Chapter 697 Truth or Dare
The night passed, and nothing special happened, neither a monster suddenly ran out, nor did it run into any cheating settings left by the ancient elves.

It was said to be one night, but in fact it was only five hours. It was still dark outside, and it was early morning at most.Living in the dark underground, it is difficult to judge the specific time, Lin Tianci can only calculate by the time of the body.

Because of the delay on the road, the safe opening time has been wasted for one day. In the remaining two days, not only must they continue to explore the huge ancient elf ruins, but they also need to find a way out, and before the sandstorm covers the ruins again, ride back to safety with the camel.

So there really isn't much time for leisurely exploration.

It might be due to the environment in which she was. Virginia woke up after sleeping for about five hours, and poured herself a bottle of refreshing potion.

But they can't start right away, and some preparations need to be done.

According to the analysis of the situation Grandpa Virginia encountered that year, the cause of the frenzy may be the 'stimulant' or similar toxins left by the ancient elves.

To this end, Virginia made two gas masks.

This girl is an alchemist, and material transformation is a professional skill for her.A simple formation was drawn on the ground, and the outer shell was made of metal lockers and fibers brought by oneself, and the charcoal filled inside was used as a filter layer, and the two sections were sealed with fine alchemy. Gauze, the simple and primitive gas mask is made in this way.

Of course, this concept was provided by Brother Lin.

This also made Celie, who just went online, very interested. If Virginia wasn't by her side, she would definitely ask the bottom line.

However, it is uncertain how effective this kind of gas mask made by alchemical material changes is. After all, the filter layer is only charcoal and fine gauze. Whether it is effective against the toxins in the magical world is another matter.

What's more, if that kind of toxin can be infected through skin contact, it's useless to wear a gas mask, you need to wear protective clothing.

This is better than nothing. Virginia also cast a spell called air filter bubble on the two of them. It looks like a bubble stuck on the head. This spell can also filter out a lot of toxins. With the gas mask, it can be said to have done two things. Prepare.

Returning to the corridor outside the staff lounge, the two continued to walk along the seemingly endless passage.

This huge ancient elf relic is said to include almost the entire Xiayan Island, and the area of ​​Xiayan Island is more than 20 square kilometers...

It is impossible for the two people with limited time to fully explore one side. In addition, they did not find anything like a map, so they can only take one step at a time.

Sai Li, who went online again, said that besides being extremely long, these corridors are also connected to different amusement facilities. Even the walls on both sides of the corridor may have originally been an entrance like any door, but that part may be damaged. Now No trace at all.

But Brother Lin and the others walked for a long time, but they never came across anything other than the corridor. I don't know whether this luck should be good or bad.

About two hours later, when Virginia felt her legs were a little sore, the two finally came to a place outside the corridor along the fork in all directions.

Entering through the arched doorway, the first thing that catches the eye is rows of slender stone pillars, the tops of which are inlaid with carefully polished spars. When they approached, blue-purple auras lit up.

Or maybe it was a lamp post at all.

Compared to unreliable lighting runes, this kind of spar is similar to a light bulb, and its working condition is normal. The light emitted is not very bright, but at least there is no problem with seeing things.

Behind the rows of lampposts was a small high platform about [-] square meters. Lin Tianci and the others walked over carefully all the way, and saw a strange carving on the wall opposite the high platform.

It should be the face of some kind of humanoid creature, with an oval mask on the face, completely blocking the specific appearance, but judging from the parallel pointed ears protruding from both sides of the mask, it should be the image of an ancient elf.

"The statue of the god, the spar lampposts on both sides, that's right! Grandpa hid his magic item that can travel between planes here!"

Virginia seemed very happy. One of the important reasons for her coming to the ruins was to get the magic item. She also wanted to be a plane traveler like her grandfather to see the scenery she had never seen before.

And Brother Lin looked around for a while, but didn't find any place to hide things here.

Although it is a good thing to find a place, there must be some precautions.

The two walked up to the high platform carefully. At this time, Lin Tianci, who was lucky, saw another circle of dim magical aura gathering in the relief of the head of the ancient elf on the opposite wall, and then a special language seemed to come through the loudspeaker. reverberates in the room.

'Tell your truth or show your strength'

This language is cumbersome and difficult to learn, and you will forget it even after listening to it once, but the voice is very pleasant, just like singing.Although you can be sure that you have not learned the language, you can understand its meaning.

——Ancient Elvish language.

The characteristic of this language is that it ignores the communication barriers caused by language barriers, but it is impossible to understand the text if you have not learned it.

"What does it mean?"

"Probably a very popular game among the ancient elves."

Sally explained:
"The bodies of the ancient elves are too rational, and it is difficult to get emotional stimulation under normal circumstances, so they made this game. People who enter the high platform need to tell a sincere past that makes them scratch their heads. Of course, it's okay if you don't want to say it. You can also choose a risky adventure to experience excitement, and you will get some small prizes such as jewelry after you pass it.”

Isn't this just truth or dare!
Lin Tianci took a step back. He stood on the edge of the high platform. He should have gone down when he stepped back, but he felt as if he had bumped into something hard on his back. Looking back, he saw an almost transparent magic wall poking there, throwing four The high platform with a square area of ​​about 50 square meters was covered.

"In order to prevent tourists from escaping, a high-strength magic wall will be generated. It is said that it is as strong as the rigid defensive wall of the floating city, and it can resist the direct hit of meteors without any damage."

Lin Tianci: "..."

There are so many slots, I don't know how to vomit.

What the hell is preventing tourists from escaping?What the hell is it with a magic protective wall that can resist direct meteor strikes!

"In short, this is a small game of choosing one or the other. It is quite popular among the ancient elves. Even if you choose the big adventure, there is no real danger to your life. After all, it is just for fun."

After listening to Sally's popular science, Virginia gritted her teeth:

"I'll come first."

Her grandfather should have mentioned the specific location of the magic item, and Virginia finally encountered it, so of course she would not give up.

Standing in front of the head relief of the ancient elves, Virginia's face turned red, and she said after a while of mental preparation:

"I wet my bed once when I was ten years old. To avoid being found out, I secretly exchanged my sheets with those of my five-year-old sister, but I forgot that my mother would embroider names on the corners of everyone's sheets."

Simply public execution!

After saying this, Virginia's face was almost as red as a monkey's butt. In order not to continue to stimulate this girl, Brother Lin tried his best to put on a poker face.

Don't laugh, don't laugh!
The so-called truth, I am afraid it is not a black history gathering.

I don't know how the mechanism of the ancient elves works. After Virginia finished speaking, the relief on the opposite side of the wall opened left and right, revealing a small box.

Even the black history was told, for this small box.

Virginia also tried not to look at Brother Lin's expression, opened the box pretending to be calm, and took out a thumb-sized crystal from it.

It is different from ordinary crystals, it is not transparent all over, but it seems that there are countless stars floating up and down inside, and it is not ordinary at a glance.

"It's actually a cross-border crystal, little girl. It seems that your grandfather must have been a very powerful adventurer when he was in Duosu. Ordinary miscellaneous fish have no chance to get this kind of thing."

Brother Lin didn't know him, but of course Sai Lidang could recognize him at a glance:
"The cross-boundary crystal is a gift from the God of Space to believers. It allows any mortal to travel between planes. However, the God of Space has been dead for a long time, and the number of cross-boundary crystals is very small."

The ancient elves killed the Void Wanse Dragon, the primordial dragon god who had mastered the priesthood of time and space, but the godhead could not be destroyed, and the priesthood of time and space flew out with the death of the Void Wanselong.

The two priesthoods of space and time were obtained by mortals named Buckbeck and Kronos respectively, thus igniting the divine fire and ascending to the gods smoothly.

They were one of the most powerful gods at that time, and because the ancient elves who were the most threatening to the gods were finished during that time, the gods above the nine heavens wanted to celebrate with each other, and they showed their divine power in the mortal world to attract believers and burn them. Follow everything left by the ancient elves to prevent mortals from threatening them again.

But the gods at that time also made the same mistakes as the ancient elves.

— Swelled.

It's like a funny reincarnation. The gods of space and time, the most powerful allies at that time, fell one after another. It took less than 100 years from the success of ascending the gods to the end. Except for the records on Celie's side, it is difficult to find There are detailed records about him.

After all, he died so fast that he didn't even know how he died.

Leaving aside the God of Time, the legacy left by the unlucky God of Space is quite useful.

For a long time, transboundary crystals were the only means for mortals to travel between planes after the disappearance of the ancient elves.Let a few mortals realize that apart from the place where they live, the world is far bigger than they imagined.

This gave birth to the first batch of plane travelers, and also allowed them to make plane travel props with the same or even better effects through the study of cross-boundary crystals.

Of course, through the power of magic that most gods fear.

(End of this chapter)

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