The rise of the late Song Dynasty reigns supreme

Chapter 482 Silver Faced God of War

Chapter 482 Silver Faced God of War
"Report!" The guard hurried forward and said respectfully, "Commander, Liaoliang King Yelu successfully sent an envoy to send a letter, and he is now waiting outside the camp!"

Zhao Gou was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile, "I can't wait at last, let him in!"

"The commander-in-chief has his life, let you in!"

"Thank you!"

The man thanked him respectfully, then strode towards the handsome tent, opened the curtain, and saw Zhao Gou sitting on the chair, looking at him with a smile, and looked around, only Zhao Gou and Gao Chong, The others didn't see it at all. What surprised him was that at Zhao Gou's age, no matter how he thought about it, he didn't think that this young man was the head coach of the Song Army.

"Could it be that Song Jun is teasing himself? This young man will be Song Jun's coach?"

Seeing his hesitation, Zhao Gou said in a serious voice, "Who are you, and what do you need to see me?"

"I am Xiao Jun under the command of Yelu Chenggong, King of Liang!" Xiao Jun replied neither humble nor overbearing, "At the end of today, I have ordered the King of Liang to come here to fight."

Gao Chong took the letter of war and handed it to Zhao Gou. He looked at it and said with a slight smile: "The King of Liang asked Ben Commander to fight to the death tomorrow! But, why did the Commander agree? Now, our army has the upper hand. It is estimated that the Yunzhou army will have no food and water in the near future, as long as we wait a little longer, our army will not be able to win."

Xiao Jun replied: "The last general came here today, just to convey the order of King Liang. Since the general asked, then the general will also say something."

"Although our army's surplus food is insufficient, the general broke the boat and cut off the river, not only our army has no water, but also the people. I believe that the general does not want the counties of Yunzhou to be littered with corpses, let alone Recovering an empty city with only corpses, I am afraid that it will leave an eternal infamy in the future."

Zhao Gou said: "Reply to King Liang, our army will be invited to attend tomorrow, and we will have a showdown."

"Thank you Marshal, the last general will leave!" Xiao Jun said respectfully, then swaggered and left without fear.

"As expected of the King of Liang, you really have insight!" Zhao Gou secretly admired, what Xiao Jun said hit the nail on the head, even if water and food were cut off, the people would not be harmed, otherwise it would be difficult to recover other states.

Therefore, Zhao Gou issued an order to get everyone ready to launch an attack tomorrow.

"Tomorrow you will fight, no matter who the opponent is, you can only win but not lose." Zhao Gou issued a military order. He was forcing Gao Chong to drive ducks to the shelves.

Gao Chong said: "Obey!"

"Now I give you something!" Zhao Gou asked Gao Chong to open the box, only to see a red cloth wrapped in it, but he couldn't see what it was.

Gao Chong took it apart and saw that there was only one silver mask. He put it on, and the size was just right, but it was very comfortable.

"Young master, what is this?"

Zhao Gou said with a smile: "Before I left Beijing, I ordered someone to find a craftsman in the capital to make it for you. It can also be said to be tailor-made."

"Your ancestor was the King of Lanling. Every time he went out to battle, he would wear a mask, as if aided by a god, galloping across the battlefield, invincible."

"Today, I will let you wear a mask so that you can restore the heroic appearance of your ancestors. As long as you are on the battlefield, you will be the unrivaled 'Silver Faced God of War'."

"Whether it's the Liao army or the Jurchens in the future, as long as they see this mask, I will make them stay away. Can you do it?"

Gao Chong replied firmly: "The last general will never let the young master down."

"Okay!" Zhao Gou smiled slightly and said, "You open another box."

Gao Chong opened it again, and saw that there was a silver armor in the box, which was the same texture as the mask.Moreover, there are also a pair of combat boots, a helmet, heart armor, etc., which seem to be a set of military equipment.

Zhao Gou went on to say, "This is a suit of battle armor I made for you from the arsenal to the emperor. Tomorrow is the time when you will become famous all over the world. Don't let me down."

Gao Chong nodded excitedly, he really didn't expect that he would have a battle armor.Originally following Zhao Gou was to serve the country, and Zhao Gou fulfilled his wish.

Zhao Gou's purpose is simple, he wants Gao Chong to protect his family and country.It's not that other people can't do it, but that Gao Chong is a natural general. He just needs to be sharpened to be able to stand on his own, charge forward and be invincible.

In addition, the reason why Zhao Gou asked him to come is also this.He wanted Gao Chong to become the soul of the army, the undefeated God of War, truly look down on the world, and make the enemy frightened.

If it hadn't been for Gao Chong's early death, how could the golden man be proud; Yue Fei died young, all because of himself, and Gao Chong's martial arts are unpredictable, but it's a pity that he acted impulsively, so that he was single-handed and finally died in battle.Now Zhao Gou avoids such things from happening, and constantly sharpens him, just to reduce his impulsive character.

The conversation was divided into two parts, Xiao Jun left the camp of the Song Army, returned to Datong County, and went directly to the tent to meet Yelu Chenggong.

"Report to Prince Liang, General Xiao Jun is back!"

Yelu Chenggong said: "Quickly invite him in."

"The last general has seen the prince!" Xiao Jun said respectfully.

Yelu Chenggong smiled and said, "Now that I am the general of the first army, I should call you Marshal! Will the commander of the Song Army agree to come down?"

"Back to Marshal, Song Jun's commander agreed!"

"That's good!" Yelu Chenggong said happily, "You have met the commander of the Song Army, what do you think?"

Xiao Jun frowned, and said intermittently: "Commander Song Jun, I have seen you at the end, but..."

"Just what?" Yelu Chenggong asked hastily.

"It's just that the commander-in-chief of the Song Army is a young man, and his identity is unknown. The strangest tent has only one general, and that person is dressed more like a follower. It's really strange!"

The more Xiao Jun thought about it, the more strange he felt, and he felt a little unbelievable along the way.Even if it is something that has never happened in Daliao, it has been seen today.

"Could it be that this is the Song Army commander's suspicion?" Yelu Chenggong also felt that something was wrong and frowned, "Could it be that he is not the commander? He is just a young man, and the Song Army commander is no longer in the tent? If he is not in the camp, then he Where did you go again?"

Xiao Jun said in a deep voice: "However, when the general enters the camp, that person has an extraordinary bearing. His gestures are full of the aura of a superior. The general can be sure that this person is the commander of the Song army. As for him, there is no general in the army. , this matter is a bit strange."

"If that person is the commander-in-chief of the Song Army, then he must not be underestimated." Yelu Chenggong said solemnly, "This person led the army like a broken bamboo and captured Shuozhou, Huanzhou, and Yingzhou. He must have extraordinary military talents."

"If it's not that he has extraordinary talent, then it's because there are people around him who are making suggestions. However, you haven't seen it, and he divided the army into three and attacked Yunzhou. He must have enough confidence."

"No matter how you look at it, this person's identity is not ordinary. Since he promised, he will not fail to keep his promise tomorrow; the Song army is divided into three groups, so our army will also be divided into three groups to meet them. The other two groups will only defend but not attack. Only this army, we must make a quick decision and capture the commander of the Song army, so that we will not be afraid that they will not retreat."

Therefore, the Liao army made good deployments, and Xiao Jun's first visit was to observe the enemy's situation, sending letters was only a secondary purpose, and then he decided what method to use to meet the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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