Chapter 328


The sound of the engine's rotation filled the entire night sky, and there were even five or six sounds directly above the head, which made Xu Yi cast the detection technique in an instant.

The consciousness that was more than ten times stronger than before emanated, and the detected image was transmitted back to Xu Yi's perception with a unique dark vision.

A street in Blast Gai was occupied by dozens of motorcycles, most of which were tall gangsters with colorfully dyed hair, just like what Xu Yi saw during the day.

On the top of the abandoned factory where I stayed here were some special locomotives, and obvious spring shock absorbers could be seen on the axle connecting the front and rear wheels.

Obviously, these special locomotives are specially built for flying over eaves and walls, and can easily leap between buildings on the second and third floors.

After careful perception, there is still a thin layer of energy cover on the locomotive and the driver, and the source of the connection to the energy cover is inside the locomotive, a mechanical device next to the engine, which reminds him of the blueprint of the electromagnetic shield that he exchanged before coming.

Is this the power system of this world?
After thinking about it for a while, Xu Yi discovered the difficulty of these bikers.

First off, riders are mostly equipped with guns, mostly pistol and rifle configurations.

The difference is that the driver with a pistol is usually equipped with a melee weapon like a stick thrown by Xu Yi in his previous life. Of course, this kind of stick has a built-in energy generator, which is not a cold weapon, but a real energy weapon.

Secondly, these bikers are protected by this strange energy shield. Most attacks must first break through the energy shield to injure the riders inside. Before that, these riders will be a stable point of fire.

And the energy cover is connected to the engine, if it is not a high-intensity attack, the work load of the engine is higher than that, the energy cover is difficult to be consumed in the form of consumption.

A low-intensity, or low-frequency attack is equivalent to a battle of wits with the opponent's fuel tank.

In the end, if these bikers are in an open field, their flexibility is not comparable to that of ordinary machines, and it is much more difficult to hit than the prosthetic bodies and mechas that Xu Yi originally imagined.

This reminded him of the Yongwang Desert mentioned by the owner of the bald and explosive shop. Why can those gangsters who are called hopeless can oppose a huge capital-stacked city?

If there are all such riders in the desert, it is not difficult to explain. It is equivalent to the ancient mountain bandits and horse bandits. The price of extermination is too high...

In addition, for this energy shield, Xu Yi has another prediction, that is, the effect of the energy attack is not expected to be very good, such as Pyroblast, Pyrospear, and the like, the opponent is in a situation of notification, and it may be as soon as it is touched. If you avoid it, most of the ones you touch will be offset by the energy shield.

The effect of the bullets was not the best either. On the one hand, the shooting accuracy was a problem when they were shot at high speed. The fact that the gang members dispatched dozens of people and only equipped with four or five light machine guns showed this problem.

In addition, although the speed of the bullet is fast, its mass is not large, which leads to its small total momentum, and the consumption of the energy shield will not be very high.

Of course, it also depends on the performance of the opponent's car, the higher the quality of the engine and energy shield generator, the stronger the energy shield formed.

I'm afraid that the final broken shield will fall on the kind of melee weapon like a stick. For such a power system, Xu Yi still has a certain self-knowledge. Without an extremely suitable terrain, the flesh and blood butcher has no chance of winning at all!
No wonder the school wanted to exchange additional credits for him before entering the world. There were also a lot of mechanical drawings in the exchange list, which clearly wanted him to have the ability to build locomotives.

With the same equipment, there is such a chance of winning, and the importance of peripherals is undoubtedly revealed in this world.

From this point of view, the things he got in exchange for [-] credits are generally useful. The craftsmanship makes it more likely for the Blood Machine Clan to build a good car, and the remaining drawings provide production materials.

Without the means of production, it would be difficult to move an inch in this gilt city.

Looking at the top of his head again, Xu Yi already had a trace of fear in his eyes. Fortunately, tonight should be a routine meeting of these gang members.

The roar continued intermittently until the early morning, and in Xu Yi's vision, these guys who had been rambunctious all night disappeared into pieces and disappeared into the feasting lights at the corner of the street.

A new day has begun, and every family in the explosive modification store opened the shutter doors that had been closed all night, and started a new day of business.

It was the morning Xu Yi missed that made people discover his true vitality.

The explosive reform shop in Changchang Town seems to be as famous as the barefoot doctor in the barefoot area.

Wawu District, Dou District, Flea District, and even the city guard patrols at the Yongwang Desert Sideline Toll Station drove their locomotives to maintain it.

There are even old heavy trucks painted with red graffiti parked in front of the doors of some two-bay rooms, and damaged locomotives are being moved out one by one. I don’t know which district’s gangs broke out again, and the surrounding shopkeepers also seem to be watching the excitement. Pointing, some are arguing about the maintenance of these locomotives, and more are watching enviously.

This explosive shop obviously has a directional business relationship with a certain gang. After taking this order, the owner may not have to worry about food, drink and rent for half a year, and even have a good time on the street next to him.

The morning is the time for these explosive reform shops to pick up jobs, and it is the time for the car to wear and tear after the gang members' activities in the evening.

Most of the vehicles sent here for maintenance will be on the road again tonight, and there is no room for a moment of rest.

Perhaps the noise that lasted all night is a kind of peace of mind for the ordinary people and mechanics in Chechang Town, which is like the brightest pearl on the outskirts of Gilded City.

The radiance it emits can only be calmed and deterred by the coveting of the spectators in that barren land if the hustle and bustle lasts all night.

After eating some bread, grilled sausage, bacon and eggs for breakfast at one of the few serious restaurants on the corner of the street, Xu Yi managed to find out about the city pass that he was concerned about before.

Pretending to be a foreigner and during breakfast time, Xu Yi easily learned how to apply for a city entry pass from several mechanics.

One is to have special skills, such as prosthetic doctors, as long as they show their surgical skills, there will be a green channel for professionals to introduce them, and they can directly lead to the barefoot area that Xu Yi is most concerned about.

There is an additional threshold for mechanical-related professional ability. The maintenance level of locomotives alone is not enough, and a certain ability in modification is required. The easiest way is to manufacture a unique locomotive part on the spot.

Other popular fields are finance, education, medicine and other fields.

There is also the formal application process, which is relatively lengthy. It is necessary to fill in the purpose of entering the city, the business to be engaged in, the length of stay, and finally a radiation test, before it is possible to obtain a pass.

However, judging from the frequency of those mechanic's blinking hints, Xu Yi knew that money-throwing actions such as customs clearance fees were indispensable, and what he lacked most now was money.

Or, rob a gang?

(End of this chapter)

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