Chapter 377 Traveling Through the City ([-])

A few tens of seconds were enough for Xu Yi to realize that the power station that the magnetic storm locomotive group passed by was his temporary residence.

Xu Yi reacted quickly and quickly completed the preparations. After leading a group of drivers to drive out of the station, the magnetic storm locomotive group hit the half-closed hydraulic door and stuck it hard. All the drivers just need to make a high-speed bend and lower the height of the locomotive to pass easily.

Without hesitation, he immediately made a decision and fired a salvo of miniature missiles!
After the first explosion sounded, Baghdad's face became very ugly. He did not expect to be suddenly attacked by the Bomb Cult in Quantum City.

But this intensive small-scale continuous concentrated detonation method is indeed the iconic attack method unique to the Bomb God Cult, but why did such a locomotive regiment get mixed up with Quantum City?
It was true that he was caught off guard, but it didn't mean that he would sit still and wait to die. The extremely light blue shimmer color suddenly deepened, and circles of blue ripples spread out in the electromagnetic field centered on the blue of no pendant.

Energy overload, the explosive method that can be activated twice in a short period of time, can greatly improve the charging efficiency and restore the durability of the energy shield.

But these two openings were planned to be Baghdad's hole cards to break through the next two lines of defense. At this time, in order to block the wave of missile rain, it had to be used once first.

The dark blue high-energy electromagnetic cover continuously annihilates the heavy damage caused by the missiles, and quickly restores the shield energy of the flickering Son of Infinity to full when it is hit by the shock wave.

Just like that, the missiles exploded among the prominent blue light films one after another, making these energy shields light and dark, but under the electromagnetic charging field, the magnetic storm locomotive group ate this wave of attacks without any risk , A whole round of missile bombardment seems to have just raised a large cloud of dust.

Of course, the magnetic storm locomotive group will not give up this great opportunity to cross because of the sudden wave of missiles from the Mechanicus, but within a minute and a half, the entire group passed through the half-closed hydraulic door. , turned and went down the cliff.

This time, they did not choose the shortest path, but turned to the hydraulic door closest to the red mountain wall as planned, which would allow them to be less defensive, and go to the hydraulic door closest to the cliff.

Along the way, you have to pass through the three hydraulic doors of the first line of defense, and you will also encounter three guards from Quantum City.

They are all a robot leader with thirty chip slave drivers.

Combat power is not weak, but the members of the magnetic storm locomotive regiment are not what they used to be. They are all riders who survived the battle of 20 people.

Like the chip slaves, these people are almost all mid-level radiators, and their combat experience is superior.

In contrast, the only thing chip slaves can do better than the first line is that drugs and brain currents further stimulate their physical skills. Even under the control of the chip, the steel-like will to fight can be compared with the crazy fighting spirit of these old sand thieves. It's just a number of five or five.

The strength is similar, the morale is equal, and the number advantage has the upper hand.

The magnetic storm locomotive group roared past, and almost destroyed these scattered quantum guards.

The number of people and the advantage of speed allowed ordinary chip slaves to be detoured left and right when they met each other. Three or four locomotives cut off the energy shields, and they fought three or two knives, and their lives were taken away before they could react in time.

Even the seemingly invincible and hard-to-damage mechanical commander was killed for the first time.

In terms of mid-level strengthened radiators alone, it is difficult to break through the all-metal structure of these robots with cold weapons.

However, these recruited by Qiu Qimou this time are not ordinary middle-level radiators. Although their radiance is limited by the region, they stay at the middle level, but their swordsmanship and car skills are all top-notch, and they can easily hit the mechanical leader. Mechanical eye gaps, joint joints and other extremely threatening positions.

Often seven or eight riders with precise knife skills will be able to completely defeat a mechanical commander.

The first two broke the energy shield, the last two removed the two mechanical arms that the mechanical commander used to block accurately, and the last two used energy weapons to directly poke the eye sockets of the mechanical eyes!

No matter how amazing the mechanical scanning eye that can emit red light is, it still needs wiring to connect the circuit board.

As a spherical structure, it is difficult to design its circuit connections. The development of mechanical technology in Quantum City has not surpassed the times, and even the most delicate ones need to be connected to green chips and circuit boards.

The connection between the copper wires also relies on the old welding technology, which is precise machine welding. The strength of the wire and the strength of the solder joints are far beyond the manual welding of the old age.

For a precision instrument such as a mechanical eye, the lengths of the connections vary, and the more troublesome circuit boards are usually designed closer to the main body of the component.

The mechanical command structure of Quantum City is very different from that of human beings. It can be said to be the ultimate in bionics research on human beings. After the mechanical eye circuit board is the central integrated control system that controls the robot as a whole, including signal imaging, image recognition, logical operations, logic Judgment and other core functions.

This extremely important core system is actually only a circuit board plus a mechanical eye from the outside world, so it is finally an opportunity for people to take advantage of.

As the designer of the mechanical commander, the artificial intelligence of Quantum City obviously also knows this weak point. In the attack and defense instructions of this mass-produced robot, the space around the defense part is set as the first sequence.

Therefore, no matter how good a biker is, he needs to fight this robot for a dozen rounds, break the electric car's energy shield, remove the mechanical commander's two mechanical arms that can be used for defense, and then he can go straight to Huanglong and use the energy weapon to attack Huanglong. A blow pierced into its eye socket.

The energy blade burned the two circuit boards and touched the integrated core circuit of the robot before shutting it down.

Now the frontal impact of the group of riders in the magnetic storm motorcycle regiment is much easier. Eight or nine motorcycles passed by in a flash, and they disarmed and destroyed the mechanical commander without giving him a chance to parry many times.

The three Quantum City Patrol Squads only caused the Magnetic Storm locomotive group to lose some speed before being completely annihilated in the traffic flow.

The losses of the magnetic storm locomotive regiment are minimal, and it is inevitable that one or two misses, and they also have a thick energy shield to block fatal attacks.

Resisting the bombing forcefully, they smashed down the three patrol teams of Quantum City one after another. The entire magnetic storm locomotive team was full of enthusiasm. Even if they reached the corner of the second line of defense and were intercepted by several convoys, they did not have a trace of fear and rushed in to start close combat .

It's just that this finally stopped the locomotive group, released a round of missiles, and started chasing, but Xu Yi, who couldn't even see the taillights of the car, had a chance to catch up.

The Mechanic God, who had just started speeding up, was blocked by the half-closed mechanical hydraulic door. Even though the average strength of the entire car group was not bad, the formation became a bit scattered due to the lack of driving skills and the pressure of the car when cornering.

In comparison, if the riders in the current Magnetic Storm locomotive regiment were given a level of motor skills, I'm afraid not all of them would be lv5, lv6...

(End of this chapter)

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