Little monster can't go to heaven

Chapter 375 Two-color Egg Fried Rice

Chapter 375 Two-color Egg Fried Rice

The owner of the strange memory in Brother Badger's mind is not a chef, but he is a real food fanatic, and because his picky mouth exceeds the thickness of his wallet, he spends most of his salary to eat a meal every month. Top-notch food, other times I can only cook by myself... Over time, my cooking skills have become quite good.

In general, the foodie level is five stars, and the culinary level is also four and a half stars!

Egg fried rice is precisely a dish that the memory owner is quite good at.

As an otaku, when he is too lazy to go out, two eggs and a bowl of cold rice can make a bowl of simple and delicious food, which is extremely blissful.

There are actually many ways to make real egg fried rice.

There are golden egg fried rice with rice grains wrapped in egg liquid; there are also two-color egg fried rice in which egg liquid is fried into finely divided egg flowers and then mixed evenly with rice; there are mixed egg fried rice with diced ham, green peas or sweet corn kernels... Various In fact, it is difficult to distinguish between good and bad, but it can also be delicious.

It is not necessary to evenly coat every grain of rice with egg liquid to be considered top-quality egg fried rice!

However, there is one thing in common, that is, the aroma of eggs and the aroma of rice must blend with each other, which is the essence of egg fried rice.

There are two key things to note about egg fried rice:

One is the egg liquid, which must be whipped evenly!Only a uniform egg liquid can easily spread evenly. Whether it is wrapped in rice grains or fried into finely divided egg flowers, this step is very critical.

It was not difficult for Brother Badger, I saw him knock the spirit eggs, which were half the size of his head, into a huge bowl, three in total, and then stir them vigorously... His right hand suddenly danced into a phantom, The astonishing hand speed of being single for 20 years was brought into full play at this moment. After a short time, the spirit eggs with clear egg whites and yolks turned into a bowl of evenly colored egg liquid, which was really beautiful.

The second is rice, it is best to use the leftovers from the previous night!Because the water on the surface of the overnight rice evaporates, it becomes dry and easier to fry.The freshly steamed rice is full of water vapor and sticky on the surface, and it is easy to form lumps of rice bumps!
So even if you don't have overnight rice on hand, at least you have to spread out the rice and let it cool completely before you can use it... But now it's not long before noon.

It's just that it's also difficult for Brother Badger who is a demon clan...

The rice husk was easily rubbed off, and the rice was steamed over high heat. Immediately afterwards, the yellow badger used the breeze technique that had not been used for a long time!

Like the power of the giant elephant, as a simple basic magic, Brother Badger has already thoroughly understood it, and under the promotion of the demon power of the general level, the power is stronger than before!

I saw a strong wind that could make people stand unsteadily sweeping through the air, engulfing the rice in the air, quickly blowing away the water vapor on the surface of the rice grains, allowing it to cool down quickly!At the same time, the all-pervasive wind, like the gentlest little hand, separates the rice grains without hurting the rice grains at all!
Visible to the naked eye, groups of white rice lumps are continuously dismantled and dispersed, becoming thinner and finer, until finally they seem to become a white lump composed of countless rice grains, flying with the wind.

A moment later, the flying horses fell down again, forming a small pile of crystal clear and jade-white rice grains.If you look closely, each grain of rice is several times larger than before steaming, and even crystal clear. Obviously, the rice flesh inside has absorbed enough water, making it extremely soft and sticky!But the surface is extremely dry, with round particles and clear boundaries.

Each one is like a white jade pearl, reflecting the sunlight, like a handicraft.

"Tsk tsk." Brother Badger was also a little surprised. The rice watered with this spiritual fruit wine looks better than the spiritual energy rice grown in Gu Quezong's spiritual field!
He even couldn't help but picked up a grain of rice, put it in his mouth and chewed it, um... the softness and firmness are moderate, just right for fried rice with eggs!

There is nothing to say next, fry!
There is also a little trick when frying, that is, you must use hot pan and cold oil.Brother Badger first heated up the big iron pan with high heat, then took the pan away from the fire pit, and then poured the oil.

Hot pan with cold oil is because the low-temperature fat will form an upward thrust under the heat of the bottom of the pan, which can prevent the ingredients from sticking to the pan!


The egg liquid was put into the pot, and Brother Badger began to stir fry quickly.

If you fry the rice first and then add the egg, the rice grains will be firmer and the eggs will be tender, like a thin film covering the rice grains; if you fry the eggs first and then add the rice, the eggs will solidify and form fine egg flakes. Frangipani will emit a more intense egg fragrance!Two methods, the former is more tender, the latter is more fragrant, it cannot be said that the one is definitely better, but a different flavor!
Yellow Badger, of course, chose the latter.Anyway, eggs are also one of the recipes of the demon clan, but rice is not included in the recipe... so Brother Badger must try his best to highlight the aroma of eggs, lest the leader of the pig demon be uncomfortable with eating rice for the first time.

Hurrah... Stir fry quickly.

The egg liquid without the slightest fishy smell quickly solidified into finely divided egg flowers, and then as the iron pan gradually heated up, the color gradually changed from light yellow to deep yellow, and it exudes the unique aroma of fried eggs!At the moment when the aroma was released to the maximum, Brother Badger suddenly poured in the crystal clear rice.

With Brother Badger's strength, he can easily stir fry in a huge iron pan to mix the two evenly.Each grain of rice greedily absorbs the aroma of egg flower.

When the heat is almost ready, Brother Badger added salt and several seasonings, stir-fried quickly and evenly, and then out of the pot!


Half of the golden egg flower, half of the white jade-like rice grains, poured into a big bowl, like a house full of gold and jade.

Two-color egg fried rice is characterized by the distinct grains of the ingredients, but the taste blends with each other.If you put a spoonful into your mouth, your tongue will be able to touch the fragrant egg flower and the slightly sweet rice grains at the same time, and the two flavors will roll on the taste buds at the same time!After chewing carefully, you will find that the aroma of eggs is also mixed in the depth of the soft and glutinous rice grains, and the sweetness of rice is also hidden in the depths of the egg flowers.

Who said that the top egg fried rice is only when the rice grains are wrapped in egg liquid?

During the process of making egg fried rice, Brother Badger was always on guard against the little devil, for fear that if she ate it secretly again, he would be about to cry.

Fortunately, the little devil doesn't seem to have the intention of rushing over...

To be precise, she was indeed tempted to move by the scent, and her black eyes kept looking this way, but she quickly lowered her head every time.Because in front of her, the white rabbit demon Xiaohui was scolding her seriously, as if criticizing her for what she did just now.

Facing the criticism from "Sister Xiaohui", the little devil acted like a good baby, and didn't mean to talk back at all.

"Okay, you guys continue your inspection here first, and I'll go to the commander's side. Golden Lizard, you can go with me too." Brother Badger took out the fried rice with eggs and immediately put it in the Qiankun bag, and then said to Xiao The guys gave some instructions, pulled the golden lizard together, and rushed to the residence of the leader of the pig demon.

This guy, I have to watch twelve hours a day.

(End of this chapter)

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