Daddy's cartoon life

Chapter 159 Pregnancy

Chapter 159 Pregnancy

The sound of the key opening the door attracted Sun Jiali's attention, who was watching TV. Before she got up, she saw Hao Ren holding his little girl from school with one hand and carrying a bag with the other.

"Mom~~~" The little girl kicked off the little leather shoes and rushed towards Sun Jiali, with a happy expression: "Daddy bought a lot of snacks today~~~"

The little girl's words made Sun Jiali shift her eyes to the bag in Hao Ren's hand.

"Well, isn't it because you like desserts a lot? There just happened to be a new chain store opening, so I bought some by the way."

After Hao Ren helped the little girl tidy up the shoes that had been kicked loose by her, he showed Sun Jiali the bag in his hand.

"However, don't eat and eat, there will be clamor to lose weight." Hao Ren said, carrying the bag and putting it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, jokingly said to Sun Jiali, and then put the things in the bag one by one One by one was taken out.

These are small cakes, white cream dotted with red strawberries to make them look more attractive, in addition to black forest cakes, donuts, meat floss and so on.

"It's me, Meat Floss Beckham~~~"

The little girl cheered when she saw the four packs of dried meat floss and picked them up.

*.. ()*..

She likes to eat this the most. There is a thick layer of meat floss with a little seaweed on the outside, and a fluffy and soft cake inside. It tastes sweet~~
Sun Jiali gave Hao Ren a blank look, and kicked Hao Ren with her toe, expressing her dissatisfaction with Hao Ren making fun of her.

However, Sun Jiali involuntarily glanced at the cake on the table.

Not many women can refuse these sweet things.

After all, women have two stomachs, one for normal food and the other for these small snacks.

Passing one to Hao Ren, Sun Jiali also picked up a piece with the attached plastic knife and put it in her mouth.

Just about to chew, suddenly a feeling of vomiting rose in her heart.

"rua" It made her spit it out.

"What's the matter with you?" Hao Ren was eating the cake, he was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, he quickly dropped the cake in his hand and asked with concern.

However, Sun Jiali did not answer Hao Ren's question.

After taking a few deep breaths, she gradually felt better, and she herself felt a little strange, why would she feel like throwing up just after taking a bite?

Soon she was stunned, recalling memories from a long time ago in her mind.

That was six years ago, and it seems that such a reaction also came in a certain month. On that day, she had no appetite for anything, but just felt nauseous.

That is to say...

Sun Jiali thought about it, and her physical reaction seemed to be that she hadn't come not long ago, and the more she thought about it, the more likely it was.

So he ran to the bedroom under Hao Ren's suspicious gaze, leaving Hao Ren and the little girl staring at each other.

"Father, mother... is she okay?" The little girl's tone was full of worry.

Hao Ren was also thinking about it here and there, but he didn't figure out why.

After a while, his eyes shifted to the cake that Sun Jiali took a bite of just now, and he took a bite too.

The taste is similar to the one I ate just now, there is no difference.

Looks like it's not about the cake...

"It should be fine..." Hao Ren said with hesitation in his tone, stood up after thinking for a while, walked to the door of the bedroom, knocked on the door, and the little girl followed closely: "Honey, you don't feel well, go to the hospital .”

"Yes, yes! Mom, don't be afraid of injections. If you're sick, you have to go to the hospital. That's what mom told Yueyue last time when she had a toothache!" The little girl also echoed.

Before Hao Ren could continue, he saw Sun Jiali walking out of the bedroom with something in her hand, with excitement in her eyes, and handed the thing to Hao Ren.

"This... this is..." Of course, Hao Ren recognized the pregnancy test stick. Although he didn't know how to tell if he was pregnant, since Sun Jiali gave him this thing, the only possibility is... …

She is pregnant? !
In an instant, the expression on Hao Ren's face became extremely rich, and he finally asked Sun Jiali for confirmation: "You... have it?"

"Hmm..." Sun Jiali nodded shyly.

Although this is her second child, compared to the first time, this time she has her husband by her side.

"Let's go! Go to the hospital!!!"

Although it was confirmed by the pregnancy test stick, Hao Ren believed in the judgment even more. Without further ado, Hao Ren took Sun Jiali's hand and walked out the door.

"Yueyue, stay at home! Don't run around, don't open the door when someone you don't know knocks on the door!"



"According to your description..." After listening to Hao Ren and Sun Jiali's description, the doctor replied calmly, "Such symptoms are indeed pregnant, but you can also go for an HCG test."

After finishing speaking, he tapped the keyboard and printed out a list.

After taking over, Hao Ren went to pay the fee, and then dragged Sun Jiali to do a checkup.

The waiting time for the urine test didn't take long. After more than ten minutes, Hao Ren got the relevant results.

As expected, Sun Jiali was indeed pregnant.

Hao Ren was in an unbelievable state until he got home.

Until he was interrupted by the little girl's words.

"Dad, what's the matter with Mom?" The little girl's eyes were full of concern.

Children are very sensitive to the emotional changes of adults.

She found that her parents changed when they came home.

The little girl's words made Hao Ren stunned for a moment, then he grinned and laughed loudly, slapping the little girl's face with both hands: "Yueyue, do you know? You're going to be an older sister soon!!"

"Being a sister?" The little girl tilted her little head.

But Hao Ren didn't care about the little girl at this moment.

Excitedly stood on the sofa, jumping up and down: "Hahahaha, that's right, when you become an older sister, you will have a younger brother or younger sister soon! No, it is very likely to have both!!"

At this moment, Hao Ren was like a child who got a new toy.

You must know that although there is a child like a little girl.

But after all, Hao Ren had never experienced the time when Sun Jiali was pregnant, so in the end, he still had a little bit of regret.

But now, there is a new child, how can this make him not excited?

Seeing Hao Ren's appearance, Sun Jiali subconsciously touched her stomach, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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