Chapter 602
The more you use your brain, the faster your sugar will be consumed.In his previous life, little brother Lin had seen a ruthless person who brought a bottle of glucose as a drink during the exam, and he didn't know if it was really useful or purely psychological.

But that has nothing to do with what happens next.

Meili's current situation is very bad. The police are cooperating with the work on the surface because of face problems, and they are secretly investigating on their own to try to claim credit first.

The Knights didn't believe Mei Li's report at all, and used it as material to attack her.Since you said that an apostle came in, how about you find it?

In addition, the person who died this time had some dirty contacts with many nobles, and they all tried to prevent the police from getting to the bottom of the dead.

There were few clues, and they were completely uncooperative in all aspects. Without Brother Lin's help, Meili would be fighting alone, and she would still be caught in the middle.

In short, Baidao's power is unreliable.

But change the way of thinking, since Bai Dao is unreliable, can you consider wandering on the edge of gray or simply being a force like gangsters?
This is the black and white checkered cake's reminder to Brother Lin.

——Although he really wanted to eat it.

In this regard, Brother Lin's first thought was the White Hands Association, an intelligence organization that claims to spread all over the multiverse world.

It really broadened my horizons when I took an adventure with Redicia and the others. The White Hands Association is not a small organization. They are the oldest and powerful intelligence agency with the longest history.

Spend a few dollars to find them to buy some information, even if it is impossible to catch people directly, it is more or less a clue.

But after Brother Lin asked Mei Li, the other party said that he didn't know what the White Hands Association was...

It seems that the White Hands Association does not have a branch in Seville. After all, they sell information. It is true that ordinary people cannot find it, but they should have heard of it.

Since I haven't heard of it, it means that Sevilla has no trace of their activities.

Then there are not many executable options.

The law and order in Nordhalan is very good, not to mention the gangsters, the gangsters don't even have the opportunity to bully men and women to collect protection fees, they can only earn two money by reselling theater tickets as scalpers, it is really difficult...

However, these rotten people who hang out on the street sometimes know some information that the government does not know. It's better to go in one direction than to stand still.

As for where to find these people, it depends on Meili.

Because of the lack of cooperation from the police earlier, all Mei Li could do was to wait for new victims to appear, and go to the street to drag suspicious-looking guys to the police station.

The gangsters who do not do business all day and have no job are naturally frequent visitors to the police station. A good arrest operation made Meili helpless to fight crime and evil, which is considered talented.

However, this group of people has never done anything harmful, at most it is petty theft or reselling theater tickets, because the laws of Nolde Harland are not sound enough, and the latter is strictly speaking not at all. Illegal, at most, is a moral issue. If you are caught in the police station and stay for two days, you will be released. Maybe they will use the detention center as a free hotel.

Because she had the experience of leading the police to arrest people before, Mei Li also knew where to find them, so the two of them walked around the streets after a while, and they had to go in and scan any hidden street corners or alleys, and ask them if they were there. Didn't notice any weird people or anything like that.

Of course, some of these guys are not very cooperative...

That would be easier.

Not to mention Meili, it's okay for little brother Lin to beat up these stern-looking guys. If he can't beat him, it's better to give up his cultivation and go home to be his young master of the Lin family, who has a better future.

"Talking" all the way over the past, almost 30 people were almost beaten up, but there was still no key information.

This is an option with a relatively low success rate, and it is a method that has no solution, and it is reasonable to have no information.

So brother Lin changed the way of asking, who has the best news?
Now there is a clue, Lin Tianci and Mei Li got a name named 'Raul', the punks who had been beaten several times said that he had the best information, that is, when asked about the guy named 'Raul' Somewhere, they said this guy got into trouble again yesterday.

The two had no choice but to leave behind a bunch of punks screaming for pain, and went straight to the police station.

By the way, despite being beaten badly, Lin Tianci's strikes were still very measured, not only did not hurt the muscles and bones, but even had the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis under the effect of mana.

Of course, pain is definitely pain.

When he got to the place, Brother Lin found out that this police station happened to be the one he was imprisoned in last time, and it was really a coincidence.

Although this kind of fate is not worth mentioning.

As I said before, these little gangsters are not really big treacherous people, and they are arrested for light crimes, and visits are not prohibited.

What's more, Meili is not only a knight and aristocrat, but also has the authority to cooperate with the police. It is only a matter of saying a word to see a gangster who is locked in the detention center.

Walking to the cell in the basement of the police station, Mei Li briefly negotiated with the guard, who immediately pointed to a 'cage' in the deepest part and said:

"It's in the innermost cell. The cells outside were full yesterday, so Raul wasn't in the cell he often goes to."

From this description, it can be seen that Raul is a frequent visitor to the police station, and he is out of habit.

The lights in the underground cell were not dim, but it looked a little cold. Lin Tianci went to the innermost cell and took a look. The so-called Raul was still an acquaintance.

His acquaintances in this world, apart from Meili, are the unlucky ones who were beaten twice by him and forced to give out some 'paint'...

This is the short one, the tall one is not there.

The other party obviously heard the footsteps, and when he saw Lin Tianci standing outside, he still had a playful smile on his face:

"My lord, are you imprisoned again?"

Why do you say again...

But Brother Lin ignored him, but took out two talismans from the talisman box, and pasted them on both sides of the cell, one on the left and the other on the right.

When the talisman is pasted, a translucent wall-like object pops up, separating this cell from the others.

This is a soundproof note, a gadget of Bapin.

It is not suitable to publicize the apostle's affairs, which can easily cause panic. This is also one of the reasons why the nobles who are worried about the incident will put pressure on the police. The stall put pressure on the police, if it was misunderstood that there was collusion with the demons, it would be enough for everyone in the family to lose their heads.

Seeing Lin Tianci's actions, Raul suddenly felt a shock in his heart.

It feels like Lin Tianci doesn't look like he's about to be imprisoned.

Especially when he saw Mei Li and the guards walking through the barrier made of sound-proof symbols, he felt even more nervous.

Raul swallowed:
"My lord, are you...?"

Lin Tianci moved the chair placed by the side of the cell over without any hassle, sat on it upside down, put his hands on the back of the chair, and said calmly:
"It's Raul, right? Don't be afraid, we just want to ask you for some information."

This situation cannot but be frightening.

Meili stood behind Brother Lin like the guards, and said:
"We want to ask you, have you seen any strange outsiders on the streets in the past three months?"

"My lord knight, you see, I'm just a bastard, I don't know about such things."

Lin Tianci continued:

"But other people didn't say that. They told me that Raul was the most well-informed."

I scolded those colleagues who said this in my heart, and Raul had to put a smile on his face again:
"My lord, I really don't know. It's impossible for me to stare at the city gate all day long in a city as big as Nolde Harlan."

"So you've been watching?"


The policeman next to him interjected:

"Their targets are mainly country folks with little knowledge, and they use their first time to come to Nolde Haaland and don't know anything to cheat people's money."

Brother Lin squeezed his fingers when he heard this:
"That's a little too much, don't you think?"

The policeman was also very cooperative and said:

"I can be deaf and blind for a few minutes, you can do whatever you want."

It seems that the police also can't understand their behavior, but sometimes people who are cheated not only don't report the crime, but help the scammers to speak up, which is very difficult for the police.

Under the threat of being beaten, Raul showed a smile that was uglier than crying:
"I really don't know, my lord, even if you kill me, I can't tell you what I don't know."

This question was inherently difficult, but Brother Lin did not continue to insist, but asked again:
"Then are there any weird rumors on the street recently?"

"Except for the murder in which many people were killed, there is nothing unusual about it."

Mei Li and Lin Tianci looked at each other, and the former asked:
"What do you know about murder?"

"Master Knight, is it inappropriate for you to ask me, the police officer next to me obviously knows more."

"Stop being so talkative, just say what you want."

Raul really doesn't know much about this. He only knows that many people died in a row, and many brothers who hang out on the street are also a little scared and have been hiding recently.It is also known that a knight is in charge of the investigation, and the police are not very cooperative.

This embarrassed the policeman nearby, but Mei Li knew what was going on.

After asking and asking, I didn't ask anything critical, so it seemed like a waste of time.

Meili was somewhat discouraged, she turned to ask the policeman next to her:

"What did this man do again?"

Maybe it was a little embarrassing just now, but the police did not hide it, and said happily:
"He sold a bag of gems to a jewelry store, and there was a quarrel in the store because the price couldn't be negotiated."

"Just because of this?"

"The main reason is that he couldn't prove the origin of the bag of gems. We suspect it was stolen."

That's true, a gangster who has been in the scalper business all day, suddenly got a bag of gems, and he has a lot of criminal records, of course the police will be suspicious.

"Mr. Police Officer, it's really not stolen. I picked it up. There is no law that stipulates that you have to hand over things you pick up, right?"

The policeman shrugged:

"He has always insisted that he picked it up, so he will be locked up for two days. If someone comes to report the crime, we will return the gem to the owner. If no one reports the crime, he really picked it up... Anyway, he is not a good person. Shut up A few days is not wrong."

That's right, anyway, he is a frequent visitor to the police station, so he is not wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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