Chapter 329 Incognito
"Teacher, teacher!" Seeing that it was getting late and that Chen Guang's mood had stabilized a lot, Zhao Gou called him.

At this moment, Chen Guang just woke up from the silence, squeezed his head, and frowned: "Wei Guo, what's wrong with me?"

Zhao Gou replied: "Teacher, you just went crazy with alcohol!"

"Drunkenness?" Chen Guang was stunned for a while, but he didn't understand what Zhao Gou meant.

"Drunk madness is sloppy!" Seeing Chen Guang's bewildered expression, Zhao Gou quickly explained, thinking to himself, "I almost forgot, there is no such word in this era."

"I... I didn't say anything!" Chen Guang looked at Zhao Gou in embarrassment. He was so disrespectful in front of his students. real.

Zhao Gou laughed and said, "Teacher, do you want me to tell the truth or lie?"

As soon as Chen Guang heard this, he guessed that he had said a lot of things that he shouldn't have said, and he didn't know how to face it for a while, so he had to keep silent.

Zhao Gou asked: "Teacher, how long has it been since you suppressed the matter in your heart?"

Chen Guang was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "Ten years!"

Zhao Gou said: "It's been ten years, don't you really go back once?"

"Go back three times!"

"If you really miss your family and miss your loved ones, you should go back!" Zhao Gou comforted, "Teacher, listen to the students' persuasion. Ten years is not short or long. It is time to go back! I believe the teacher will definitely look forward to it." Teacher, when you go back, the place where you have your family is the safest place!"

"Why don't I know!" Chen Guang sighed sadly, "It's just that there are some things that I can do if I don't want to. Sometimes I want to go back and have a look, but unfortunately I have to, if I go back, it will definitely cause disaster. It's better to leave your hometown!"

Zhao Gou said solemnly: "Teacher, what are your difficulties? You have to leave your hometown for ten years and never go back?"

"Ah!... It's a long time ago! It's okay not to mention it!" Chen Guangfeng looked ahead calmly and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing his appearance like this, Zhao Gou knew that Chen Guang had duplicity.Although Chen Guang didn't want to say anything more, Zhao Gou also guessed a thing or two from his previous speech of the truth after drinking, and then said: "Teacher, you joined the army before, and you must have committed something in the army! Now Ten years have passed, these things must have been forgotten, so don't worry about it, it's time to let it go!"

Chen Guang shook his head helplessly, thinking of his relatives at home, he also wanted to go back, and then remembered what happened back then, and fell silent again.After a while, he went on to say: "Some things may be preordained. You must know that when manpower is exhausted, it cannot be done by manpower!"

As a result, the chatterbox opened, and Chen Guang no longer concealed it, and told Zhao Gou what happened back then in detail.

It turned out that Chen Guang joined the army ten years ago, starting from a small soldier, he became a pioneer step by step; with his peerless marksmanship, he charged into battle and was invincible.After more than a hundred battles, large and small, each time he was on the verge of life and death, and the one who joined the army was the Zhending Army, which was to resist the Liao Army.

At that time, Chen Guang's name was Gao Guang, which was his real name.He made great military exploits in the army, took good care of his subordinates, and became one of the main generals who resisted the Liao army. However, he has no identity or background, so it is not easy to be a general.

Chen Guang's status in the army increased day by day. One day, the Liao army sneaked into Yanmen Pass and was discovered by the Song army.Chen Guang got the news and personally led the army to make a surprise attack. That battle established Chen Guang's position in the army, and no one could shake it.At that time, Cai Jing, Tong Guan and others controlled the government, and Song Huizong Zhao Ji ignored the government all day long.

Jian Jun is a literati who doesn't understand martial arts, but he is exquisite in all aspects. On the surface, he treats Chen Guang with respect, but he also treats him sincerely.It's just that the good times didn't last long. Chen Guang actually received an imperial decree to dismiss him from office and sent him to the capital to await trial. He still didn't understand what was going on.

Chen Guang was arrested and assassinated on the way to Beijing. He didn't know the truth until then.It turned out that the supervising army was in cahoots with Chen Guang's subordinate commanders, accusing Chen Guang of mobilizing the army without authorization, and also framing him for treason.

At that time, Chen Guang's heart was ashamed, his hands and feet were bound by shackles and shackles, but they and the others proudly said that they wanted to kill themselves.Originally, I thought that it would be fair to enter the capital, but I never thought that those two people would directly tell how to bribe Cai Jing, Tong Guan and others with silver taels.

Chen Guang knew that there was no chance for him to be rehabilitated, but he was unwilling to be arrested without a fight, so he used his advanced martial arts to break out and kill everyone.In addition, Chen Guang was worried that someone would track him down afterwards, so he changed into the clothes of one of them, asked that person to put on his own clothes, and threw them directly into the river.

Sure enough, the imperial court sent people to investigate, and even Gao Guang's hometown was searched. In the end, no trace was found, and a floating corpse that had been soaked for a long time was found.

After doing everything well, Chen Guang quietly returned to his hometown, but saw officers and soldiers arresting his family members. In the end, Chen Guang broke into the government at night and forced the local magistrate to be released.Therefore, Chen Guang kept his name incognito for ten years, and rarely went back to visit his relatives. As long as he showed up, he would definitely be investigated.

"So it is!"

Suddenly, Zhao Gou suddenly realized that he understood why Chen Guang scolded his father and appointed treacherous ministers.In addition, Zhao Gou also knows the reason why he would rather have a home than return home these years, and has to wander outside.If this is the reason, Zhao Gou can't say anything.

According to the laws of the Great Song Dynasty, Chen Guang was sentenced and escorted to the capital for trial. This is a major case.If it is really done impartially, I am afraid that Chen Guang's family will also be implicated. He will either be sentenced to exile or be beheaded immediately for public display.It was only at the end that I realized that all of this was caused by the county magistrate.

After all, the decree that Chen Guang was dismissed from the army was not a real imperial decree, but fabricated by Cai Jing, Tong Guan and others.If it was a real imperial decree, even if the magistrate was threatened by Chen Guang, he would have to carry it out, otherwise he would be the one who died.

This is also why the local magistrate dared to let Chen Guang's family go easily. If he was really sentenced, Chen Guang would be more likely to suffer than good luck. Even his family members would also be implicated.Now Chen Guang is alive and well, but he cannot be reunited with his family, which is a gain and a loss.

"If it wasn't for my incognito, and news of my death spread, I would be dead in their hearts, and this is what I want most!" Chen Guang glanced at Zhao Gou, and said firmly: "If It’s worth doing everything to exchange my happiness alone for the well-being of my family! Even if I can’t tell my real name, and I can’t tell what happened in the past, all of this is for them to live better, it’s worth it!”

(End of this chapter)

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