The long fairy road is wonderful

Chapter 685 Your sentence contains a lot of information!

Chapter 685 Your sentence contains a lot of information!

The transport ship continued to sail in the buoy layer along the established route, and it took almost half a month to walk this way.

During the period, of course, they will also stop at inhabited floating islands, leaving behind many crew members who are too seriously injured to continue sailing, and many passengers and cargo get on and off the ship.

If he hadn't learned of the whereabouts of the extremely blue brilliant star from Virginia, brother Lin would have gone back with the flying escape talisman at this time, so there was no need to stare at the floating islands on both sides in a daze.

It was accidental, but the news didn't have to come from Virginia.On the second day after the attack, the transport ship docked in a place that could be considered a city at the very least. The streets and alleys were all plastered with the exact same leaflets in Virginia's hand. As long as you don't wander around You can see it, so it is only a matter of time before Lin Tianci gets the news.

Along the way, you will find that the number of people boarding the boat is far greater than that of disembarking. Many people are planning to go to the ruins by boat. This is not to say that there are so many competitors, they are mainly there to watch the fun.

The ruins of the ancient elves are on a floating island called Xiayan Island, almost entirely covered by deserts, and it is the largest known ruins of the ancient elves.

The locals of Cyprus regard Xiayan Island as a holy place in their beliefs. No one is allowed to settle here. Only when the ruins are opened every 30 years, the mages of this plane will go to the ancient elf ruins on Xiayan Island. To find the so-called 'God-given technology'.

At first, only mages were allowed to enter, but later, because it was found that the inside was too dangerous, the casualty rate was high due to mages alone, so now mages are allowed to bring ordinary people as bodyguards, or cannon fodder.

For the locals, this kind of event is similar to a grand festival every 30 years. They will coincidentally come to Xiayan Island to celebrate, which is more like a religious festival.

Over time, it has become similar to a garden fair. In the words that Brother Lin is familiar with, it is like going to a fair, except that this fair only happens once every 30 years.

Merchants who come here attracted by the name will bring local specialties to Xiayan Island and sell them to tourists from various floating islands in all directions.

There are still many celebrations and religious sacrifices on the day of the festival. In comparison, the matter of the mages entering the ruins is not very important.

The organizers of this event are held in turn by the countries that control the large floating islands around Xiayan Island. For them, this is a very important day.When the mages bring out the "God-given technology" from the ruins, they will pay a high price to buy it. The technology covers military industry, people's livelihood, manufacturing and other fields. If you are lucky enough to get a particularly practical technology, the country's The overall strength will increase a lot.

For example, the large iron pipes installed on all the ships are pure mechanical power without any magic involved. This part is the technology taken from the ruins, which directly speeds up the communication speed between the floating islands by more than 50%. .

But Brother Lin doesn't care about these things, he cares more about how to get the fragments of the extremely blue star.

The fragment was inlaid on the trophy by the host this time. For other mages who participated, the trophy is actually just a symbol. Counting the lottery that the organizers exchanged for magic technology.

If Lin Tianci was allowed to do this kind of archeology-like thing by himself, he would definitely be one of the first two. He doesn't know the ancient elf language, and the ghost knows what the so-called magic technology is.

It was not the first time for Lin Tianci to go to the ruins of the ancient elves, but because it was not the first time, he remembered all the things he had encountered when he ran into the so-called 'mobile aircraft carrier' ruins with Redicia and the others.

——It feels quite crap.

But with Sally, it's a different matter.

She claims that her research on the ancient elves is unsurpassed in the entire multiverse world, and that reading the ancient elves is just a piece of cake, even if this language is called the most difficult language to learn.

In fact, Sai Li also has a considerable degree of curiosity about the ancient elf ruins of Sepulu, because the ruins can only be opened once in 30 years, and it is difficult to collect information about it. What role did this relic have in the ancient elf period? I don't know what ability I have now, etc., all of which are unknown.

I don't know, these are the three words that seduce Sai Li the most.

Nearly half a month has passed, and of course not just watching the floating islands on the boat every day.

Virginia said that Brother Lin needs to buy a lot of supplies, otherwise he will be caught blind when he gets there.

After all, three-quarters of the area of ​​Xiayan Island is desert, and the island is said to be an island, and its area can definitely be regarded as a large floating island.

As I said before, the standard enough to qualify as a large floating island is about 20 square kilometers...

It may not be true to say the numbers directly, so imagine a desert about the size of HEB province.

The ruins are right in the center of the desert. If you want to find the ruins, you can't rely on the compass alone. You need to know astronomical knowledge to help you determine the direction, because the closer you are to the ruins, the more unreliable the compass will be.

In addition, you need tents, drinking water, food and a lot of other things.

Because he will be camping in the wild for several days, if Brother Lin does not want to sleep directly on the sand and wake up in the morning to find a scorpion or something on the tip of his nose, he must prepare these miscellaneous things.

And to buy these things, of course, money is needed.

This did not require Virginia to help pay the bill. When the transport ship passed a large floating island, the captain led people to hand in all the air pirates caught before, and the local government gave a large bonus.

Even if Lin Tianci had deliberately distributed a lot of compensation to the dead crew members, the remaining bonuses were enough to break the sturdy cloth bag, and it weighed [-] to [-] catties, all of which were feather-shaped coins made of gold.

This is also a huge sum of money in the local area, enough for ordinary families to eat and drink for decades, and buying the supplies they need is of course not a problem.

Everything went smoothly. The only thing that made Lin Tianci a little dissatisfied was that the transport ship was moving too slowly.

It should be said that it is not that the boat is slow, but that the boat needs to stop at every settlement on the way according to a specific route, some are large cities, some are very small villages, and even small deserted islands that are completely uninhabited.

There is only one reason, the transport ship needs to replenish fresh water.

In Cypuru, fresh water is a precious resource, because the land floats above the clouds, Cypuru does not have any precipitation, and their water source comes from a kind of orb called 'water pearl'.

Water drops vary in size and are inseparable from the core of the floating island. The larger the floating island, the more abundant the water source.

It is also thanks to the existence of this kind of water droplets that continuously flow out of clear water, otherwise it would be a big problem for people on this plane of Cypru to drink water.

Pulling away, back to the topic.

After sailing for about half a month, Lin Tianci finally saw the land appearing at the bow of the ship, and he could feel a dry and hot wind on his face from a long distance away.

Some green plants can be seen in the approaching direction of the ship, and even a lake can be seen on the edge, but farther away, only a seemingly endless piece of yellow sand can be seen.

This is Xiayan Island.

The ship docked here, and under the farewell sounds of the crew and the captain, Brother Lin and Virginia disembarked.

As I said before, the open day of the ruins every 30 years has been turned into a garden fair. When Lin Tianci and the others disembark, they have to wait a few more days for the day to arrive, but at this time Xiayan Island has already gathered a lot of people.

Because Xiayan Island is a sacred place in the hearts of the local residents, no residence is allowed here, and naturally there are no houses.

All people who come to Xiayan Island need to bring their own tents, and they camp and live temporarily according to the requirements of the local organizers. At most, they are divided according to business and pure tourists.

So when you get off the boat, you can see market-like tents spread along both sides of the pier, and a large number of tourists walk in front of the stalls filled with various goods.

If you can stand higher, you will find that all kinds of tents will spread to the end of the field of vision, and there are a lot of people.

"Let's report to the local officials first, take a place to put a tent, and then look for a vehicle suitable for traveling in the desert."

After all, this is only the edge of Xiayan Island, and the ruins are in the center of the desert. It would require too much physical strength to walk there.

Of course, Lin Tianci had no objection, and followed Virginia into the crowd.

Here, you can see something that seems to be being built with wood in a place a little farther on the left. I heard from Virginia that a grand sacrificial activity will be held on the day the ruins are opened. Of course, the objects of sacrifice are the ancient elves.

Brother Lin is a crazy person, and he likes lively festivals, but this time he must not have time to participate, because when the sacrifice started, they had already gone deep into the desert, and felt somewhat regretful.

The registration officer is not hard to find, in a conspicuous tent just outside the pier.

All tourists who come to Xiayan Island must register first. At night, the guards will check all the tents. If anyone who is not registered is found, he will be arrested and sent to prison.

Virginia reported her name and paid five or six copper feathers as a handling fee, and then she got the land where she can camp, because the two of them are spellcasters, and they are surrounded by people who are regarded as "angels" by the locals caster.

But just when the two were planning to go out to find transportation, a little accident happened.

A well-dressed man who looked like a rich man entered the tent with four bodyguards.

Virginia looked surprised and said:

"Wallis? You're coming too? I remember you saying you're not interested in the ruins."

The man named Wallis said arrogantly:

"I came here specially to find you. Remember our agreement? Whoever loses must promise the other party one thing unconditionally."

"But you never beat me, and I said earlier that I'm not interested in getting married."

Wallis snorted:
"That's because I let you. If you win this time, I won't bother you anymore."

It sounds like this guy named Wallis is interested in Virginia, but Virginia is obviously not in the mood.

Little brother Lin's enthusiasm for gossip was immediately lifted, just like Linglong became a foodie under his influence, Lin Tianci was obviously also influenced by Linglong, and became sensitive to this kind of gossip between men and women. interest.

As a result, Wallis said in the next sentence:
"If I win, you will marry my sister. As my sister-in-law, you will also be my brother-in-law."

wait for me!Your sentence contains a lot of information!

(End of this chapter)

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