Go back to the apocalypse and pick up a villain to be a boss

Chapter 78 One more ability out of thin air

Chapter 78 An extra ability out of thin air

She hurried out and closed the door, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This time she really escaped from death, and the lingering fear in her heart is still there, but she still has one doubt.

The faint pain in her shoulder made her have no time to think about it. Qu Moheng immediately filled the bathtub with blue water and soaked himself in to repair the injury.

It wasn't until the itching came from the wound that she leisurely began to think about what had just happened.

After leaving the space and returning to the ability training room, Qu Moheng immediately mobilized his fetters on the ice, and in the training room, as she expected, the icicle that just attacked her appeared out of thin air!
Others will never understand how excited she is at the moment.

There are still three doors in the space room that have not been opened. According to the situation of door No. [-], as long as she finds the other three corresponding "keychains" in the last days, she can give the remaining three doors to her. opened.

Although she might not be so lucky to find the right keychain, at least the goal in front of her is clear.

And opportunities often coexist with challenges. Although she had just escaped death in Room [-], she found the key point to break the deadlock—Snow Flower, and obtained another ice ability out of thin air!
It's worth it.

After restraining the fluctuations in his body that had just reached the fifth level, Qu Mo Heng happily opened the door of the training room and walked out.

It was already late at night, and there was still no sign of Xiao Ziling in the cell in Block A, and He Zhilan was already so sleepy that she fell asleep.

Qu Moheng faintly felt that she was also a little sleepy, and she couldn't help walking towards the big pink bed.

It's time to take a break. It was so hard to escape from death just now. If you don't give yourself enough sleep time, what will happen tomorrow...

What are you going to do tomorrow?

I'm so sleepy, but a warm bed is the most comfortable.

Let's think about tomorrow's things for tomorrow.



Now Lou Xiaojing and her family's life and death are uncertain. She has just advanced to the fifth level, and when she has abundant abilities, why is she so greedy for her comfort zone all of a sudden? !
It's a buffet!She hadn't drunk the blue water after eating.

After thinking clearly, Qu Moheng immediately filled the cup he had placed in the space with blue water, and drank the whole cup.

Once she finished drinking, her eyelids no longer drooped sleepily.

In the buffet in Area A, there is indeed an ingredient of sleeping, and I don't know what the prisoners in the prison want to do to them?
It is estimated that after they all fell into a deep sleep, they should appear.

But Qu Moheng didn't want to procrastinate any longer, she wanted to find out exactly who was being imprisoned in the opposite D area tonight.

She had a very strong premonition that Lou Xiaojing, Lou Dali and the others must be in there!

I don't know where the confidence of the person in charge of the prison came from. Except for Areas C and B, the stronger Areas A and D have no guards.

It is estimated that only the meals in the two districts A and D have been tampered with.

Qu Moheng used the master key to open the cell door of Area A unhindered. She looked into the depths of the darkness, and the guard of Area B, who was closest to her, was sitting at the door of the cell and taking a nap.

She lightly touched the door of the cell in the D area opposite, and used the master key on the lock of the D area according to the script, and opened it without any hindrance.

It seems that this master key, except for the strange doors in her space that cannot be opened, other locks have no obstacles for it at all.

 Thank you Nanzhu, he is very mysterious, he left nothing behind, Qianxi_Xiaolin,

(End of this chapter)

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