The long fairy road is wonderful

Chapter 611 The fight finally started

Chapter 611 The fight finally started

The level of power in this plane of Sevilla is really low. Lin Tianci is already considered a particularly powerful adventurer here, and Mei Li has few opponents in the church, except for some particularly strong knight leaders. , ordinary members can't beat her at all.

It can be said that Meili is so strong but she is still excluded everywhere, which shows how serious the discrimination against women is in this dimension, and how serious machismo is...

Closer to home, the ranks of soldiers are generally around 15-20, which is equivalent to the ninth rank of the human rank in the evaluation method of Eastern Shenzhou.

Of course, this conversion is very unreliable. After all, the two systems are different and cannot be fully applied.

In terms of the single-person ability of the soldiers, they are still better than the soldiers of the Bangguo in Eastern China. After all, there are so many monsters in this plane, and ordinary people live under the shadow of monsters every day. Even children have to receive militia training. The level is higher.

But in terms of a higher force value, this is completely useless, and it is still not as good as an adventurer who licks blood all day long.

When soldiers deal with monsters, they will choose to use their superiority in numbers to formulate a tactical encirclement, and use the strength of the army to encircle and suppress them.

But the banquet hall is too small, and the military formation can't be deployed at all.The sharp alienated claws of the devil can easily tear the armor of soldiers, and they come up to give away heads.

Perhaps they themselves knew this, so they chose not to intervene in Brother Lin and Meili, but ran from the sidelines to surround and protect the two VIPs, Elfala and the golden-haired nobleman.

They seem to want to transfer Elfala, as the so-called son of a daughter, can't sit still.As an important figure in the country, safety is the first priority.

However, Efala did not rush out under the protection of the soldiers. She knew very well that once she started to move, the devil would definitely chase after her. Instead of being attacked while moving, causing Brother Lin and Meili to be rescued in time, it is better to just Stay where you are, and wait for things to end.

This girl does have something, and she looks very calm compared to the golden-haired nobleman beside her who can't stand up now.

And the most important thing is Lin Tianci and Meili who are the main force...

Then I feel like a dog.

The devil is too resistant to beating, and the attack method is not so much an intelligent creature, it is better to say that it is similar to a mad dog.

Except for Lin Tianci's sleeping point and the two demons trapped by the black ice net, there is no threat for the time being, the other four demons are not afraid of pain or injury at all. Go through and attack Elfala.

Although they were blocked or shot back by brother Lin and Mei Li every time, it was indeed a bit difficult to subdue them.

The so-called demonization feels more like lifting the protection lock that comes with the human body, allowing them to exert abilities far beyond normal people.

Every time Brother Lin wants to subdue one, there will always be other demons trying to break through. For this reason, he has to abandon the demons he is dealing with and turn around to deal with those who are trying to break through.

It's the same with Meili, and because Meili is wearing heavy armor, her movement speed is much slower than that of the devil, so she often needs the help of Brother Lin to stop the devil. No wonder he feels that he loses everything.

In the final analysis, there are still not enough manpower.

One more person is fine, even if you can't beat the demon, as long as you can entangle the opponent for a while, the situation will be very different.Lin Tianci and Meili can take the opportunity to settle the demons at hand. As long as they reduce the number of demons, the rest will be much easier.

Having said that, Brother Lin actually began to miss the stone soldier talisman that was damaged in the ancient elf ruins back then. With that thing, it can be blocked to some extent.

But there is no stone soldier talisman, brother Lin has something else.

Stopping the devil trying to break through again, Brother Lin gritted his teeth and took out the talisman box from the pocket of his long skirt.

When disguising as a noble lady, of course, you can't hang a dimensional pocket and a charm box on your waist, these things are put in the pocket of the long skirt by him.

"Heavenly Soldiers are here!"

The yellow talisman was released, and it immediately turned into a dazzling human-shaped aura.

This Celestial Soldiers Talisman is really painful to use, because the yield rate of the Celestial Soldiers Talisman is very low, and it is too difficult to make. Lin Tianci made a total of three pieces, and used one at the Yunxian Puja. This is the first Two.

The dazzling aura quickly turned into auspicious clouds, and then saw the spear shake in the clouds, smashing the clouds that blocked his vision, revealing a golden figure.

Wearing a golden armor with cloud patterns, a helmet with phoenix wings and sparrow feathers on his head, red silver beast-faced shoes on his feet, a demon-killing gun in his hand, and a demon-killing sword hanging on his waist.

This is the Heavenly Soldiers.

The Heavenly Soldiers summoned by the Heavenly Soldiers Talisman are either male or female, and the probability is random, depending on which Heavenly Soldiers respond to the call.

Moreover, the Heavenly Soldiers recruited are not the Heavenly Soldiers themselves, but just projections of power. It is very convenient for the IQ to be able to understand more complicated orders.

The Immortal Good Fortune said that little brother Lin has good luck, which is true. Not only can he meet beauties everywhere, even the ones recruited by the Heavenly Soldiers Talisman are heroic girls.

But don't underestimate her, the strength of the heavenly soldiers is about the same, and they are very proficient in slaying demons and demons.

Lin Tianci pointed to the attacking demon, and ordered to the heavenly soldiers:

"Conquer him, try not to hurt his life"

The elemental creatures or golems summoned by mages can't understand such complicated commands. They can only understand simple and easy-to-understand commands like 'attack' and 'defense'. From this aspect, it is not unreasonable that the heavenly soldier talisman is difficult to do. .

After receiving the order, Tianbing danced a gun flower:


Then he held up the demon-killing gun and used it as a long stick to stop the demon man from attacking.

But Brother Lin was not calm anymore.

Heavenly Soldiers shouldn't be able to speak!
After all, what this thing attracts is only the power projection of the Heavenly Soldiers, not the Heavenly Soldiers themselves, just like asking for help from the Immortal Jie with a magic talisman, what is invited is only the power of the Immortal Jie, not the Immortal Jie.

Now that he didn't have time to think about what was going on, Lin Tianci tore off the hem of the skirt that was in the way with a stab, and jumped towards another demon.

With the addition of Tianbing, the battle situation became much clearer immediately, and it was much easier to fight four against three than four against two.

It is estimated that in another ten seconds, Lin Tianci and the others will be able to deal with these guys who suddenly turned into demons, and wait for a while to study how the heavenly soldiers can talk.

The only miscalculation is that the apostle who was lurking was not found. Perhaps Efala made a mistake and the apostle did not come to the banquet at all. Among the guests, it may also be that the apostle was very cunning and saw that it was a dragon banquet, so he gave up directly. The nobles who were originally possessed let a group of unlucky people who were buried in the beacon of the soul and controlled by it come and try.

In any case, with the help of the heavenly soldiers, it is only a matter of time, and the combat power of the heavenly soldiers is still overwhelming for the devil.

The weapons of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals have special effects on demons and heretics. In the past, the most important enemies of Heavenly Soldiers Talismans were monsters that cannibalize and kill people, but later they were replaced by evil cultivators.

The demon-killing gun is used as a stick, and the demon that can be smoked with one blow is full of black smoke. This is a sign that the evil force has been dispelled. A few more hits may dispel the demon.

At this time, the demon man who was slapped into the wall by Lin Tianci before let out a roar, which was different from the meaningless roar before. The ice net bound the still struggling demons and stopped moving. Circles of black smoke-like gas floated out of them, rushing towards the roaring demons, even the female knight who was knocked into a sleeping hole and passed out No exception.

The layer of black mist left the body, and the characteristics of demonization also dissipated, and it seemed to become a human again.But the source of the black smoke is different.

He was originally a short and fat nobleman, and after turning into a demon, he looked like a round black ball, but at this moment, with the sound of his muscles and bones breaking, he was forcibly raised a lot, from short and fat to a tall Tall and strong.

The skin and clothes fell off together, revealing pale pink muscle tissue, the head had completely lost its human appearance, it looked like a skeleton covered in blood foam, and rows of sharp bone knives grew from all over the body.

Now standing in front of them is not a demon, but a complete monster.

Brother Lin let out a sigh:


It does look a bit like a demon. Could it be that the so-called demons still have some collusion with the evil cultivators?

With many thoughts in mind, Mei Li and Tian Bing, who realized that the situation was different, stood in front of Lin Tianci one by one.Although there is nothing wrong with it, these two girls regard Lin Tianci as a target to be protected, so it still feels a bit painful...

The monster suspected of being a demon roared again, and the strong wind mixed with the strong bloody smell made it almost impossible to open your eyes.

Mei Li seemed to regard the Celestial Soldiers as summoned creatures like water elements, but she didn't care about her, but looked at the monster that seemed to be roaring in pain and said:
"He is hopeless, let's send him back to the embrace of the goddess as soon as possible."

Demonization will overdraw the body, and it is difficult to completely eradicate the power of the demons, but it is not completely hopeless, but it has become a monster, then there is really nothing to do.

Said, Meili raised the newly forged long sword in her hand, the golden sacred diamond was inlaid on the hilt, shining a strong and peaceful holy light.

The monster seemed to be very afraid of this kind of light, and just now he had a stern attitude. The moment the light appeared, he actually covered his small eyes that were disproportionate to his body with his hands, and retreated step by step with the intensity of the holy light.

"Close your eyes, Light of Heaven!"

Fortunately, Meili said something in advance, otherwise little brother Lin would definitely be flashed. The strong holy light seemed to be able to penetrate the eyelids, even if the eyes were closed, the eyes felt white, and at the same time, there was a monster's painful roar.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Lin Tianci opened his eyes, and saw that in the fading light, his heavenly soldiers took the lead, piercing the monster's heart with a straight spear.

Big handfuls of blood mixed with black mist-like evil force poured out from the wound, like a water balloon with an opening.

Of course, Brother Lin didn't just watch, he followed the Heavenly Soldier, jumped into the air, jumped on top of the monster's head, took out a brick from his pocket and smashed it down.

Originally, the monster wanted to resist, trying to grab the heavenly soldier with its big claws, but the fact that it would be dizzy after being hit hard on the head, did not change much, and the attacking movement couldn't help but stop.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tianbing let go of the demon-killing gun and pulled out the demon-killing sword.

With a flash of sword light, the bloody monster's head was easily chopped off at a height of more than two meters. The remnant body swayed and fell backwards, layers of black mist disappeared in the remaining holy light... …

(End of this chapter)

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