Chapter 694
Cultivators have a keen sense of breath and energy. After all, cultivation is all about absorbing energy and comprehending one's true nature. If one is not sensitive, one cannot even absorb energy.

So from a long distance away, he sensed that there was a cold, dark aura approaching with incomparable hatred for the living.

"Stop, there is movement ahead!"

He immediately stood still and reminded Virginia, who was listening to Sally's popular science, and immediately raised the wrench upon hearing this.

At this time, they came to a T-junction in the passage, and the two of them controlled the dancing light technique to lift up slightly at the same time.Just in time to see an unusual guy floating out from behind the intersection on the left side.

It looked similar to a zombie, the hair on its body had completely fallen out, and it could even be said that even the skin was gone, making it look bloody and bloody.

But the reason why it floats is because there is no entity, and the whole appears in a strange pale white.

"That's right, you should almost be able to see undead creatures."

Sai Li echoed, and Lin Tianci said in his heart that he felt a little relieved when he saw this thing jumping out?

Compared with the golems and puppets that often wander around in the ruins of the ancient elves, the undead creatures are indeed friendly and pleasant.

The ancient elves hated undead creatures and even necromancy very much. There was no category of "dead spirits" in their elf magic. There were only a few small spells such as "preserving organs" and "manipulating negative energy", which seemed to deliberately curb the undead. The development of spells.

This is because in the belief of the ancient elves, all dead creatures will be integrated into the veins of the world tree, becoming part of the world and flowing forever. This is the obligation and right of all creatures.

Undead creatures that violate this belief, and even necromantic spells that manipulate them, certainly do not please the Elder Elves.

Then why do you see undead creatures in their ruins?
This has nothing to do with the ancient elves.

The ruins are here, and someone will definitely go in and explore them. If you are lucky, you can make a lot of money, but if you are unlucky...

The guy in front of me is an example.

"It's not a resentful spirit, but a ghost. Didn't I tell you before that the soul is divided into soul essence and pure soul? The soul essence left in the mortal world will become a ghost when it encounters a high concentration of magic power. This thing Er'er's level is only 10, and if both are present, there will be a wraith around level 30."

When Sai Li was still doing science popularization, Lin Tianci had already struck out with a palm thunder.

How weak is level 10? An ordinary strong man without any training has this level. The tricky part of the ghost is that it is immune to any form of physical attack. The disadvantage is that it has no resistance to magic damage.

The thunder method breaks evil, and the ghost itself is very fragile, and the thunder light of the palm thunder penetrates and disperses it instantly.

But just as Zhang Xinlei shot out, another ghost appeared from the T-junction, followed by another one, and... another ghost.

In the blink of an eye, the originally wide passageway was completely blocked by these ghosts shining with pale light. They seemed to be copied and pasted, and there was no difference between individuals, and they collectively moved toward the forest. God sent them to float here.

"The singularity exploded."

The ghosts entered the range of the spell, and Virginia raised the wrench to point towards the ghosts. Lin Tianci saw a mirage-like distortion appearing in midair, as if an invisible thing was compressing the space somewhere, followed by a bang bang.

This spell is like digging out a large piece of advancing ghost like ice cream, but the characteristic of undead creatures is that they have no fear at all, and the only thing they have is endless resentment towards the living.

So they didn't care about the disappearance of their companions at all, and continued to attack this side at a constant speed, and made piercing screams.

Accompanied by the scream, the part that was 'dug out' filled up again, as if it could restore itself.

"That's how it is, so it's fun to come out to take risks, and you can discover things that can't be recorded in books."

Sally glanced at it and understood what was going on, and explained:
"There was only one of these ghosts. It should be that the magic power pipeline buried in the wall near here leaked, and some soul quality just happened to float to this place. The huge magic power made it capable of self-replication."

Lin Tianci just threw out an electric dragon bursting out of his palm at this time. With Thunderbolt Guizang's characteristic of jumping and attacking and the weakness of ghosts, a single spell cleared out a large number of incoming ghosts and made them attack like a flood. Forcibly stagnated.

"What should I do?"

"Now that the relic is fully activated, its magic power is almost endless. It is meaningless to continue fighting with it. It is necessary to close the pipeline supply nearby."

The brooch glowed with a slightly stronger aura, and Celie seemed to be observing her surroundings.

Virginia heard Sally say this, and replied:

"My illusion can't see the flow of magic power in the wall, and I can't find where the pipeline is."

"Oh, little girl, you rely too much on your talent."

Sally said old-fashionedly:

"Your strength is not strong enough, and the effect of illusion is not good enough. Excessive reliance on talent will hinder your achievements in magic."

It is indeed a good thing to have talent, but this does not mean that lack of talent cannot be compensated for in spells.

There are many mages who develop new spells with the idea of ​​"others can do it, so I can do it too", whether it is in the period of ancient elves or the current period of magic recovery.

"There is no need to continue to entangle with it, open a passage and force it through. I saw a node about 50 meters ahead, and I can close the pipeline from there."

Maybe because she was a little unconvinced after being told by Sai Li, Virginia reached into the magic bag, took out a small round bottle filled with golden yellow liquid, and threw it towards the ghost:

"Close your eyes!"

Brother Lin had just closed his eyelids when he heard the sound of a glass bottle shattering, plus a series of rapid screams that seemed to be spinning around his ears.

The white light flashed continuously in front of my eyes, even through my eyelids, I felt a little glaring.

After a while, the white light weakened a little, and Virginia pulled Brother Lin for a moment:
"Let's rush over now."

He opened his eyes and saw that the ghosts blocking the passage were completely wiped out, completely disappearing without a trace.

It's just that Saili said that this thing can replicate itself almost infinitely, so immediately a new ghost ran out from the left side of the T-junction.

Lin Tianci's speed was of course the fastest, but Virginia obviously couldn't keep up with him. When the two crossed the intersection, the ghosts took shape again and rushed out like a tide again.

It's just that this time, from front to back, it turned into back to back.

"Holy grenade? This is not something that any alchemist will make. Your grandfather should be an excellent alchemist even in Dosu."

Hearing that Celie praised her grandfather, Virginia felt happier than herself being praised.

——This girl feels very fooled.

Brother Lin thinks that you guys have the word grenade, which is enough to surprise me?
But now there is no time for him to complain, those ghosts are not slow at all, and Virginia can only run a little faster than ordinary people, so Lin, who is the fastest, feels that he is the last one.

He wanted to throw a few more palm thunders or throw two past life charms, but he suddenly remembered that he had just obtained a magic item not long ago, and this time he just had the opportunity to try the effect.

So when he turned around, he quickly pulled out the sonic scepter stuck in his waist, and pointed at the ghost attacking from behind:
"Smash the sound wave!"

- Om!

A cone-shaped sound wave flew out from the head of the staff, and expanded rapidly, before leaving Lin Tianci's body, it turned into a cylindrical sound wave with a width of nearly 5 meters.

The movement sounded like a huge cement pipe hitting the ground, the sound wave rolled up the dust in the air and the floor and roared towards the attacking ghost, easily opening a big hole.

And Brother Lin...

He was taken aback by the lethality of the shattering sound waves.

As far as the power displayed so far, it is no worse than a special sound attack, and a magic item can allow Brother Lin, who has no talent for sound waves, to release a powerful sound attack spell.

Magic is indeed more advantageous than fairy magic in terms of ease of use and versatility. If monks are asked to do the same thing, even if the relationship between talent is ignored, it is not easy to learn spells with similar power.

As for magic items, you can use them as soon as you get them.

This made Brother Lin's desire for magic items even more eager.

After the sound wave was smashed, the ghost who was slightly blocked struck again, but at this time the two had almost reached the predetermined position.

"On the left hand side, do you see the eye-like pattern on the wall? That's the maintenance window, but you can't open it, just smash it open."

This kind of maintenance window can only be opened by the ancient elves, and it is not interested in others.

Lin Tianci was delaying the time for the ghost to strike, and Virginia threw her big wrench into the air:
"Stick dance."

Although the big wrench has nothing to do with a stick, but fortunately, it is no problem to use spells. It was like being held in mid-air, and it hit twice at the position Sai Li said.

It looks like a hard stone wall, but the bottom is actually very thin and brittle. A large piece of shattered wall skin fell from above, revealing a hexagonal valve inside.

Virginia caught the waving wrench and did what a wrench was supposed to do.

Twist the valve.

This trick is really effective. Originally, this thing can be copied infinitely because of the magic power escaping from the damaged pipe. Once the valve is closed, the ghosts that have lost their magic power cannot maintain such a large number.

Their attack, which had been coming in like a tide, obviously slowed down, and then they seemed to collapse and squeeze together from the inside, and their sharp howls became more and more irritating to the ears.

In the end, there were only a few solitary beings left in the ghost wave that almost blocked all the tunnels, and they were wiped out by Lin Tianci with the palm thunder.

"I don't recommend you to study the pipeline of the ancient elves here. Closing the valve will affect the operation of the mysteries in this area. The self-discipline puppet responsible for maintenance in the ruins may come to check. I suggest you leave this area first."

Sai Li's reminder was as timely as ever, but Brother Lin really wanted to complain.

He has seen many methods of exorcising ghosts, but this is the first time he has seen the method of closing the valve to exorcise ghosts...

(End of this chapter)

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