Chapter 109 The Night Visit
Seeing that Suzaku was working so hard, Feng Xiyue immediately jumped down from the tree. Luckily, the wind spirit formed a stream of air under Suzaku's feet, trying to hold him back, but she was not strong enough to hold Suzaku and the two girls. strenuous.

At this moment, Feng Xiyue suddenly felt the pressure drop sharply.She looked up and saw a woman in white on the opposite side, and she also activated the wind spirit, forming an air current under Suzaku's feet that dragged them down.

The two worked together to help Suzaku bring them down slowly.

As soon as the two of them landed on the ground, the woman in white came over and saluted Feng Xiyue and Suzaku slightly, "Thank you both for your rescue."

After walking in, Feng Xiyue could see her appearance clearly. Although she was wearing plain white clothes and a wooden hairpin, she was very elegant. She exuded a quiet and elegant temperament like a lotus. Thousands of people are pleasing to the eye.Her facial features are also very delicate, if she dresses up carefully, she can really be called the capital of the country and the city.

Feng Xiyue clasped her fists, "I'm busy. If I hadn't, you could have saved the two of you." Feng Xiyue could feel clearly that this woman's spiritual power is very strong, saving the two of them would not be a problem at all.

At this time, Caiyun Caiyue had already walked to her side, and the two silently walked behind her with their heads down, "Senior Sister..."

"You two are so old and so naughty." She said, knocking on the heads of the two of them.She clasped her fists to Feng Xiyue again and said, "No matter what, thank you for your help," she said, taking out a bottle of medicine from her waist and handing it to Feng Xiyue, "This is the unique secret medicine of my Baihua Palace, which can cure trauma , such beautiful hands, you should cherish them more." She said to Feng Xiyue with a smile.

Feng Xiyue took her medicine, thanked her, and left.

The woman in white didn't do much to keep her, she knew that those who came to this realm of oblivion were not ordinary people, and it was not appropriate to inquire, so she just smiled and clasped fists at Feng Xiyue: "Meet by chance, meet again by fate, if your excellency is in oblivion If something happens outside of Zhiya, Qingcheng will definitely try her best to help."

"In that case, I will thank you in advance." After finishing speaking, Feng Xiyue left, and the woman in white also walked in the opposite direction.

That night, the white-clothed woman and her party were resting, closing their eyes and resting their minds. The silver woman suddenly felt a burst of powerful spiritual power.She opened her eyes immediately, a spiritual force suddenly hit her face, she dodged hastily, the opponent missed a single blow, but had no intention of continuing to attack, but dodged around, the woman in white was chasing after him.When there was no one there, the person in front stopped, and the woman in white also stopped behind him, staring at him warily.

"Miss Qingcheng." The visitor turned around and looked at him.

The person in front of him was dressed in white, which looked very abrupt in the dark night.The face is very outstanding, and it is three points similar to the person in the memory!
"Who are you?" Feng Qingcheng asked uncertainly.

Beiming Liuying took a token from his waist and handed it to Feng Qingcheng.

"It turned out to be King Qi. Qingcheng left home since he was a child, and even forgot his childhood playmate." Feng Qingcheng smiled, facing King Qi neither humble nor overbearing, "You brought me here in the middle of the night, I don't know what King Qi is doing?"

"To be honest, I have something to ask for."

"I don't know what's the matter?"

"I want to ask Miss Qingcheng to take care of someone."

"I don't know who has this honor, but asked you to visit late at night?" Feng Qingcheng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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