The long fairy road is wonderful

Chapter 651 Independent Town

Chapter 651 Independent Town

When going out alone, it is always right to be careful about everything, not to mention that Brother Lin has not only traveled far away, but even changed the plane, which is comparable to time travel.

Although Zhang Baixi's permission was obtained for the contract with Sai Li, it would be best to talk to the Immortal Good Fortune when we get back. There are many things that cannot be explained by sending text messages with disciple tokens.

So Brother Lin would not casually ask what happened to Sai Li. After all, this is not within the contract, and I feel that asking this is a bit too much.

What's more, there are other more important things in front of Lin Tianci.

After trekking on the mountain for almost four days, I finally saw traces of human habitation.This is the result of Lin Tianci and Tang Na's footsteps being much faster than ordinary people. If ordinary people want to go up the mountain, they have to walk on the mountain road for half a month.

There were not many troubles on the road, and the beasts were all scared away by the amulet made of flying bear hair. This also made Donna less curious, and her speed was much faster than before.

But the so-called traces of human habitation are not very comfortable to look at.

As I said before, this independent town on the mountain mainly produces ores and metals, so when Lin Tianci and the others came up, they could smell a sour smell before they got close to the town, which was quite hazy.

Continue walking, and after turning over two hills that are not too undulating, you can see a small town in the mountains shrouded in smoke and dust.

The town is backed by a tall mountain, and at a glance, you can see many large chimneys emitting black smoke, which makes the sky look gray and the air smells bad.

Speaking of which, the dead goblin doesn't like staying at home but runs around. Could it have something to do with this town?As far as the air quality is concerned, it's no wonder people don't want to come back.

But the smog, no matter how strong PM2.5 is, it can't pose a threat to the monks, and Brother Lin even has a little nostalgia...

Let's not talk about this, since we have arrived at the place, let's inquire first to see if anyone knows about the 'falling star'. If he can point out the approximate location of the falling star, Lin Tianci will go to investigate.

As for how to detect, this is indeed a problem.

You can't just walk into town and ask people like you're playing an RPG game, can you?It is estimated that it will be regarded as a neuropathy.

Usually, Lin Tianci can only go to places like taverns and hotels to settle down temporarily, and listen to the chatter of alcoholics to see if there is a chance to bump into them.

And this time, Celie, who doesn't talk often because of the house visitors, gave a good idea.

—Let Brother Lin become a doctor.

The level of productivity on the plane of the Kingdom of Fairies is roughly the same as the virtues of the Middle Ages. Medical personnel are extremely rare, so doctors are highly prestigious and very popular. It is naturally more convenient to inquire about anything.

As the saying goes, there is no distinction between medicine and martial arts, as long as the monks from the sect really know some medical skills, it is really no problem for Lin Tianci to enter the town under the guise of an itinerant doctor, even if his medical skills are not good. No matter what, he is more powerful than a cheating doctor who only knows how to let leeches and bloodletting.

So as soon as he entered the town, Lin Tianci took Donna straight to the town hall instead of finding a hotel or something.

The town hall is actually equivalent to the town government. It is much more effective to obtain the permission of the local administrator first than to shout at the top of your voice.

The town is not too big, and there are not too many office workers in the town hall. Lin Tianci casually found someone who looked like the leader to explain his purpose, claiming that itinerant doctor traveled around to help people treat diseases in order to hone his medical skills, and said that he brought Donna, who used a handkerchief as a mask to cover her face, was her assistant, that is, a nurse.

He only showed his hands without calluses, and most of the other party believed him. After all, he didn't look like a manual laborer.

In order to strengthen the credibility, Lin Tianci also said to others decently, "Do you often have a sore back, and your neck seems to be rusty, and sometimes it is very difficult to turn?" '

Judging from the astonished expression of the other party, this person has been limped by Brother Lin...

Mental workers like this who sit on chairs all day must have back pain. In addition, they have not exercised for a long time and the air quality is not good. It is normal to be in a sub-health state.

But these common senses that everyone knew in the previous life are not so simple to realize in this level of productivity, that is, the plane of the Middle Ages.

Then Brother Lin continued to flicker, pointing the acupuncture points on the opponent's neck with his fingers, using mana to relax the tendons and activate blood circulation, the latter almost jumped up and shouted 'Genius doctor!Doctor! 'I will arrange a place for little brother Lin right away so that he can practice medicine here...

Originally, there was a good doctor in the town, but he is old and has gone home for the elderly. In addition, it is difficult to find a doctor, and the town has no medical services for almost three years, let alone Lin Tianci. miracle doctor'.

If you have a minor ailment like a cold or the like, you can rely on your physique to overcome it. If it is a serious illness, you can only be carried down the mountain to see if you can find a doctor.

And the mountain road is not easy to walk, so what is carried down and then carried up is basically a corpse.

Because the sore neck was healed by Brother Lin's magic power, the staff of the town office felt like they had been beaten with chicken blood. They cleaned up the house where the doctor lived as quickly as possible for Lin Tianci to settle down. They also sent people from door to door to report that a doctor had come to the town, and those who were sick should be treated quickly.

When people in the town heard about such a good thing, they rushed to the clinic to watch, even those who were not sick came to join in the fun, which made Lin Tianci somewhat overwhelmed.

——I always feel like shooting myself in the foot with a rock.

But he doesn't really mind seeing a doctor, it's considered a good deed and meritorious deed.

Fortunately, most of them were minor ailments, which he could cure with the herbs he collected halfway up the mountain. Don't forget that this is a small town that relies on mining and metallurgy for its livelihood. People with weak constitutions cannot eat this bowl of food.For more stubborn and intractable diseases, it depends on the omnipotent mana.

As a result, not only did he, a barefoot doctor with a bottle full of half a bottle dangling around, not be exposed, but everyone thought he was a genius doctor with superb medical skills.

In addition, Lin Tianci didn't care much about the consultation fee. If the family had money, he would charge a few coppers for seeing a doctor. If he had no money, he could give him bread and fruit. He has gained a huge reputation. He has only been in the town for three days. He is so famous that everyone will salute and greet him when he walks on the street. I am afraid that even the mayor is not as popular as him.

This also made Lin Tianci deeply understand how low the local medical level has become...

In short, in the past few days, Brother Lin went to the nearby forest with Donna in the morning to see if there were any herbs that could be used to treat the disease, and then he was in the clinic all the time until the afternoon for consultation and treatment.

Of course, he didn't get obsessed with treating illnesses and saving lives, and forgot his business. When he was treating illnesses, he also asked in a casual way if anyone had seen any clues of the fragments of the extremely blue star.

There are some gains in this aspect. Many people have seen a meteor break through the night sky and land near here.While collecting herbs, Lin Tianci also stopped by to have a look. He did find a meteor crater with traces of burning and melting, but he did not find fragments of the extremely blue glowing star nearby.

Based on his current reputation in the town, if the fragments are picked up by the townspeople, he will definitely get news, and at most he will spend some money to buy them, but if there is no news about this, it means that either the fragments were swallowed by wild animals, Or it was taken away by the dead goblin whose hometown is on the mountain.

It feels like the latter is more likely, the beast doesn't eat everything, the fragments look like high-end sapphires, which seem to be very valuable, but to the beast, a stone is a stone.

And go to sue the goblin...

This really needs Sally's information, because the local townspeople only know the legend of the goblin, but they don't know that the goblin actually lives on the mountain.

This is not a simple hill, but a whole mountain range. If no one leads the way or has definite information, Lin Tianci is unlikely to find out the hometown of the dead goblin even if he is too tired to vomit.

Besides, the dwellings of unscientific creatures like goblins might also be guarded by special experience, such as Donna's golden goblin castle, or Sally's clock tower library.

However, Celie seems to really have no time these days. Before when she was going up the mountain, she could find time to chat, but these days she simply didn't make a sound, even Donna couldn't talk to her if she wanted to.

Without accurate information, Brother Lin could only continue to be his miracle doctor on the mountain.

The clinic he lived in was not bad. It was a two-story hut with a pure stone structure. The first floor was the clinic, and the second floor was the place for people to live.

He shared a room with Donna. This girl seemed to be addicted to being a nurse, and she was more excited than Lin Tianci when she went to collect medicine every morning.

To put it simply, this girl doesn't know what to worry about, she eats well and sleeps well, and even treats boring work as fun, she is quite heartless.

It's just that it's somewhat annoying to play cards or chess with Brother Lin whenever you have time every day, but it's really hard to feel bad about a beautiful and lovely girl pestering you.

That night, after playing cards, Donna went back to her room to sleep. She could almost fall asleep with her head on the pillow, and her sleeping posture was quite bad. I don't know where to go.

Loud snoring can be heard even through the door...

—Is she really a princess?
But brother Lin was not in a hurry to sleep, but was doing daily practice.

He had risen to the sixth rank of the human rank before the Yunxian Ceremony was held, and he also reached the first difficulty in his monk career, which was to break through the fifth rank of the human rank.

It's just a small realm, if you are lucky and have the blessings of heaven and earth, Lin Tianci can pass it in less than two months, and it is obviously not that simple to rise from the sixth rank to the fifth rank.

Lin Tianci can feel that he is getting closer and closer to that hurdle every day, but the fifth-rank hurdle seems to be still far away, far from being within reach.

He calculated that it would take three months or even half a year for him to try to break through to the fifth rank, and then he would be able to fly with the sword, and he would be able to use the magical power of the magic weapon of the Thunder Hand.

(End of this chapter)

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