Chapter 173 Injured
However, Tachibana never imagined that the self three hours later would want to travel back to this time and chop off his claws.

Being cheap is not a disease, but it is fatal at critical times.

After accepting the task, Tachibana discovered that this so-called jigsaw puzzle task turned out to be a complete three lives pieced together from the complicated memory fragments.

What's more, this task that required to piece together the three people's memories from birth to the present has a time limit requirement.

Once the pieces cannot be assembled within four hours, the mission will automatically fail, the memory fragments will be reshuffled, and the next round of missions will start automatically.

And Tachibana is now after the first failure, the second round of the ongoing three-and-a-half-hour puzzle task.

As the progress of the puzzle progresses, the task reward optimization identity card is also being carried out simultaneously.

At the very beginning of the mission, Tachibana endured the pain that his mind was about to explode, and quickly cut off the empathy.

This is also the reason why Brandy can't contact Juliang and can't empathize with Zhufuhuali.

And with the completion of the puzzle, the memories he pieced together also appeared in the minds of Brandy, Zhu Fuhuali and himself, naturally and clearly.

One of the big reasons why Mr. Devil can still live freely after countless years is his emotional indifference.

As long as you don't care, nothing can leave its mark on the heart of the devil.

However, when piecing together the three identity cards and the memory of the whole life, the little devil only felt that he was crying and laughing with his empathy, almost crazy.

The huge, mixed and distinct emotions washed and submerged the little devil like a tide, Tachibana even thought he would drown in it.

During the first mission, the little devil spent nearly three and a half hours, barely reading all the memory fragments.

The chaotic and disorderly memories, mixed emotions, and too vivid and painful obsessions almost made the little devil give up directly.

However, knowing that the so-called mission material is the memory of his three identity cards, it is impossible for Tachibana to fail the mission.

Especially... after he has pieced together those precious and vivid memories.

These memories... are things he absolutely cannot give up!
The little devil managed to catch his breath between missions, and after replying Brandy's email, he plunged into a new round of puzzle missions.

Of course he knew the whole story of what Brandy said in the email, but now time is running out, Tachibana had no choice but to wait for the time-limited task to be completed before explaining to Brandy clearly.

Brandy...will be angry, right?

Tachibana sighed, put this thought behind him, and started a new round of tasks wholeheartedly.

I can only... wait until the task is completed before I apologize properly.


Near Tokyo Port, the gathering place of the skull club.

To put it nicely, it is called a gathering place, but to put it bluntly, it is an abandoned factory building.

"Second brother, have we found a place to sell the building materials we worked so hard to bring over?"

A cockscomb head squatted on a bundle of steel bars, smoking a cigarette, and asked the big bald man who was sitting on a stone pier beside him and eating instant noodles.

"Immediately! I said it's imminent, what's the rush?"

The bald man known as the second brother took a sip of the instant noodles, and said in a bad tone, "I have everything in my hand, but you still worry about sales? If you feel slow, you can go out and find sales for me."

"Damn it, have the pockets of the students in the school next to us been squeezed out by video games today? The amount of money is outrageous."

A burly man with a few gangsters pushed open the door of the warehouse and walked in cursing.

"The pockets are cleaner than the face, and my hand hurts from the beating."

"Hello, brother."

"Brother is back."

Ji Guantou and Baldhead stood up hastily when they saw the person coming, and called out respectfully.

"Well, those things you brought back in the morning, have you sold them?"

Bulky is the organizer of this so-called Skull Society.

They said it was a club, but the few shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the warehouse were all their members.

"Brother, it's also the first time we're selling this thing, so we need to give it some more time."

The bald head lost the arrogance of the cockscomb head just now, and he looked at the burly man with a big horse who was sitting in the same position as he was sitting just now, and explained with some caution.


The burly man snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with this answer.

"I'll give you another day. If you can't sell it again, just wait for me."

He also knew that the pile of building materials he stole back with him today would indeed be hard to sell for a while, so he didn't say anything more.

"Okay, okay! Brother, don't worry, I will definitely sell this pile of things tomorrow!"


At this moment, a rhythmic knock on the door interrupted the conversation between the burly man and the bald man.

The rusted iron door made a long and heavy knocking sound under knocking.


Everyone in the warehouse was startled. They grabbed the tools they had at hand and prepared to wait for this unknown visitor.


The old iron door was slowly pushed open from the outside, and a foreign boy who looked like a high school student walked in through the door.

"You guys - okay~"

The seemingly clean and harmless boy greeted the bewildered crowd in a friendly manner.

However, at the same time, his right hand quietly pulled the trigger of the pistol.



The body of the burly man who suffered a headshot fell to the ground with a plop.

The punks who were splashed all over by the blood of the big brother have never seen such a scene before.

They were so frightened that they trembled and froze in place, becoming brandy's living targets.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Brandy fired several shots, killing all the punks who didn't come and respond.

There was only a bald head who staggered and hid behind a wooden box, panting violently.

Brandy casually switched magazines, and approached the bald head's hiding place step by step.

"Go to hell you!!"

Just as Brandy approached the bald head's hiding place, the bald head, who had been acting very flustered, rushed out with a grinning grin, pulled out a pistol, pointed it at Brandy and pressed the trigger.


Brandy nimbly turned sideways to avoid the inaccurate bullet, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

"Uh uh uh……"

The bald head, who had been pierced by a bullet from Brandy, fell powerlessly to the ground.


Brandy put away the gun indifferently and was about to turn around and leave when he keenly heard a strange sound.


not good!

 Thanks to Mo Lingxue and Liang Zai for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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