The long fairy road is wonderful

Chapter 188 Eight Forks

Chapter 188 Eight Forked Roads
The ancient elves, like monks, have extremely long lifespans.

In Qixia Valley before, Ran Qinglian mentioned that her elf senior sister has a life expectancy of 500 years even if she has never practiced.

However, the life span of the ancient elves is three times that of modern ordinary elves, that is, 1500 years.

Like many creatures with extremely long lifespans, the most worrying thing for the ancient elves every day is how to kill a lot of boring time.

So they made a lot of creations and mechanisms that outsiders would think are "damn mentally retarded", and the reason is very purely for fun.

By the way, the ancient elves are almost half-energy creatures, they don't need to eat to survive by absorbing free energy, so there is no risk of diarrhea...

Lin Tianci walked along the spiral downward staircase, which was so long that it seemed that he had walked for a long time without seeing the end, which made him wonder if he was going around in circles.

It was not until more than half an hour later that he saw the exit of the stairs, and beyond the exit was a straight corridor.

There are almost exactly the same size and shape rooms on both sides of the corridor. Lin Tianci opened a few and looked at them, they looked like guest rooms.

The only thing worth noting is that the guest rooms are highly modernized. Apart from the lack of computers and TVs, it feels better than the house that Brother Lin rented in his previous life. He really can't imagine what kind of race built this house. For the castle, at least he knew that the builder's technological level was several blocks ahead of Eastern Shenzhou.

— or not science...

So far, Lin Tianci has not seen any living person, nor has he seen any living thing. The whole ruins are like a tombstone buried by time, only dead silence.

In any case, Lin Tianci came here to find the key left by the Immortal Good Fortune, not for archaeology, and he is not very interested in who built the ruins.

And the question is the key.

He didn't know where the key was placed by the Immortal Good Fortune, and he didn't even know what the so-called key was.

This castle is obviously the same as the cave of the immortal boss, using the technology of space expansion, otherwise the staircase he just walked down would have far exceeded the height of the castle.

Looking for a key that doesn't even know what it looks like in such an area with space expansion and unknown area is troublesome no matter how you think about it.

Brother Lin didn't go back home, mainly because he was a little curious about the treasure that the Immortal Good Fortune asked him to fetch. From a functional point of view, it should be something that can help him a lot.

But there are too many such things, natural materials, earthly treasures, magic weapons and spells, even if analyzed from the effect of suppressing dragon veins, there are many choices.

There is a kind of fun to explore in the ruins.

This is the basis of RPG games, and it is a great interest in the genre that many people do not tire of.

But the real exploration of the ruins is completely different from sitting in front of the computer and playing games. At least you use your own feet to walk, and because you are very unfamiliar with the surrounding environment, who knows what weird stuff there is, Xiao Lin Brother can be said to have maintained the greatest vigilance along the way.

Walking through the corridor with such trepidation, another golden gate with a height of more than ten meters appeared in front of him, with the golden world tree pattern still painted on it.

Same as when he came in before, this door is also an automatic door. When Lin Tianci approaches, the door will automatically open left and right.

It's just that it may have been in disrepair for a long time, and the condition of the door is not very good. It only opened a crack and then got stuck.

But this gap alone is enough for a normal-sized person to pass through, so it doesn't matter.

After passing through the gate, what appeared in front of Lin Tianci was a rather wide space, which looked like a hall, but this hall was really too big.

It is over a thousand square meters, and the ceiling also uses the technique of space folding, folding the endless starry sky, and the stars are shining brightly.

Brother Lin came in from the left side of the hall. Looking to the right, he could see an unusually huge throne.

The height of its seat is not too exaggerated, it is just a little difficult to sit on it with Lin Tianci's height, but its backrest is so high that you have to raise your head to see the top.

On both sides of the back of the throne extending upwards in a sword shape, there are scarlet flags more than ten meters high, fluttering with the wind under some unknown force. The blue, yellow, and white triangles on the flag form a special pattern, as if slowly rotating .

If you look to the left, you can see a wide corridor with a gauze-like curtain. Lin Tianci lifted the gauze curtain and looked at it. At the end of the corridor is also a gate.

Thinking about the shape of the castle for a while, he felt that the gate also led to the outside of the castle, so Lin Tianci ignored it and looked up at the throne in the hall.

"Who is such a big chair for?"

Linglong couldn't help complaining.

The two little monks knew nothing about the history and customs of the ancient elves, and they couldn't understand what a great person this castle belonged to, but at least they knew that the huge throne in front of them was very valuable.

It is inlaid with carefully cut gems of various colors, which is extraordinarily luxurious.

"It is estimated that no one will come here. Do you have any gemstones you like? Dig up two and take them away?"

Linglong wrinkled her little nose and said:
"I don't like it, it's too vulgar."

For Eastern Shenzhou people who like a reserved and restrained style, the decoration style of the throne is simply vulgar and smells like copper.

Although Brother Lin thinks the throne is quite gorgeous, since Linglong doesn't like gems, she doesn't plan to dig two pieces as a souvenir.

The gems on the throne are all pure gems, and their function is to throw them into the jewelry store to exchange for silver. Brother Lin is not short of money. Anyway, the silver tickets on his body are enough for him to happily travel all over Eastern China, so he has no idea about these gems.

For monks, ordinary people's money is really not very attractive, what if they don't have money when traveling in the world of mortals?
It's simple, just ask if there are any robbers in the grass nearby, and go and grab the robbers and that's it...

— Criminals have no human rights.

Compared with the throne, the flag on the side of the throne attracted the attention of Lin Tianci and Linglong more. After several minutes of research, they finally decided that this thing could only be blown by the power of magic, and besides the visual effect, it had no effect. what other role...

To put it bluntly, it is used to pretend.

There were only so many things in the hall, so Lin Tianci turned his attention to the opposite side of the hall. There was also a door directly opposite the corridor he came in. Behind the door was also a straight corridor.

What little brother Lin didn't know was that it would be a very clear choice for him not to make a move on the throne today, because there are also guards in the ruins, and anyone who tries to take away the items in the ruins will be regarded as An endless enemy.


The corridor on the opposite side is almost exactly the same as the corridor that Brother Lin walked through before, both in terms of shape and the rooms on both sides. It is a mirror image arrangement of a symmetrical structure.

And after he passed through this corridor, there were as many as eight forks in front of him.

"It's...the maze again?"

Standing at the intersection and looking around, Brother Lin felt his egg hurt.

The so-called maze, treasure, and monster are actually the three basic elements of RPG. Any role-playing game has these three types or variants.

Originally, monks are not very afraid of the maze, after all, the six senses are very keen, as long as they walk through it once, they can clearly remember which side is a dead end and which side is not.

Little brother Lin felt the egg hurt because when he saw the maze, he remembered that he had played too much in the Tuxingzong before, and the whole thing collapsed...

This worry is a bit superfluous, because after he chose the leftmost fork and walked in, he realized that this is an ordinary maze. Except for many forks and dead ends, there is nothing worth mentioning in terms of difficulty. place.To be honest, Lin Tianci felt that the difficulty of this maze was not as high as that of the Xinxin Pavilion.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the area of ​​the maze is really big and scary.

Brother Lin wandered around inside for an hour, but he never came out. It wasn't that he wasted too much time circling the dead end, but that the scale of the maze was just that big.

In addition to the scale, the height and width of the maze are amazing. The width is enough to accommodate five carriages driving side by side, and there is still a lot of space, and the height exceeds 20 meters.

Walking through such a huge building, except for Linglong, there is no living thing around (although Linglong is not considered alive), it will inevitably make people feel a little hairy.

"When will I be able to see the head..."

Brother Lin looked at the corridor that was still extending out and sighed, then used the palm fan to blow away the dust on the ground, and sat down in the corridor.

He has been walking for more than an hour, and he has exhausted some physical strength. Compared with physical exhaustion, what is more ridiculous is that there is no end in sight.

The golden lights on both sides of the wall made his shadow thick and short, the jade pendant flashed, and Linglong's voice came out:
"The relics of the West are like this, and the style depends entirely on the size."

I just learned a new word from Lin Tianci, Linglong is called applying what I have learned.

Although it feels like Lin Tianci led him to the wrong.

"By the way, you often say that the Dakong faction has some connections with the West. I remember that the Dakong faction is in the north of Eastern China. There seems to be no port dedicated to trade with the West."

Residents of Eastern China are still wary of merchant ships from the west. Many ports in the north refuse to trade with them, and only allow them to stop for supplies. Only some ports in the south are open to them.

"Of course I heard it from the ghost in the west."

Could it be that ghosts from the west also want to reincarnate in the underworld of Eastern China?How is this different from beheading the officials of this dynasty with the sword of the previous dynasty?
The Dakong faction is in the capital of ghosts, in the gap between the underworld and the yang world, and occasionally sees some western ghosts. Of course, the matter of reincarnation is not under the control of Yama of the Ten Temples of Eastern China. They have their own gods of death.

After untiing the gourd around his waist and taking a sip of wine, Brother Lin took out the pipe and planned to smoke a pouch to rest and chat.

Just then, he heard a strange sound.


The sound was like the sound of bubbles from a viscous liquid, and the sound seemed very close...

(End of this chapter)

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