Chapter 426 Persuasion
She was terrified just watching that video, let alone how grandpa felt...

Although Grandpa usually has no good looks towards Jiang Fan, she knows that Grandpa loves Jiang Fan very much...

Jiang Fan took a long leg, pushed Jiang Jinpan lightly, and raised his chin towards the stairs.

"Go up."

Jiang Jinpan hesitated for a few seconds, and then walked upstairs to the room. When he went up the stairs, he glanced at the living room. Jiang Fan was sitting on the sofa with a carefree expression.

Jiang Jinpan sighed and returned to the room.

After a while, there was a roar from downstairs.

Jiang Jinpan's eyebrows twitched, and he walked quickly downstairs.

As soon as he went downstairs, he saw Jiang Fan walking towards her with a displeased expression, the anger that had not disappeared in his eyes, the moment he saw her, his expression froze.

Jiang Jinpan sighed silently, "Grandpa doesn't agree with your car racing?"

Although Jiang Jinpan was asking about Jiang Fan, his tone was full of affirmation.

She had expected this scene before she came, but she didn't expect that they would quarrel...

Jiang Fan lowered his eyes slightly, with a hostility in his eyes, and hummed very lightly.

"Let me tell grandpa, you go back first."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan's cold and hard outline softened a little, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Jinpan walked towards the living room, where Lan Yan was patting Jiang Jian's back lightly, her eyebrows full of worry.

"Dad, take a deep breath, take it slow, don't be angry..."

Jiang Jinpan walked over quickly, and patted Jiang Jian's back lightly to help him feel better.

A few minutes later, Jiang Jian came over slowly and glanced at Jiang Jinpan.

"Panpan didn't go to rest, why did he come down?"

Jiang Jinpan smiled, "I'm not sleepy now, why did my brother make grandpa angry?"

When it comes to Jiang Fan, Jiang Jian immediately loses his temper.

"Stinky boy! Let him quit that team, and he actually got into a fight with me! The racing car is so dangerous, if he doesn't control it well, he may die on the racing car..."

Jiang Jinpan listened quietly to Jiang Jian's words, "Grandpa, you watched the video of my brother racing, have you watched the video of my brother receiving the prize?"

Jiang Jian paused, ""

He was already so angry when he saw the racing video, why would he want to watch the awards video? !

Jiang Jinpan immediately took out his phone, took out the video and handed it to Jiang Jian.

"Grandpa, let's take a look."


Jiang Fan has been a demon king since he was a child, he is unrestrained, as if nothing can defeat him, Jiang Yun and Lanyan don't know how much heart is broken for this.

In the past, they always said that Jiang Fan was ignorant, no matter what he did, he would be enthusiastic for 3 minutes, and he would never persist.

But at this moment, looking at Jiang Fan who was holding a trophy in his mobile phone, flying confidently, with a smile in his eyes.

Jiang Jian's expression froze, and he put down his phone in silence. Lan Yan who was next to him also saw it, and his expression was stunned.

Although Jiang Fan in the mobile phone still looks lazy and careless, it seems that he has changed inside.

In his memory, Jiang Fan seemed so happy when he was still a child...

Jiang Jinpan spoke softly.

"Grandpa, I know you are worried about your brother's injury, but I really rarely see my brother so excited and serious. He really likes racing."

"Since my brother was able to win the championship in the first race, he must have practiced a lot in private. It would be too cruel for grandpa to let him abandon his favorite car with just one word."

After the words fell, Jiang Jian's expression changed slightly, and he was obviously shaken. Lan Yan beside him was looking at the phone thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Jiang Jinpan breathed a sigh of relief.

What she said was indeed a bit stinging, but if she didn't say that, grandpa would definitely not compromise so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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