She did not refuse, and took it without hesitation. She had undertaken these matters independently for five years when she was at home. The children of a first-class cultivator family not only require cultivation, but also have to learn a lot of things, and even have the ability Independently manage a city and contribute to the expansion of the family's territory.

She was busy until the Chinese New Year before she was free. She kept everything in order, and everything was neat and tidy inside and out.

Many posts were sent to her desk, but they were all politely rejected. She knew very well that she was a concubine after all, but it was because of the prince's honor that people looked at her highly.

At this time, it is not appropriate to rush to win over the official's wife. When the princess enters the door, she still has to abdicate. If the name is not right, it will be laughed at and pull the banner. Why bother.

Chang Ji came to the study with a bunch of posts in his arms, "Master, this is a post sent back from Qinghui Garden, please reject it."

"Oh, why didn't she see any of them?"

Li Chengze is writing big characters, Lan Er's handwriting is better than her own, so it won't work if she doesn't practice.

"Di Liang said that she is a concubine and it's not good for her to be famous in the name of the prince, it's better for the East Palace to keep a low profile.

The queen and the emperor were watching on it, and it seemed that she was too arrogant, and there was no time to do these things after the princess came in. "

Li Chengze chuckled, "This girl is really too lazy, forget it, she is afraid of being in the limelight, so she can leave it here, she can refuse her this year, just be more polite."


"Send some golden melon seeds and golden peanuts to Qinghui Garden. Don't let her be short of money."

"Yes. I also sent some pearls and jewelry as a tribute. Would you like to pick some and send them?"

"Well, send a box of pearls, and send some good things like sapphire and ruby."


Chang Ji sighed in his heart, since the master moved to Qinghui Garden, the rewards have never been cut off. If the master doesn't go, he will miss her in his heart, and reward Qinghui Garden from time to time, for fear that someone will treat this good man harshly. Di.

According to the miscellaneous family, the master is really worrying too much, even the crown princess has taken her lead, she is not a little white rabbit who is easy to bully, she is clearly a little wild cat, fierce.

Chang Ji went to Qinghui Garden with a gift to give a reward, and Huilan got up after reading the reward, "Thank you, Eunuch Chang, for making a trip, a small gesture is not a respect.

In addition, I made a cup of soup for my grandfather, please bring it for me, I will not go to the study. "

"Okay, the miscellaneous family will definitely bring it, thank you Liang Di for the reward."

Chang Ji happily accepted the purse, full of joy.

Chang Ji went back to the study with the soup, "Master Ding made soup for you, and a pair of riding gloves."

I specially made gloves with five fingers apart, made of very ordinary cotton cloth, with a thin layer of cotton sandwiched inside, which keeps warm and is convenient for pulling the reins.

Li Chengze put it on just right, showing a satisfied smile and a warm look in his eyes.

"Master, you should drink the soup while it's hot. The medicine won't work well if it's cold. Master Ding asked the servant to urge you."

Herbal soup is also divided into courses of treatment. After drinking a course of treatment, you have to rest for a while, otherwise the efficacy of the medicine will become worse and worse.

"it is good."

He just took off his gloves and sat down to drink the soup. This time the smell of medicine was stronger, but the taste was still very good. He drank it all slowly.

The body is hot and slowly exercising and regulating breath, as if there is a warm current passing through the whole body, which is very comfortable.

"What was she doing in the yard?"

"A lot of wine has been brewed, and there are all kinds of wine. According to Xiao Yuanzi, the wine brewed by Liang Di is especially delicious, which is very rare."

"This girl is a talented person. She is indifferent and doesn't care about fame and wealth. She wishes that no one else would know about her, for fear that others will disturb her tranquility."

Li Chengze likes Huilan's temperament very much, she doesn't pretend or pretend, she is open and upright, she laughs and scolds all the time, never hypocritical, her personality is casual and lively, and she is very comfortable to get along with.

"When I went there, I saw a picture on the desk. It seemed to be red plums after snow. I don't know how to paint, so I thought it was very good."

Chang Ji said a few words of praise, the master's preference is his preference.

"Her paintings are of a high level and attainment, which is unmatched by ordinary people."

Li Chengze couldn't help looking up at the landscape painting hanging on the wall of the study room, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, he was open-minded and grand, and when he hung it here often, he would have different tastes and feelings.

Chang Ji gave a thumbs up in his heart, it was really rare for the prince to hang the paintings in the study for appreciation, many famous scholars' paintings are not qualified to be hung in the prince's study.

This new year's day, all the affairs of the East Palace are handled by Huilan, and these things are very easy for her, not difficult.

However, she has already started to calculate the accounts clearly, so she can return it to Li Chengze after the new year, and give it to her when the crown princess enters the door.

The clan was going to attend a banquet during the Chinese New Year, but she didn't take her there this time, and she didn't ask for it herself, because it was too cold to eat in winter, and it was purely a matter of suffering, so she didn't go.

Li Chengze came to see her when he was free.

"Little thing. You live a leisurely life. Do you have anything to eat? Your chest is stuck to your back."

"Ding Xiang, hurry up and bring the hot soup, and a few simple dishes."

"It's cold at night, so I made a stewed broth and kept it warm on a low fire. I thought that if Zelang came, he could have a bite of hot noodle soup, and Hu Bing. I stewed mutton bone soup."

He took off his cloak and stuffed a heater in his hands. His hands were freezing, which showed how cold it was outside.

"There's not much snow this year, but the weather is very cold. Sitting in the hall for a while, my feet are cold, and the dishes are all white. I can't eat it. Only the wine is still warm."

He sat down with a mutter in his mouth.

"Look, it's really cold here, otherwise I don't want to go to dinner."

"It's right if you don't go, it's too cold, why join in the fun, I'm guilty of the old nose. I saw your princess."

Huilan laughed out loud, "Why does it belong to my family? My grandfather is your first wife, not mine."

Laughing and shaking his head, he refused to admit that it belonged to my family.

Li Chengze also laughed out loud, and dragged her to sit down, "Stinky girl, grab me, watch how I deal with you."

Stretching out his hand to scratch her itch, she giggled and fell into his arms laughing non-stop.

Seeing her blushing little face, I couldn't help being distracted, and kissed her little face, brushing her face lightly like a feather, it was tender and itchy.

"Father, the meal is here."

"Come in."

Li Chengze coughed lightly and got up.

Ding Xiang came in with hot food, set it up and went back.

"Noodles or pancakes?"

"Eat pancakes, I'll have some hot soup."

"it is good."

Huilan served him a bowl of hot mutton soup, sprinkled with fragrant leaves to remove the fishy smell.He also brought him a hot pancake, a plate of paper-thin lamb slices, and a few refreshing side dishes.

Li Chengze drank the hot soup slowly, broke the pancakes and threw them into the soup to eat together. After eating a bowl of hot soup, he took a comfortable breath and felt that he had come back to life. He was about to be frozen stupid.

"By the way, you just said you saw the princess, why are you here in such a cold day?"

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(End of this chapter)

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