Chapter 315 The Gap
Ma Liuyao's eyes darkened slightly when Liu Ming easily blocked three absolute blocks with a single apotheosis spell.

Jin Jiadou Bing's absolute block was considered a surprise move, and it was also the reason why he had been hiding it for so long.

But I didn't expect that the opponent would see through the truth and resolve it so easily.

Since Liu Ming can be dealt with so easily, even if Xie Yulong, the target he expected to use, has a little less experience, he won't be much slower in fighting.

After losing three absolute blocks, the Golden Armored Dou Bing suddenly became much weaker, and was at an absolute disadvantage when fighting the hidden wolf assassin who could not see any movements.

This is also the disadvantage of turning beans into soldiers. Without the support of the high-quality beast secret seal templates in the wild world, the overall strength of the beasts of the Bean Soldier series is inferior to those of the top beasts, and Ma Liuyao can create an absolute style. It is not easy to block this level of expertise.

As soon as the battle ceased, some golden-armored bean soldiers were defeated and cut down with one claw, and then more and more bean soldiers fell one after another.

Liu Ming also seized a gap and launched a desperate surprise attack.

Strictly speaking, this is a knife technique, but it takes into account the special effects such as displacement and explosion, and can change the body shape to a certain extent, and pass through the gaps that seemed to be impossible to pass through.

Liu Ming's blow seized the gap left by the fallen Jinjiadou soldiers, and directly beheaded Ma Liuyao, who seemed a little absent-minded, through a deified desperate surprise attack.

This is also his usual method in the battle formation, relying on the deified trick with no limit on the number of uses to break the enemy's formation, and then follow up with a deified desperate surprise attack.

Gods who were a little careless were caught off guard and beheaded by him with one blow, and those who were prepared could not stop him from running around like this.

The dazzling light of the sword cut across the position where Ma Liuyao was standing, and the cut of the deadly surprise attack was strengthened by deification mainly because of the distance Liu Ming could move.

The light of the knife passed between Ma Liuyao's neck, as if piercing through a piece of air.

At the end of this blow, Liu Ming knew that he hadn't hit the opponent with the blade in his hand floating without any sense of force, which was also expected for him.

There are not a few gods who can fight back and forth with him a few times. He has encountered all the gods who have received the deified deadly surprise attack completely, and there are naturally more gods who can avoid it.

When the knife light touched the phantom left by Ma Liuyao, the shadow left in place suddenly shattered, and the remaining scattered light accelerated to catch up with its owner, fully revealing Ma Liuyao's moving trajectory.

Divine art, gossip to walk the dragon.

Ma Liuyao, who has activated Bagua Wandering Dragon Step, will have a Bagua formation map under his feet, and can move to the remaining seven positions on the formation map at will when he is attacked.

This type of immortal technique is what he brought into the wild world to save his life. It is combined with Scattering Beans into Soldiers, plus the immortal guide who uses the dragon-seeking pan to attack and assist. The cooperation of the three is also the reliance of his survival so far.

It's just that the three major spells are more than enough to protect themselves, but somewhat insufficient to be aggressive.

In addition, along the way, he mostly relied on the immortal guide to point out the risk-free and accident-free path for him, which also made him lose the process of accumulating his own strength like Xu Yi.

Those who can make it to the finals are mostly like Su Lishi's summoning endurance, including the top personal strength of Liu Ming who is currently facing the battle, which generally strengthens his ability in a certain field.

Furthermore, like Xu Yi, relying on the magical skills brought in, he quickly accumulated in the early stage, and snowballed to accumulate a certain amount of power.

Ma Liuyao adapts to the general trend because of his special skills, but he has never accumulated much strength, and his personal strength is not top-notch. Even if he finally meets the old enemy Xie Yulong in his heart, so what?
The opponent is relying on his own comprehensive scores to keep up with Xu Yi who has fought all the way to this day, and the strength of his men is not hidden.

Relying on the Eight Diagrams Walking Dragon Step, Ma Liuyao dodged Liu Ming's blow.

The desperate surprise attack failed, Liu Ming took a step back at the end of the saber stance, avoiding the shield swings of the two golden-armored bean soldiers in front of him.

Although his offensive ability is strong, he is not resistant to fighting. As a five-striped beast, the overall strength of the Golden Armored Bean Soldier is not enough. Naruto's Bard Avatar deals damage.

Opening his hands, it caused countless small airflow fluctuations, and then a huge mind blesses this airflow, performing tricks, dancing wind, and deifying blessings.

With Liu Ming himself as the center, a circle of fierce air blasted and blasted away all the bean soldiers surrounding him.

Seeing that the apotheosis trick was very effective and successfully bought time for himself, he slowly raised the blade in his hand, and once again stored the saber posture, ready for the second apotheosis to strike.

Just when Ma Liuyao was concentrating and wanted to guard against this slash, Liu Ming suddenly opened his mouth, and a ball of flames erupted violently, spitting out fire with magic tricks.

Under the strong driving force, the flame formed a spindle-shaped fire wave, which charged towards Ma Liuyao with high temperature.

This sudden attack made the tense Ma Liuyao subconsciously launch the Eight Diagrams Walking Dragon Step and fly out.

And Liu Ming was waiting for this moment. After he judged the final location of Ma Liuyao's movement, he forcibly stopped spitting fire, raised the long knife and slashed down, and at the same time his body turned into a dazzling sharp knife Mang flew towards Ma Liuyao.

Ma Liuyao, who started the Eight Diagrams Walking Dragon Step, also sensed something was wrong in the next second. At the moment of life and death, he could not allow any hesitation, and he took out a bright silver whisk and put it on the throat.

In the next second, the sword light came in an instant, hitting the silver wires hanging down from the whisk.

The dazzling light turned into Liu Ming again in front of Ma Liuyao, accompanied by a huge slashing force, which made him almost unable to maintain his body balance.

In a panic, he launched the Eight Diagrams Walking Dragon Step again, and appeared in another direction.

At the same time, there was a pair of eyes watching the other seven directions. The moment the long knife's focus disappeared, Liu Ming was even prepared, and his body only leaned forward slightly.

He even took advantage of this change in the center of gravity to quickly turn around, and the position where Ma Liuyao appeared was almost the same as he predicted, which was exactly the opposite of the current position.

The previously closed mouth opened again, and a condensed line of fire flew out, hitting Ma Liuyao's chest.

Liu Ming's lips were also a little purple because of this, and there was even blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. It was not free to swallow half of his mouthful of fire. The inner wall of his mouth was burned in a large area, and some places were cracked and bleeding.

Paying such a price in exchange for the attack transition was so fast that it completely exceeded the speed of human reaction. Ma Liuyao was sent flying by a scorching heat, and he barely stopped the momentum after rolling several times on the ground.

The pain of extensive burns poured into his mind, but Ma Liuyao still raised his spirits to look at his opponent from the corner of his eyes.

At a glance, Liu Ming has already raised the long knife three times, the knife's momentum is concentrated, and the stability is chilling...

(End of this chapter)

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