Daddy's cartoon life

Chapter 131 Aha

Chapter 131 Aha
"Ah, I don't know why I feel like crying when I see this."

"I feel a little pitiful for Obic."

"What's so pitiful about this? Aren't the residents who were frightened by him pitiful? In the end, they even wanted to destroy the town. Aren't the residents of the town pitiful?"

"That is, the times are advancing, and you have been wallowing in the past. How can society develop?"

After watching this episode, everyone started a heated discussion about this episode.

Some people feel that Obike's actions are wrong and unworthy of sympathy.

But others felt he was right and deserved sympathy.

So was Obik right or wrong?

It can be said that he did no wrong.

Because he is just an old man who misses the past and is unwilling to change. What's wrong with him standing up to protect his memories?
But it can also be said to be wrong.

In order to let others remember his way, he wanted to create panic, and even made a young man turn gray, which can be said to have affected the lives of the people in the town.

And when Dagu told the fact that the past could not come back, he didn't choose to admit it, but chose to destroy everything in order to keep the memories in his heart.

At this time, can he be said to be innocent, can he be said to be right?Only then can the residents of those small towns say they were right.

However, at the end, Obic did one thing right - he did not continue to insist on his determination to destroy the town.

Because this land carried his memories, the beauty of his life, how could he destroy this land?

When he tricked Tiga to attack him, the golden spot of light left in the corner of Obic's eye must be crying, right?

He weeps for his powerlessness, and for his lost memories.

In the end, the village of the past appeared in his eyes, but soon the illusion disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a modern town.

This sharp contrast between reality and ideal reminds him all the time that things are right and people are wrong.

Therefore, in the end he chose to commit suicide and left this world with fond memories of the past village.

Maybe this can be regarded as the final ending of Obik?
Instead of looking at the people around you, things change one by one, and are no longer familiar, it is better to let yourself leave with the past events.

Just when the audience was saddened by the death of Obik in the seventh episode of No.20, with the end of the OP, the eighth episode of No.20 also began.

In this episode, because the lightning people turned into monsters one after another, they caused a lot of damage to humans, although they were finally solved one by one under everyone's battle.

However, new monsters are still pouring into the streets, and the team members are also exhausted physically and mentally due to continuous fighting. Such things have also aroused TPC's discussion, and the final conclusion is-destroy!
Yes, kill the Lightning Man.

Although it is said that the Lightning Man was transformed into a monster due to the influence of a large number of electromagnetic waves caused by the development of human beings, solving the Lightning Man is only a palliative, not a permanent solution.

But there is no other way.

Fundamentally solve electromagnetic waves?Prevent humans from using electromagnetic waves?
how can that be?There is no way to live without electromagnetic waves in modern society!

What about stopping and reducing the use of electromagnetic waves?

This method is extremely difficult to implement.

After all, once humans get used to using things that are convenient for life, it is quite difficult to leave or reduce their use.

It's like one day someone said that the mobile phone signal is not good for people's health, so would you give up your mobile phone because of this matter?

Anyway, Hao Ren thinks that the possibility of him giving up his mobile phone in this day and age is quite low. Many things require a mobile phone, such as office work, basic necessities of life, housing, etc., and now they all need mobile phones for help.

It's just when humans are destroying the Lightning Man.

But they discovered one thing, that is, under their attack, the lightning men all went into space and left the earth's atmosphere.

Ever since, the comments on the Internet exploded.

"Hey, it's really frustrating to watch these two episodes. Although the content of the story is good, it's a bit uncomfortable to watch the whole process."

"That's right, whether it's the death of Obic or the departure of the Lightning Man, after all, the development of society has affected many creatures on Earth."

"As Lina said, the Lightning Man has probably lost confidence in the earth and human beings, right? That's why they left."

"Isn't it okay to let those monsters live in harmony with humans? Why do we have to drive them away and destroy them? They are all creatures on the earth!"

"There is no way. Since it is a human being, of course we should first consider the life of human beings, and then consider other creatures."

"One day nature's revenge will come upon mankind!"

As expected, the ratings for this episode exploded.

It reached 2.35 directly!

This also aroused the curiosity of many audiences who don't like to watch Tokusho. After watching them, the audience who dismissed Tokusho also realized one thing. Is the connotation of this work so rich?

Everyone is curious, and after word of mouth, the ratings of "Ultraman Tiga" rose slightly again when it was broadcast.

People from other TV stations are now regretting to death.

After all, the work "Ultraman Tiga" is coming in menacingly, and now it can be said that it has almost reached the first place in the same period!
There was once a popular Tokugawa in front of them, they didn't cherish it, and I regretted it when they lost it, the most painful thing in the world is this.

I am afraid that if God can give them another chance, they will say three words to the special film: I want it.

If Hao Ren and the others agree to sell Teshe, they will say... I will pay more!

It's just a pity that this is just a delusion.

Now the TV station with the No. [-] prime-time ratings is about to be stabbed when it sees its own ratings chrysanthemum, and it can't stand it immediately.

A low-ranking TV station wants to be their boss?
Ever since, they began to vigorously promote their own works and create momentum for their own works.

Immediately widened the gap again.

But audiences have eyes and brains, and can distinguish between good and bad, and the industry of TV drama production is a winner-take-all, and whoever has better quality will have a greater chance of winning.

It didn't take long for the ratings of the two to be caught up again.

It's not that the TV station's strength is too weak, nor is it that the original No. [-] work is too bad, it's just that it really can't beat it.

Without Hao Ren's "Ultraman Tiga", the quality of the No. [-] work can be said to be well-deserved No. [-].

 Well, this is just one update today, and two more updates will be resumed tomorrow... Tomorrow morning, I will get the test results, so maybe I will update it in the afternoon
  Thank you for the [-] rewards from the Charming Blade~~
  Thank you for your recommendation~~

(End of this chapter)

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