Daoxing Xianyuan

Chapter 164 Completion of Studies

Chapter 164 Completion of Studies
Yu Wei is handsome, hardworking, calm and popular.In the first semester, there were girls from the same class or other classes who intentionally approached her and expressed their love. Unfortunately, since they were already here, they had no ambitions, so they had to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and talked about it from left to right.As a result, he was discussed privately by all the girls and was nicknamed "Wooden Talent".Once when Yu Wei, Xuan Zhen and other five people got together in the villa, Ding Shu introduced Yu Wei's nickname vividly, and everyone burst into laughter.

Xuanzhen became interested, and joked to Dingshu: "Dingshu, don't be complacent, you also have a bandit number, and people call you 'cold-faced beauty'!" It turned out that Dingshu's suitors lined up, but Dingshu has always been cold to others, hence the nickname.

Ding Shu rolled his eyes at Xuan Zhen, and said, "It's cold if it's cold!"

"Ah, it's still cold, aren't you afraid of being a bachelor for the rest of your life?" Xuan Zhen deliberately exclaimed.

Dingshu blushed, glanced at Yuwei, and said to Xuanzhen: "Don't worry about it!"

Xuanzhen let Dingshu go, changed his target, and talked about Xiyun.Xuanzhen said: "Brother Xuanhua, Senior Sister Dingshu, one of you is cold and the other is stupid, that's all. Senior Sister Xi Yun is amazing, she is a 'lyric master', amazing!" It turned out that Xi Yun thought that he had no experience. After love, not long after entering school, he accepted the pursuit of his classmates and started dating them.It's a pity that Xi Yun couldn't find the feeling, and her boyfriend changed one after another, but she couldn't find the "sweet" feeling.After hearing Xuanzhen's explanation, everyone burst into laughter.Xi Yun also found it funny, and giggled endlessly.

After laughing for a while, Yu Wei said to Xi Yun: "Senior sister, love is a voluntary matter between both parties. I'm afraid you can't do this?"

Xi Yun said earnestly: "They chase me, and I'm willing too. Isn't this both voluntary?"

Yu Wei sighed: "Oh, it doesn't work anyway, so let's do it another way. Let me ask you, are you interested in that man? Do you want to be with him every day? If you don't, you will feel restless. Yes. Is this the case?"

Xi Yun thought about it for a while, and said: "No, why do you have to be together every day, aren't you annoying?"

Yu Wei smiled and said: "It's over now, Senior Sister, let me tell you the truth, since you don't have someone you like, why are you dating?"

"As long as you understand!" Xi Yun also rolled her eyes at Wei, but judging by her expression, she still believed what Yu Wei said.

Xi Yun Dingshu is busy experiencing the mundane world, Dingyao concentrates on the courses, and is determined to become a formation master, but thinking of the master's teachings, he also pays attention to experiencing the society.Xuanzhen is cynical, often misses classes, does not do business, and is more particular about eating and drinking.Delicious and good chef, in the end, Xuan Zhen really cooked good dishes.Every time five people get together, Xuanzhen has to show off his skills, and when everyone praises him, his eyes will form a line of laughter.Yu Wei worked hard and was a frequent visitor to the library, not only in the library of this school, but also in libraries of other schools, Yongwen City, and many libraries in Tianming Kingdom.Two years later, Yu Wei finished his eight-year university courses.

Yu Wei applied for the transfer exam and got a high score.Historically, the shortest time for the physics transfer exam was four years, and Yu Wei passed the exam in two years, which attracted the attention of the Tianming Physics Association, and Yu Wei will be absorbed as a member of the Physics Association.It took another year for Yu Wei to use his status as a member of the Physics Society to extensively contact other members and learn about the most cutting-edge knowledge of Mercury and Saturn.To Yu Wei's disappointment, the technology of Mercury and Saturn is not as good as that of the Earth, and the theory of relativity has not yet been produced.So I felt that the physics of Mercury and Saturn was like this, so I transferred to the Department of Chemistry to study.

During Yu Wei's transfer to the Department of Chemistry, Xi Yun finally fell in love with an alumnus named Dai Mingjun, and the two were inseparable. Xi Yun finally knew what love was like and was extremely happy.

Yu Wei focused on his studies without distraction. Two years later, he succeeded in the chemistry department transfer exam. Yu Wei followed suit, making friends with the most cutting-edge chemists in Mercury and continuing to study, becoming the most promising new chemical star in Mercury.In the next two years or so, Yu Wei passed the medical examination.After completing the eight-year Imperial Academy, Yu Wei became a scientific talent in Tianming State who combines physics, chemistry, and medicine.

Ding Shu and Xi Yun were not far behind, and each completed the study of three majors.Dingyao was obsessed with formations, and only completed two majors in physics and chemistry. Dingyao also entered the Physics Association and became a senior talent in Tianming Kingdom.Xuanzhen was cynical, did not study hard, and only graduated as a chemistry major.

After eight years of university completion, Yu Wei Dingyao was invited by his university to become a university professor because of his excellent grades.Dingshu majored in economics. After graduation, he joined a bank in Yongwen City to work.After Xi Yun graduated from university, she married Dai Mingjun immediately.Yu Wei waited for the four of them to naturally express their heartfelt blessings.After that, Xi Yun and her husband also stayed in Yongwen City. Dai Mingjun's family was a big family with a lot of money and owned a machinery factory. Dai Mingjun became an executive in the machinery industry, and Xi Yun applied for a job in the government department.After Xuanzhen graduated, he said that he had enough experience in the university society for eight years, and he didn't want to work, so he went to the cave in the forest to practice alone.

Yu Wei's three roommates also went their separate ways, but they still kept in touch with Yu Wei.Shi Ligan falls in love with Dingshu, sees Dingshu going to work in a bank, and eagerly runs to that bank to work, but unfortunately, although Shi Ligan is eloquent and witty, Dingshu just has no feelings for him.Shi Liqian often complained to Yu Wei, and hoped that Yu Wei could help persuade Dingshu, but Yu Wei said: "I can't help this, Dingshu must be willing, hehe."

After Xuanzhen left, Yu Wei made an appointment with the three daughters, and still went to the villa once a month to keep in touch with each other.The Tianming Kingdom had already invented the telephone, and it was convenient for several people to communicate with each other.

After Yu Wei became a teacher, the school allocated him a single room. Yu Wei was happy and often invited Dingshu Dingyao and his classmate Shi Ligan to parties.Because Xi Yun has become a family, it is not very convenient.In addition to teaching, Yu Wei increased his practice time and spent two hours in meditation every night.In the rest of the time, I continued to study extensively, covering philosophy, literature, art, politics, economics, military affairs, religion, etc., and my knowledge became more and more abundant.

After Yu Wei works, there are inevitably enthusiastic people who will introduce her to her, and sometimes girls take the initiative to pursue her, but Yu Wei refuses them all. Fortunately, Mercury and Saturn people have a long life span, and there are many people who get married at the age of 70 or [-]. Many of them are like Yu Wei. "Young people" in their thirties will not consider personal issues for the time being, so people are not surprised at Yu Wei's refusal.

In the sixth year after Xi Yun got married, she had a son named Dai Shicheng. Dai Mingjun was very happy, and Xi Yun was also very proud.Yu Wei Dingshu and Dingyao both went to congratulate, and after Xuanzhen got the news, he also came to congratulate.Everyone gave a lot of gadgets, Dai Shicheng was congratulated by several immortals when he was born, and the gadgets Yu Wei and others gave were all treasures for self-defense, and Dai Shicheng had been covered by big insurance since he was a baby.It's a pity that Yu Wei's rhyme skills were restrained, Xuanzhen, Dingshu, Dingyao and the three were still in the pure stage, and their skills were not enough, so everyone couldn't see Dai Shicheng's physique.From then on, Xi Yun quit her job and was at home with her husband and children with peace of mind.

Shi Ligan pursued Dingshu for several years, but was unable to succeed.During this period, Shi Ligan was fiercely chased by a girl, unable to stand the opponent's attack, Shi Ligan disarmed, and got married the year Xi Yun's child was born.Seeing Shi Liqian get married, of course I want to congratulate him from the bottom of my heart.Seeing that Shi Ligan got married, Dingshu also heaved a sigh of relief. In the past few years, Shi Ligan has really stalked her, but it is a pity that Dingshu can't empathize with her.After Shili got married, he and Dingshu remained friends. The two worked together in the bank, and they cooperated happily. Later, both of them became business directors of the bank.

Dingyao is single-minded, and after teaching, he spends a lot of time on the study of formations. Although he has a deep understanding of formations, his own cultivation has not improved much.Yu Wei warned Dingyao, while studying formations, don't forget to strengthen your own cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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