The long fairy road is wonderful

Chapter 635 Blue Goblin

Chapter 635 Blue Goblin

No one can say exactly how many planes there are in the multiverse world.And no one can guarantee what kind of situation will be encountered in different planes.

The monks predicted the worst and used this as a basis to prepare for the little monks who traveled everywhere.

However, the monks never thought that Lin Tianci would meet a girl who seemed to have read the script... Ah, baby.

"You seem a little displeased. This is because if the inner activities of intelligent creatures are seen through, it will feel more uncomfortable than being naked. Maybe my words may make you uncomfortable, for which I apologize."

Celie lowered her head slightly, as an apology:
"Let's get down to business, you must be very curious to know why I know you are from Earth. You don't need to ask, I can see it."

So the apology just now was purely superficial...

"It's true that very few people know about your existence, but it's not that no one knows about it at all. Judging from your performance just now, there should be people in Eastern China who know about it."

She paused:
"Jie Xian?"

The pronunciation is somewhat weird, and it sounds like a foreigner speaking Chinese.This means that the "Language Pendant" carried by Lin Tianci did not take effect when she said the word "Jie Xian".

"Sorry, my pronunciation is not standard enough. No one here can teach me how to say Chinese. There are only phonetic symbols on paper, so there are inevitably some mistakes."

Does this girl who calls herself the Blue Fairy know too much?
Leticia, who is also in Dosu, and the others have only heard of the existence of monks, while Meili of Serviala has never heard of the word monk. They all regard Lin Tianci as a magician with a different style of painting. There is no concept of a monk at all.

Sai Li is different, she not only knows the monks, but also knows about Jie Xian.

"Those who can transcend the existence of the world should have discovered where you came from, and they should even know that there is something called a 'system' attached to you."

Brother Lin couldn't help it now, he even knew about the system?
But before he could speak, Sally interrupted again:

"Compared to the fact that you are from Earth, the existence of the system is no secret. You will come from Earth to the multiverse world, a certain witch... Oh, it seems that you have heard of it."

Is my expression that obvious?
Lin Tianci has put on a poker face as much as possible, without showing any expression.

"It seems that you do know some of the whole story, but it is impossible to know the whole picture."

Lin Tianci was finally able to answer the call, and hurriedly asked:

"you know?"

"Of course, I shouldn't have told you this, doesn't matter."

Sally hesitated, then said:

"From the beginning, a certain witch is the manager of the world. This position has existed since the beginning of the world. It can only be held by mortals, but it is more like a god than those gods who need believers."

This has already been heard from the Immortal Good Fortune.

"Although it is more like a god than a god, it is not a god after all. From the beginning of the world to the present, it has been hundreds of millions, billions, billions, tens of billions? Perhaps no one knows how many years, and a certain witch has naturally experienced countless tasks. "

Lin Tianci was taken aback:
"...there is still a term of office?"

Sally shook her head:

"There is no fixed term, but as I said just now, a certain witch can only be taken over by a mortal, and the mind of a mortal cannot withstand the torture of time. A certain witch is just a title, it does not mean that she must be a woman, according to my opinion For the record, there are also cases of asexually reproduced intelligent creatures and hermaphroditic intelligent creatures taking over. When this witch gets tired of managing the world, she will start preparing for the next candidate."

She pointed to Lin Tianci:
"You are the candidate, to be precise, one of the candidates."

Are there many more?
"The thing you call a system can be regarded as the embodiment of destiny. It can do many incredible things. The simplest example, you should be able to use it to view the information of all objects in the world."

But the system can't see the brick.

Sai Li didn't seem to know this, and Lin Tianci suddenly felt like he was winning back.

——Still childish.

"To be able to identify all things, the premise is that you know enough about all things. It will be more difficult to explain it in words. In the words of your Eastern Shenzhou, the system can be regarded as a part of the way of heaven."

Wait, so the way of heaven is so unreliable?

But these are Saili's one-sided remarks, and Lin Tianci is not so naive as to completely trust a person he met for the first time.

"Believe it or not, I'm just dictating what I know."

Damn, I was seen through again...

"A certain witch will distribute the system to the next candidate of a certain witch. There are a total of [-] candidates who are at the same time as you, and only two of them are from the earth. This is the first time that a certain witch has distributed the system to the earth. people."

"You just said there were two..."

After traveling through time, can we still meet fellow villagers from the earth?

"His name is An Jianguo. Based on your experience, you should have heard of him in the Four Dharma Kings' team."

The name is really a play.

"An Jianguo, like you, also comes from the earth, and is also one of the candidates for a certain witch, but he is not now, and has returned to the earth some time ago. Unfortunately, I also want to meet him."

"Can I go back?"

"He returned dead."


Sai Li kept staring at the pages of the book on the table while speaking, and turned a page:
"He came from the earth, and of course his soul will go back to the earth after death."

Lin Tianci himself didn't know, he was different.

Back then when he went to pick up Linglong from the underworld, Lin Tianci had left his name on the Sansheng Stone. To put it bluntly, he had completely changed his household registration.

"The candidate for a certain witch is definitely not the gold medal for avoiding death. Don't think that you are the protagonist of a kingly story. All candidates are just a part of the multiverse world. No one can tell what will happen to you. In fact, there are only five candidates alive today."

Celie seemed to think about it for a while and said:

"Two of them are women. One has become a housewife, and her five-year-old child is secretly dating a lover behind her husband's back. However, her husband has also noticed it, and it won't be long before she hides it. The other voluntarily gave up her status as a candidate. She used to be a princess, but because of the outbreak of revolution in the country, her father was too extortionate and was kicked out of the throne. Even she herself should be living in hiding now. I believe it is only a matter of time before she is discovered. He was raped many times by angry people and finally sent to the guillotine.”


"What? Do you think it's indecent for a woman like me to say the word rape? I'm just stating the facts."

Can you count as a woman?

Less than 1.4 meters tall, no matter how you look at it, she is just a little girl...

Of course, don't get too into the real age.

"The other two are men. One made his fortune by reselling antiques with the system's appraisal ability, but he offended many people, so he should be killed in the near future. The other is a pure adventurer, but his strength is too weak , if you let him deal with it, he may not last for five seconds, or even win or lose in an instant."

How do you feel that the candidates for a certain witch are all hot chickens?

Wait, if you say that, it seems that you have involved yourself...

"The last one is you, and the most likely candidate to take over from a certain witch."

Hearing what Sai Li said, Lin Tianci felt...


After all, he didn't even know what kind of existence a certain witch was, so he became a candidate inexplicably, and even he could time travel because of this.

"Whether you are willing to take over is your business, but whether to choose you as a candidate is the business of a certain witch, and there is no conflict between the two."

Seeming to be seen through by Sai Li again, she continued:

"The condition for selecting candidates is not combat power, but compatibility is the most important thing. Although everyone can obtain the system, those who may become candidates have very high requirements for compatibility."

Then he changed his tone:
"A certain witch doesn't need to be invincible in combat power, but she can't be completely invincible, so among the remaining candidates, you have the highest chance of taking office."

Spreading her hands, Sally said:

"How about it, did you solve some of your doubts?"

No, obviously there are more problems...

"Where can I find a certain witch?"

"Oh, it really is this problem. I can tell you very clearly."

Sally pressed her chin:

"A certain witch lives at the end of billions of times, at the other end of billions of spaces."

"What do you mean?"

"It means don't think about it, no one can find her unless she is willing to show herself."

Lin Tianci calmed down, feeling that the amount of information he had just obtained was a bit large, and Sai Li pointed to the surrounding books:
"Just find a place to sit, I don't have any chairs here to entertain guests."

Lin Tianci hesitated for a moment, and sat down on a pile of books diagonally across from the desk at a similar height.

"All the information just now can be regarded as a free meeting gift from me."

Sally retreated a little, stretched out her hand to open the desk drawer, and took out a piece of azure blue crystal that was only the size of a thumb, which looked like the highest specification blue crystal.

"As far as I know, many monks have recently traveled to various planes of the multiverse world. You came to the kingdom of fairies to find this fragment."

The extremely blue brilliant star exudes royal blue aura on the table, and against the background, Sai Li's long blue hair seems to have an extra layer of filter:
"I'm neither evil nor kind. I have something in my hand, but I can't give it away for nothing."

She smiled for the first time:
"I like trading."

Lin Tianci thought about it and said:

"what do you want?"



"Intelligence, intelligence that I don't know."

Sally said:
"Blue represents knowledge and wisdom. Those mortals outside call me the omniscient, omniscient, omniscient blue goblin, but I can't really be omniscient. There are too many multiverse worlds that I don't know I don’t know anything about the secrets of your Eastern Shenzhou, or the earth you came from.”

After a short pause, he said again:

"To me, you are like an undiscovered treasure trove, with countless information that I don't know. If you agree to my proposal, you will get more than just this fragment..."

She pointed to her head:
"There is also the intelligence support from the 'blue fairy on the clock tower'. Maybe you don't know that there is not only such a fragment in the kingdom of fairies."

(End of this chapter)

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