Chapter 18 Blue Crystal Bracelet

As soon as Qu Moheng entered the shopping mall, based on his impression, he went straight to the jewelry store where the blue crystal bracelet she got here accidentally in her previous life was located.

She couldn't figure it out before, she had always taken care of Lin Yimo, even if Lin Yimo really liked her boyfriend and wanted to snatch her away, she would not choose to push her off the high ground and kill her at a critical moment what!
Looking back now, maybe this healing bracelet she accidentally obtained in her previous life is the key to the problem.

At the beginning, she was kind to Lin Yimo with all her heart and soul. When she found out that the blue crystal in this bracelet could be healed instantly no matter how severe the injury was, she immediately told Lin Yimo.

Originally, she thought that this would relieve her of the pressure, and she would be able to help if Lin Yimo encountered a serious injury that could not be healed by his abilities.

Qu Moheng couldn't help laughing at himself, she was so stupid.

It is estimated that Lin Yimo was afraid of her bracelet at that time. She must have been worried that it might shake her important position as the only doctor in the team, and she was only thinking about how to get rid of this hidden danger. !
Indeed, walking in the apocalypse, there are very few people who have the indispensable ability of healing. The rarity is as high as S-level, and it is a resource that many bases are vying for. Lin Yimo is therefore in their team He has a high status and has the right to speak in front of the captain Chen Yongcheng.

Thinking of this, there was something Qu Moheng couldn't figure out.

Even so, there is nothing wrong with the bracelet itself, such a precious special item, she is also bound to get it in this life!
Running up to the second floor, the store next to the escalator was the target of Qu Moheng's trip. She glanced at the eerily quiet shopping mall around her, and before she had time to think deeply, she caught sight of the bracelet.

"Great!" This time she didn't break the glass like in the previous life. Qu Moheng took out the master key she carried with her very civilizedly this time, and gently opened the lock on the glass. The bracelet with slight power fluctuations was put back on the wrist of the left hand.

She smiled and looked at the bracelet with blue light, and she was full of emotions for the second time she got this special item in her rebirth, but the moment she looked up, a grinning face covered with tumors happened to hit her. to her!

Qu Mo took a deep breath, her consciousness hadn't reacted yet, but her body had instinctively shrunk in response to the crisis because she had been walking in the last days for several years.

The zombie with only a human face and a neck hit the wall straight.

Even though the sarcoid face had been flattened and the thick juice inside was splashed out, the inconceivably long neck turned its head recklessly, and slammed another slap towards Qu Moheng who was squatting. rush!
Qu Moheng was unable to dodge this time, and his right leg was curled upright by his neck.

With a "stab", the flesh on her leg was bitten off by the mouth on her neck!


This is really a heart-wrenching pain!

But after experiencing the fatal pain of having his legs ripped off in his previous life, Qu Moheng just groaned at this moment.

She was injured, and she still couldn't see where the main body of the neck was?Qu Moheng didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately activated his ability to hide in the space room.

The rotten sarcoid face on the long neck bulged and bulged, slowly chewing on Qu Moheng's calf.

Feeling very confused and irritable about the prey that was about to be obtained but disappeared out of thin air, it entrenched in the store and rummaged through it, its long neck circled around and around, and refused to leave for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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