Chapter 389 Millennium Kill
"Dangdangdangdangdangdangdangdang~ Good evening, all viewers! Today is March No.12 Arbor Day, welcome to the news broadcast..."

At seven o'clock in the evening, "News Network" will start broadcasting on time!
Liu Lei, who was watching the news at home, was watching "News Network". When he heard the familiar Dangdang voice, he hummed along.

There is no way, after all, the TV station has changed a lot over the years, the only constant is this familiar voice, full of the childhood of their generation.

However at this time...

"Dad! I want to watch Tiannan Satellite TV!"

Before seeing the beautiful anchor, he heard the familiar voice of his son Xiaopang.

At some point, he walked from his room to the living room.

After hearing his words, Liu Lei finally realized that, yes, today is the day when Ultraman Dyna is broadcast, and he happens to like watching Ultraman quite a bit, but he just forgot to watch the beauty.

"What are you looking at? Just read it after you finish your homework!"

It's just that although Liu Lei will look at Dyna, it doesn't mean that he will let Xiaopang look at him. He glanced at Xiaopang, and Liu Lei said in disgust.

One must know that his wife made him stare at this brat. Before his wife got off work, this brat had to finish his homework, otherwise, he would be unlucky with his brat in the end.

"No, I want to watch Ultraman!" Xiaopang stomped his feet and shouted loudly: "Otherwise, you will be finished!"

"Oh? I'm done?"

Hearing his son threatening him, Liu Lei suddenly felt funny, put his legs on the coffee table, and looked like he was proud of what you could do to me: "So what if I don't show it to you?"

"Then I'll tell Mom that you hid your private money in the Kamen Rider's belt!"



When these words fell, Liu Lei was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, staring at his son in a daze: "How do you know?!"

That place is the safest place for him, this brat...why does he know where he hides his private money every time?

This unscientific!

"Hmph, do you want to show it?" Xiaopang embraced him with both hands, looking like he was overwhelmed.

Looking at the child's appearance, Liu Lei wanted to beat him up, but he couldn't do it. Who would let the child know what he was doing?

Sure enough, let him watch it first, and when he is fascinated by it, secretly change the location of the private money!
that is it!
With this in mind, Liu Lei grabbed the remote control on the table and switched the TV to Tiannan Satellite TV: "OK, OK, I'll show you, I'll show you, but after you finish watching, you have to do your homework before your mother comes back." Finished writing, do you hear me?"


Xiaopang didn't care about Ge You lying on the sofa, waiting for Dyna to play.

And Liu Lei approached the sofa and sat near his study, waiting for the time to come.

Less than five seconds after sitting down, the advertisement on the TV had just ended, and Ultraman Dyna flew out of the screen word by word.

"This song is pretty good..."

Although he said that he was thinking about his own private money, Liu Lei also looked at Ultraman.

After all, he had seen Tiga before, and he thought Ultraman was pretty good.

The beginning of the story is very simple, just an introduction, let Liu Lei immediately know the background of the story.

It is indeed a continuation of the world view of Altman Tiga.

It's just that this world view is after the final jihad of Tiga. In the blink of an eye, 7 years have passed. Human beings have made a huge breakthrough and began to explore various unknown worlds.

With pure longing and infinite exploration, the people on earth marched into space, and started the so-called Mars immigration plan, and humans landed on Mars and other fields one after another.

People call this the era of new fields.

But at the same time, some new terrifying forces have also awakened.

It's just that people don't know all this. On the earth, a new victory team, that is, a super victory team, was established and replaced the original victory team.

And the story of Ultraman Dyna started from the student training class of the Super Victory Team.

Liu Lei soon saw the man who appeared in the final jihad and intertwined with Dagu, that is, the hero of this seat!
"Dad, look, this man will become Dyna in a moment!"

After seeing Asuka, the little fat boy couldn't help his eyes widen. He came to the TV and pointed at Asuka, as if he wanted to show off that he knew who the protagonist was.

"Don't get so close!"

Children usually don't know how to protect their eyes. When they see something they are interested in on TV, they want to take a closer look.

But Liu Lei would not let his child hurt his eyes at such a young age, so he pulled him back immediately.

Being dragged back to the sofa by his father, Xiaopang pouted, and then looked at the TV with some disgust: "But this Asuka is so weak!"

That's right, Asuka on TV was being beaten up by another academy, which made Xiaopang feel a little ashamed.

In his opinion, Ultraman is very powerful, to be beaten like this by an ordinary human being.

"It is estimated that I will definitely call back later!"

Liu Lei said casually.

This kind of turnaround of the protagonist against the wind often happens on TV, so Liu Lei is already familiar with it.

However, he did not expect that this way of turning things around was somewhat...


Liu Lei gasped

Because on the screen, Asuka used Konoha's secret body-passing technique, the Millennium Kill!

Seeing the strong man lying on the ground clutching his buttocks, Liu Lei only felt his chrysanthemum tighten.

Although he has seen this picture more than once in Naruto, it is just the image of the manga character, and this is what it looks like in reality.

"Father! Is this move really so powerful?"

However, at this moment, his son Xiaopang suddenly looked at him with blinking eyes: "I thought it was just nonsense in the comics!"

"'s really amazing!" Liu Lei nodded slightly.


Xiaopang's tone was filled with excitement: "If that's the case, I'll use this trick on Xiaohong tomorrow! Let her rely on her strength to bully me every day!"

"Well... you go use..."

Originally Liu Lei was perfunctory Xiaopang's subconscious opening, but in the middle of speaking, he suddenly froze.

What did this brat just say?

Who is he going to use this trick on?
"You said you were going to use this trick on Xiaohong?"

Liu Lei confirmed it again.


Fatty looked at Liu Lei innocently, and waved his fist by the way: "Look at me tomorrow with the Millennium Kill revenge!"



Fatty tilted his head.

"You don't even need to ask! She's a girl!!!"

Liu Lei growled.

He was speechless to this brat.

"Ah? Why?!!!"

"Boys can't bully girls!"

Liu Lei said so, but he didn't think so in his heart.

The main reason why this brat was not allowed to use the Millennium Killer was because Xiaohong's father was too strong. If he punched him with that muscle, he would die, right?
(End of this chapter)

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