Chapter 234

Li Ruyun's body swayed, and Ye Junhao was so frightened that he hurried to help him up.

"I'm fine." Li Ruyun waved his hand: "I just think this place is very familiar."

Ye Junhao was pleasantly surprised, and continued to take Li Ruyun upstairs until he reached the attic. Ye Junhao pointed to a single bed, a table, a chair and a few boxes on the attic and said: " I used to live here."

Li Ruyun was even more surprised. Looking at this house, Ye Junhao's family background should be good, and there are many rooms in this house, even the second floor has five or six bedrooms. Ye Junhao is the only child of his parents. Why did he let him go? Living in a good house does not live in the attic.

Probably seeing Li Ruyun's doubts, Ye Junhao smiled wryly: "Yunyun, you forgot again, my parents died in a car accident early, and I have been following my uncle and aunt."

Li Ruyun didn't speak again. Although she remembered some things that time, her memory was incomplete and she didn't know many things.

Looking around in the attic cabin, Li Ruyun opened a box and saw that there were some small toys inside, and then opened a box, which was full of books.

Sitting on the chair in front of the desk, Li Ruyun felt that this position was very familiar, as if she had stayed in this place day and night looking at Ye Junhao.

Rubbing his throbbing forehead, Li Ruyun shook his head to let himself not think too much.

Ye Junhao was probably hurt by the scene, and helped Li Ruyun stand up: "I haven't lived at home for many years, and the things in the house are not complete. Let's go to Grandma Jiang's house and sit for a while."

"Okay." Li Ruyun agreed and began to rummage through the things in the space ring: "I'll find something to bring with me. The first time I come to the door, I need to bring a gift."

Ye Junhao smiled and agreed, Li Ruyun turned out a red sandalwood box from inside, opened the lid and saw a wild ginseng formed, looked at it twice and nodded to express his satisfaction.

After putting away his things, Li Ruyun wanted to go downstairs. He didn't want to see a photo in the corner of the room. The photo was of Ye Junhao when he was a teenager. With a trace of impurity, he is not as evil as he is now, he looks like a very sunny little boy, smiling shyly and happily.

This should be taken before the parents died, Li Ruyun thought.

Suddenly, some pictures flashed in my mind, and many mixed memories flooded my heart.

"Ye Junhao." Li Ruyun had a headache and groaned while clutching his head, and then completely passed out when his eyes darkened.

"Yunyun, Yunyun." Ye Junhao's panicked cry was completely ignored by Li Ruyun, she did not see the fear and despair on Ye Junhao's face after she fainted.

That kind of despair is like the end of life, even more decisive than the end of life.

Li Ruyun passed out, but she still felt a pain in her head. The indescribable pain was even more unbearable than when she washed the marrow and cut the tendons. I can't wait to be human again.

After that, she saw the sky full of stars, the endless starry sky, all the starry mornings seemed to be following some trajectory, the endless time and space was desolate and empty, but she was like a mirror, watching this without any emotion everything.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Ye Junhao when he was a teenager, sitting timidly in the attic holding a photo of his parents and complaining about his grievances. She looked at him with hatred and pity, but she couldn't come out to comfort him.

Watching slowly, Ye Junhao cried sadly, sat on the ground and fell asleep with tears streaming down his face.

It turned out that Ye Junhao was also a crybaby when he was young, Li Ruyun thought to himself, how did he become the smiling tiger he is now?
In an instant, many pictures flashed, and many messages flooded in.

Li Ruyun's head started to hurt again.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Ruyun heard Ye Junhao's anxious voice in his ear: "Yunyun, wake up, please, don't leave me again."

Li Ruyun opened his eyes, his eyes were as bright as stars, filled with the light of wisdom.

She sat up slowly, stretched out her hand to rub her forehead, and laughed: "Little Ye Zi, of course I won't leave you."

"Yunyun?" Ye Junhao's face was full of joy, and he gently held Li Ruyun's face with trembling hands, as if holding a fragile treasure: "Yunyun, are you awake?"

"If I don't wake up, you're going to flood Jinshan again." Li Ruyun laughed and teased Ye Junhao. Seeing the shy face in Ye Junhao's eyes, she couldn't help laughing again: "Little Yezi, I'm very fateful, I won't Don't worry about leaving so easily, don't cry again in the future."

"Okay." Ye Junhao also laughed, he sensitively noticed that Li Ruyun was a little different, after thinking about it for a while, he was so happy that he was going crazy, he hugged Li Ruyun vigorously: "Yunyun, do you remember?"

Li Ruyun got up and nodded, seeing that she was still in the attic, thinking that she might not have fainted for long.

Looking at the time, sure enough, it was less than two hours. It was true that the fainting time was not long, but the short time was enough for her to think about many things.

Li Ruyun stood in front of the desk, slowly stroking the table with both hands: "Little Ye Zi, you still keep this desk."

Ye Junhao was very happy, really happy, walked up and touched the table: "Yes, this is your territory, how dare I lose it."

Li Ruyun smiled sadly: "But now that I am free, there is no need for this table to exist. Little Yezi, chop it up and use it as firewood. It will save me from thinking about those wronged days."

"Okay." Ye Junhao replied without thinking.

Li Ruyun sat on the chair, quietly thinking about those memories.

Ye Junhao is really confident and believes in her. She is what she says. At that time, she said that she would come back in five years. Ye Junhao really waited for five years. During the five years, she kept looking for news about her. These five years, to Li Ruyun, it was a moment, but she knew that Ye Junhao must have suffered a lot, was alone, faced with countless people who tried to think of him, not even a single person who could speak at ease, No wonder Ye Junhao changed, became so black-bellied.

If he hadn't changed, I'm afraid there would be no bones left by now.

Smiling and shaking his head, Li Ruyun held Ye Junhao's hand: "Little Ye Zi, have you avenged me?"

Ye Junhao immediately looked serious: "Revenge, I will definitely avenge your revenge, and I will never let any of the murderers go. I spent three months investigating, and within six months, all the masterminds and accomplices were eradicated. Their families were also pulled out one by one."

Ye Junhao said this sentence in a sinister manner, but Li Ruyun was very happy.

"Then I'm at ease." Li Ruyun stood up and stretched: "Little Yezi, get up and go to Grandma Jiang's house."

"Yes." Ye Junhao supported Li Ruyun, and the two went downstairs talking and laughing.

Li Ruyun pretended to be very happy, but in fact she was not that happy. Many thoughts were churning in her heart, as well as some unspeakable depression and sadness.

She never knew that Ye Junhao liked her so much, to such a morbid degree.

Back then, she was not a human being when she came down to earth.

Thinking of those things, Li Ruyun sighed in her heart, could it be that she and Ye Junhao were destined to be together by God.

In fact, Li Ruyun came down to earth more than ten years ago. At that time, it coincided with the catastrophe in the immortal world, and the emperor of heaven took all the immortals to move to another place.

When she came to the mortal world, she didn't know what happened, but she lived in a computer.

Her soul has become a set of conscious computer data. Although she can move freely in the computer or online world, she cannot see the real world, communicate with people, eat or sleep, and cannot think like before. Go wherever you want.

At that time, Li Ruyun was really aggrieved, thinking that she, the mighty Luo Jinxian, had fallen to such a point, and her heart was full of hatred for those people.

She stayed in the computer for several days, unable to cheer up at all, let alone doing anything.

Cheer up you say?

What a joke, she doesn't even have a human body, her soul is trapped in the computer and can't get out, she can't even do ghost cultivation, let alone immortal cultivation, basic cultivation is hopeless, what's the point of her being alive.

It was on this day that Li Ruyun was so lazy that she couldn't cheer up, and the laptop she was staying at was turned on, and she saw a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, who looked very good-looking and looked very pure.

Li Ruyun was stunned when he saw the boy.

This boy turned out to have a rare pure yang physique, a good material for cultivation, and of course, a good material for dual cultivation. If he was in the realm of self-cultivation or in the realm of heaven, he would definitely be scrambled by those fairies.

To be honest, Li Ruyun was really coveted, she really wanted to take this young man into her possession, but, thinking of her current appearance, she gave up all thoughts.

However, later on, Li Ruyun was thinking about whether she could seize the body. Although she said that seizing the body would owe a lot of karma, and it would be very difficult on the road of cultivation, but she lost her body, so she was afraid of karma.

When she tried to seize the house, she was bound by the law of heaven and almost completely disappeared in this world.

Only at that moment did she know the identity of the young man. The young man was actually a descendant of her savior, and she needed to repay the young man's life-saving grace.

With this restraint, Li Ruyun won't be able to win the house, and he has to find a way to work for the young man, which makes Li Ruyun even more depressed.

However, fortunately, with this knowledge, Li Ruyun woke up from his depression, and did not really lose his soul because of hopelessness.

Although it was frustrating not being able to get out of the computer, she found something to do.

Because, the boy started crying in front of the computer, crying about his uncle beating him, his aunt scolding him, and saying that his cousin has a lot of money to buy things he likes every day, but he has to do a lot of work.

The boy was crying sadly holding the computer, and Li Ruyun knew that the computer was the boy's spiritual sustenance, because this computer was bought for him by the boy's father before his death, and she also knew the boy's name, Ye Junhao.

After several days of observation by Li Ruyun, after learning about the situation and behavior of the young man, to be honest, Li Ruyun felt very distressed.

As I said before, one of Li Ruyun's problems is to protect his weaknesses. The young man is the descendant of his savior, so he is naturally within the scope of her cover, and the person she is covering is bullied by a mortal like this. It is impossible for Li Ruyun not to get angry.

After observing for a few days and thinking about it for a long time, she decided to help the boy.

One is that she has nothing to do and she is extremely bored, and the other is that this young man is the only blood of her savior after all.

Of course, someone will ask, how can a boy have an uncle, how can he be considered as the only bloodline, after all, this bloodline is passed down from his mother.

Since he thought so, Li Ruyun would naturally do the same...

(End of this chapter)

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