Daddy's cartoon life

Chapter 188 The Giant Season 1 Ends

Chapter 188 The End of the First Season of the Giant

Faced with the crowd's attack, Annie pierced her body with the sharp hook on the ring without hesitation and turned into a giantess.

Alan, Mikasa and the others were blocked in the tunnel by the giantess transformed into by Ani.

However, at the critical moment, Alan, who was supposed to transform into a giant according to the plan, was unable to transform into a giant because he did not want to believe that Ani was a giant.

No wonder though.

After all, Annie is his partner in the same period.

After training together for such a long time, how could it be possible for Allen, who is extremely fond of feelings, to believe that the other party is the kind of monster that killed his companion?
Faced with Mikasa and Armin who rushed out of the tunnel to attract the attention of the female giant.

Allen kept asking why, why could they fight with their companions?

"Is there no way to do this? Because the world is cruel!"

Facing Allen's question, Mikasa stopped under the light and answered sideways.

It has to be said that at the moment when Mikasa looked back, the storyboard was directly fixed here, and Hao Ren's artistry made Mikasa look extremely beautiful at this moment.

After that, there is a battle between Mikasa and the giantess.

Relying on her own three-dimensional mobile device, Mikasa echoed around the giantess with a flexible and swift figure, attacking.

Flashing and moving, spinning and stopping suddenly, 360-degree circles and slashing...

At this moment, the blood of the readers also began to boil, wishing to travel to the comics to witness this battle with their own eyes!
"So handsome!"

"When you marry a wife, you should marry Mikasa!"

"Come on, Mikasa is a woman with eight-pack abs!"

"Don't talk about it, I feel tired after seeing my abdominal muscles and my big belly."

In this world, Hao Ren deliberately moved some plots from the giant OAD in his previous life to the comics.

It allows readers to see Mikasa when she is exercising. The small abdominal muscles look so drooling that they want to lick them as a respect. (in oad2)
However, although Mikasa is a woman with eight-pack abs, the strength of the giantess opposite should not be underestimated.

That huge body shape, that powerful strength, that body that can be hardened, it can be said that even Mikasa can't do anything with these kinds of powerful strengths put together.

Until a certain moment, Mikasa was knocked down to the ground by the giantess' attack.

This also makes the reader's heart lift up.

Although Ani does have a lot of fans, will Mikasa have fewer fans?Obviously not, this is the wife recognized by everyone.

However, fortunately, Alan figured it out in time afterwards and became a giant, and fought with the giantess.

In the end, the giantess was no match for Allen, who was furious and furious.The extremely weak giantess wanted to climb over the wall of Hina to escape, but Mikasa chopped off her ten fingers and fell, especially the moment when Mikasa fell lightly on the giantess's face after cutting off her fingers.

Here, Hao Ren specially gave Mikasa a close-up, leaving many readers with emotion.

"Ah, I wish I had a Mikasa wife who only has eyes for me."

As a person who likes Mikasa, after drawing the giant, Hao Ren tried his best to depict every scene and every stroke of Mikasa.

No way, the character of Mikasa is really likable.

Her crazy protection of Allen has gone far beyond the scope of love.

For her, Allen is home, tranquility, stability, affection, faith, and a symbol of all the good things in this world.

It is the most beautiful thing in this cold-blooded and cruel world, and it is also the most gentle forbidden place in Mikasa's heart.

How many people in this world hope that their lover has only their own eyes?
And Mikasa perfectly expressed it.

"Tsk, it's really exciting."

After watching the people from the Corps take away the Ani in the crystal, Qian Tong was about to close his manga when he saw the word "End" and was taken aback for a moment.

Then his eyes widened, he stared at the end of the manga, and fell into a daze.


Not only Qian Tong fell into confusion, but also many readers.

Because in their view, this work is far from reaching the point where it can be completed, and there are still many foreshadowings and clues that can be discussed.

Why do the three giants, the giant giant, the armor giant and the female giant, have no skin and exposed muscles, while Allen has the same skin as ordinary giants?

Why is the key in the hands of Alan's father who appeared for a while in the early stage hanging on Alan's chest?Obviously it should have never been seen before.

Why did Mikasa have headaches on several strange occasions?Are Mikasa and Allen the so-called reincarnation?
One by one doubts spread in the hearts of all the readers, and then...

"Fuck, the porter is a thief, the painting is over here?"

"What about the follow-up? What about the follow-up plot of the giant? Don't you hurry up and continue to update? What is the end?"


The primary school where the little girl is.

Although the class bell rang for a while, the children were still chirping before the teacher came.

"Did you watch the magical girl last night? It was really good~~"

"Looked at it! Lilith's magic is really cool!"

The little girl, Xixi and other little carrot heads were chatting in the classroom about the cartoon they watched last night.

But at this moment, the class suddenly fell silent.

Because their head teacher walked into the classroom and brought in a student he didn't know, and said to everyone in the classroom: "Her name is Feng Ling, she is a new student in our class, everyone should take good care of her."


Hearing everyone's answers, the head teacher nodded in satisfaction, glanced around, and finally fixed on a position and said to Feng Ling: "You go to that position."

"Teacher, the location here belongs to Xiaopeng~~" the little girl raised her hand and said.

Although she doesn't like the boy who is always pestering her, she has been playing for a long time anyway, so she can't watch the other party's position being taken, right?

Otherwise, wouldn't it be pitiful for him to come back and see that his place was gone?
"Ah, Xiaopeng?" Hearing the little girl's words, the homeroom teacher's expression was full of complexity: "I'm afraid Xiaopeng won't be able to come here in the future."

"He changed schools?"

"No, he's sick and has cancer, and he won't come to school anymore." The head teacher replied.

"Are you sick? We have been sick before, but we also come to school." The children were a little surprised, but it was obvious that they did not realize the seriousness of the disease.

Perhaps in their view, the so-called cancer is almost the same as getting sick and catching a cold?

"His illness is different from yours." The homeroom teacher actually didn't want to talk about the topic of death, but he couldn't help it. The curious eyes of these little radishheads were staring at him, which made him feel embarrassed to talk halfway.

So I told this group of little radish heads about some scary things about cancer.

(End of this chapter)

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