Daddy's cartoon life

Chapter 246 Birth

Chapter 246 Birth
Speaking of which, Hao Ren wanted to go in to accompany his wife at first.

Now many hospitals also support the father of the child to do so.

But he opened his mouth, but Hao Ren didn't bring it up in the end, because he was afraid that he couldn't bear the thought of his wife's yelling in pain.

But now, after Sun Jiali was pushed in, he stayed outside the delivery room and regretted it, thinking that he should have gone in at that time.

At this moment, he was pacing back and forth outside the delivery room.

And Hao Ren's parents and the little girl were sitting on the bench outside the delivery room.

The old couple was also quite anxious, after all, they really regarded Sun Jiali as their own daughter.

When Father Hao saw his son wandering there, his anxious heart suddenly became dissatisfied: "What are you wandering about? It makes people dizzy, sit down for me!"

"Ah, oh!" Although Hao Ren was anxious, he listened to his old father's words.

After waving his hands, he sat down next to the little girl.

However, even after sitting down, his thighs still trembled subconsciously, and his palms were full of sweat.

No, no.

Hao Ren took a deep breath, decided to divert his attention, and began to recall his cartoons.

Then he remembered the scene of the finale in the previous "Cells at Work".

The combination of labor and hemorrhage created a terrifying scene in Hao Ren's mind. The door of the delivery room suddenly opened, and then a nurse rushed out, holding some form and anxiously saying, "Disease in labor, hemorrhage, which of you is the family member? Please sign a consent form for surgery!"

Thinking of this, Hao Ren's hands became tighter, and even his body began to tremble.

The little girl sat on the chair, felt the vibration of the chair, and subconsciously turned her head to look at her father, looking at his clenched fist and that pale face, the little girl seemed to know her father for the first time .

After all, in the eyes of the little girl, her father has never shown such an expression.

After thinking about it, the little girl took out a small handkerchief from her pocket to help her father wipe the cold sweat off her forehead, then held Hao Ren's big hand with her small hand, and a crisp voice came out of her mouth: "Dad, don't be afraid." , don’t be afraid~~Dad, don’t be afraid~~”

This girl is comforting her father.

But soon, the little girl's voice became choked up.

Because when Sun Jiali was pregnant, Hao Ren talked a lot about the pregnancy. In order not to let his little girl bump into Hao Ren, he even talked about serious consequences, such as death.

So the little girl looked at her father's nervous expression, and then thought of the consequences of what her father said to her back then, the little girl finally couldn't help it: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Hearing the weeping in the little girl's tone, and the fact that the little girl didn't forget to comfort herself even though it was like this.

Hao Ren suddenly twisted his thigh and began to reflect on himself.

What is he doing here?
Obviously, as the head of the family, he should be calm and calm at this moment, but his fear spread to his little girl.

Taking a deep breath, Hao Ren took the little girl into his arms, patted the little girl on the shoulder and said softly, "Don't worry, everything will be fine, mom and your siblings will be fine... "

"Really, you scare the little girl." Mother Hao slapped Hao Ren on the back of the head when she saw her precious granddaughter crying.

Hao Ren smiled embarrassingly, this time it was indeed his fault.

At this moment, a baby's cry came from his ears. Although he smiled, Hao Ren could hear it quite clearly. Even Hao Ren's parents heard it.

"Birth?" The three stood up and looked at each other, eyes full of surprise and worry.

After a while, a nurse opened the door and came out, holding a child to confirm their thoughts, and said to Hao Ren with a smile, "Congratulations, mother and child are safe."

"Is it with a handle or without a handle?" Father Hao was relieved to hear that his daughter-in-law was fine, but he began to care about the gender of the child again.

"What? You won't do it if you don't bring it with you?" Mother Hao cast a glance at him.

"How come?" Papa Hao rubbed his hands.

Although both men and women love him very much, but after all, traditional ideas still affect the views of the old people of his age, wanting a boy.

"It's with a handle!"

Hao Ren didn't care about the bickering between the old couple. Isn't this kind of thing common between husband and wife?Even he and Sun Jiali tease each other from time to time.

He happily bent down to pick up the poor little girl who was squeezed in the back, and dragged the corner of his clothes to show him his younger brother, and took her to look at the baby in the nurse's arms.

Looking at it this way, the corner of Hao Ren's mouth twitched. Although he knew that the newborn baby would not be very good-looking because of being soaked in amniotic fluid for a few months, but... it really exceeded his expectations.

However, the little girl blinked her big eyes, and after looking at her younger brother through the small opening of her baby, she opened her mouth and said, "Daddy, my younger brother is so ugly!"

puff! The nurse heard it from the side, couldn't help laughing, and then said: "Okay, it's too cold outside, so I can't look at it for too long."Now it's time to put the baby in the incubator. "

After speaking, he turned and took the child and left.

Hao Ren looked at the back of the nurse reluctantly... Of course, don't get me wrong, the main reason is that he doesn't want to part with the child.

Then he touched the little girl's head: "Yueyue also came from this way when she was a child, the ugly duckling will turn into a white swan, you see, you were so ugly when you were young, didn't you also become such a beautiful little girl?"

"Hey hey~~乁(˙ω˙乁)" The little girl heard her father praise her for being beautiful, she was so happy that she couldn't find Bei, she held her cheeks in her two little hands and kept twisting her body on the spot.

And Hao Ren didn't forget at this time, the person who needs the most attention this time!
With the doctor's consent, he quickly took the little girl into the delivery room to see Sun Jiali.

Sun Jiali was lying on the hospital bed, covered with a quilt, with a tired face. When she heard the movement, she turned her head slightly.


The little girl threw herself on the bed.

Hao Ren looked at Sun Jiali's tired look, walked up to Sun Jiali's side, grabbed Sun Jiali's hand and said softly, "Thank you~~"

Women are the easiest to be sentimental.

Who is she working so hard to give birth to?Besides yourself, isn't it also for your husband?

After hearing that her husband cares about her appearance, she is very satisfied, which means that her efforts have been rewarded.

Feeling Hao Ren's concern, Sun Jiali drew a happy arc on the corner of her mouth, and shook her head lightly: "It's not hard, because I have you by my side..."

"And I'm with my mother!"

The little girl quit and yelled from the side.

"That's right, and you, the little guy." Sun Jiali rubbed the little girl's head.

(End of this chapter)

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