Daddy's cartoon life

Chapter 418 Little Sparrow

Chapter 418 Little Sparrow
"I'll go, this time "Spirit of the Halberd Eater" is really conscientious! Although the improved recipes in it are not as good as those in the comics, they are not as good as those in "The Little Master of China". It’s already considered gourmet food!”

"Yeah, I've watched several food video accounts. The imitation crispy barbecue and turned egg bibimbap this time seem to taste okay."

"The cartoon this time is really good-looking, I think it's better than "The Little Master of China"!"

"Nonsense, glowing food is the real food!"

After the release of "Spirit of Halberd Eater", the Internet is full of netizens discussing this comic.

Since the previous Xiaodaojia, there have been no such good-looking comics in food comics for many years, which has depressed many food comic lovers for a long time.

When Hao Ren's Medicine King appeared, the previous depression suddenly came out.

At the same time, Hao Ren's home.

"Is it my fault they did my homework?"

"That idiot Xiaodong just copied homework and copied my name. Is it my fault?"

"Could it be that I begged them to copy it?"

"So why am I the one getting the criticism?"

At this moment, the little girl was muttering angrily at home.

The whole little face became bulging like a hamster.

As a good girl, the little girl finished her homework seriously every night.

Don't expect all children to be like this, however.

Just like when Hao Ren was in school, there were quite a few students in Little Girl's class who ran to copy their homework early in the morning.

As for the little girl, as a good student in the class, her homework is of course copied.

It's a pity that this girl met a classmate who couldn't even copy homework.

In the Chinese homework, there was this short self-introduction essay written in [-] characters, but her classmates copied it without even reading it. This caused the little girl to be reprimanded by the teacher for a while at school. pause.

However, Hao Ren felt that this girl's teacher was quite smart.

Generally speaking, some teachers will criticize those children who copied their homework when they find out that they have copied their homework, and those who have been copied at most say that they will not lend them the next time.

But this teacher was different, he criticized both sides, and he criticized the little girl even harder than those who copied homework.

In this way, this girl probably won't borrow someone next time.

After all, a child already knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. After knowing that she just copied homework for others and was criticized more harshly, it is difficult for this girl to copy for others.

But Hao Ren didn't comfort the girl either.

Instead, he was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed, flipping through the latest comments.

Looking at the praise of "Spirit of the Halberd Eater" on the Internet, Hao Ren nodded in satisfaction with his own comments.

There is no one who does not love to be praised.

The little girl also seemed to realize that her nagging was of no use to her father, so she pouted her little mouth and was about to run to her father's side to have a crushing blow.

However, at this time, she suddenly stopped her movements.

Because Xiaobai didn't know why he was barking outside the house at this moment.

"What's the matter, Xiaobai?"

Could it be a dog thief?
Hao Ren was immediately puzzled, but logically speaking, there should be no dog thieves in his neighborhood.

So he sat up and looked out the window.

I saw Xiaobai standing there without any other signs of strangers, which made Hao Ren feel relieved and waved his hands: "I guess I just want to howl? It's similar to your usual singing."

"Is it?"

The little girl was a little puzzled, but her curiosity got the upper hand, making the little girl immediately forget about the previous school affairs, and walked out of the house.

Hao Ren glanced at the little girl who left.

Hao Ren breathed a sigh of relief.

Tonight, I had to add meat and bones to Xiaobai, and I finally took this nagging little one away.

However, it didn't take long for him to rejoice.

"Dad, Dad~~ Come out quickly! Something big happened!"

The little girl's voice suddenly came from outside the house.

The little girl's yelling came from outside the house, and Hao Ren, who had finally cleaned himself up, suddenly became bitter. He sighed, and then walked outside the house.

On the grass outside the house, the little girl and Xiao Bai were squatting together, as if they were looking at something.

Noticing Hao Ren's appearance, the little girl immediately waved her hand: "Dad, come quickly and take a look! There are birds here!!"

Hao Ren heard the words and walked over.

There was indeed a little bird in the grass.

It was a small bird with a little brown feathers covering its wings, and its left wing was drooping on the ground and seemed injured!
"Dad, look, the little bird is so pitiful, its wings are injured." The little girl looked at the little bird on the ground worriedly, and then looked at Xiaobai: "Xiaobai must have bitten it!"


Xiaobai called out pitifully, as if to refute the little girl's words.

Unfortunately, this is just pale Wang Xingyu.

However, Hao Ren suddenly discovered something wrong.

"Don't talk nonsense, it was obviously caught by the cat over there."

Having said that, Hao Ren pointed to the cat on the tree not far away. The cat was staring at it with a feather attached to its body.

"Bad cat!"

The little girl understood immediately, and waved her fist at the cat.

"Okay, okay, cats eat birds to survive, natural selection."

Although he knew that the little girl might not understand the words, Hao Ren still spoke up.

Immediately afterwards, he squatted down and held the bird on the ground in his palm.

This little sparrow was very small, not as big as half of Hao Ren's palm. However, it looked like a tiger, with a round head and a chubby body.

"Speaking of which, the sparrow seems to be a second-class national protected animal?"

Hao Ren smiled, and then said to the little girl, "Go, bandage this sparrow."

After a while.

The bound sparrow just lay in the small nest that Hao Ren and the little girl had temporarily prepared.

It seemed to be afraid of the new environment, and at this moment the little bird was still chirping.

"What a poor little bird."

The little girl looked at the little sparrow in her hand and said sadly: "The wings are injured, and I can't even fly."

The little girl's big moving eyes showed pity.


"What kind of bird is this?" The little girl looked at Hao Ren curiously.

"It's a little sparrow, a second-class national protected animal!"


A look of surprise flashed across the little girl's face.

Although she doesn't know what the second-level protected animals are, she knows that giant pandas are also national-level protected animals!

In other words, what she rescued was a little bird like a panda?

"Dad, why don't you just send it to the zoo?"

(End of this chapter)

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