Chapter 123

While Tachibana Ryosuke was still hesitating, the door of Tachibana's bedroom was opened from the inside.

"Mr. Orange? Good morning."

Seeing Ju Liangjie, Brandy was slightly taken aback, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

"The situation forced me to knock you out last time. I'm really sorry."

Brandy said he was sorry, but he smiled peacefully, without any sign of apology.

Brandy, who was blocking the door of Tachibana's room, looked at Tachibana Liangsuke with a smile, as if he was the master of this place.

Tachibana Ryosuke still doesn't know what attitude he should take to face Brandy, who is not only a criminal, but also a police informant, and also a good friend of Tachibana.

After Brandy reminded him, Tachibana Liangsuke remembered that the last time he was at Tachibana's house, he was knocked out by this young man who looked young.


Tachibana Liangsuke responded with a blunt and cold face.

The young Mr. Jing Wangzheng had secretly imagined the scene of his encounter with Brandy many times.

Tachibana Liangsuke originally thought that he would be the one with ease.

But after talking with Tachibana, Mr. Jing Shizheng, who was already a little tired, became even more unwell.

Tachibana Liangsuke even felt an unprecedented sense of cowardice, he just vaguely knew that doing so might make Tachibana sad, he couldn't pretend to be stupid, so he still chose to ask.

Tachibana Ryosuke didn't mean to doubt or alienate Tachibana Liang, he just wanted to fulfill the responsibility of guiding and guardianship as an older brother.

But Tachibana Liangsuke, who was also raised by his parents, didn't know what was the right way.

He was just groping and trying to teach Tachibana what he thought was the best.


It seems to have failed.

What makes Mr. Jingshizheng, who is always at ease, feel uneasy is that he can perceive Tachibana's obvious indifference.

He didn't want to create a estrangement with his younger brother, but it was obviously beyond his control.

Tachibana Ryosuke, who can't be subdued and flattering at all, is panicked by the possible rift between him and Tachibana, but he doesn't know how to save it.

The young brother could only panic and try to keep him, while watching Ju Liang drift away from him.

Right now, the only thing Tachibana Ryosuke can do is to prevent the gap between him and Tachibana from getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, when facing Brandy, whom Tachibana regards as a friend, Tachibana Ryosuke just felt that there was a lot more restraint out of thin air.

"Liang Zai talked to you, right?"

The sympathetic little devil was a little angry with his brother, he secretly poked hard at his brother's dead spot.

Sure enough, when Tachibana Liangjie heard Brandy calling Tachibana so affectionately with a natural expression, his face turned dark immediately.

If Ju Liangjie can't see that Brandy is deliberately provoking him, he will be a police officer for so many years for nothing!
"Oh, Mr. Brandy was joking, our family has always been very obedient, and there is nothing to talk about."

Originally, Ju Liangjie was a little bit cowardly by his son.

Because he was worried about making his younger brother angry, although the orange cat really wanted to scratch the big-tailed wolf that had almost caused conflicts between the brothers, he still held his breath aggrieved and did not dare to stretch out his paws.

However, Tachibana Ryosuke couldn't help it immediately after being stimulated by Brandy's chatter, and his desire to fight surged instantly.

Although he hasn't figured out how to make his younger brother happy, Ju Liang's interface didn't reveal the slightest flaw.

"If it's about your overnight stay yesterday, we have indeed communicated."

Tachibana Ryosuke hypocritically smirked.

"Brandy and our Liangliang haven't gotten to know each other that well yet, so please be careful when you speak."

Tachibana Liangsuke only felt that his narrow-mindedness all his life was aroused at this time.

"Anyway, Liangliang is also the heir of the Ju family, so his status is different."

Ju Liangjie was stimulated by Brandy's mouthful of a "good boy", so that he learned his yin and yang strange energy and ridiculed his skills without a teacher.

At this time, Tachibana Liangsuke is no longer the calm and self-sufficient policeman. He is like a big rooster guarding the territory, and continues to output with high spirits.

"Mr. Brandy, if he wants to be friends with Liangliang, he should give him more consideration."

Ryosuke Tachibana: You are a garbage scum who will be thrown into jail sooner or later!Scum!Scum!

Stay away from my cubs!
Are you still called Liang Zai? !Is that what you can call? !

The little devil was still sullenly angry at his cheap brother who somehow misunderstood his behavior when he got up early in the morning.

But the little devil who was sulking and suffocating, seeing Tachibana Ryosuke's expression that my brother and I have the best relationship in the world, couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Well, whoever let this stupid brother belong to his own family, let him forgive him once.

The boy who just woke up from sleep had messy hair, he stood against the door of Ju Liang's bedroom, smiling very happily.

And this scene was seen by Ju Liangjie, it was Brandy's sarcasm and contempt for him.

This caused great harm to Tachibana Ryosuke, who was trying to piss people off for the first time.

"Mr. Brandy, Tachibana wants to be your friend. If I disagree, he will choose to draw a line with you."

Tachibana Liangjie tried his best to ignore the guilty conscience, and said calmly.

"But I won't stop it because I don't want to make him sad."

"But," Tachibana Ryosuke looked coldly at Brandy, who was laughing more and more happily, and warned, "This is not a reason for you to be presumptuous."

"If you dare to hurt him or hurt him, I will not let you go."

"Even if you die, please stay away from your death."

Tachibana Ryosuke, who has never been so mean, is tough as a brother.

He tried his best to stimulate Brandy with what he felt was the most poignant words.

"Eh? Are you done?"

The little devil, who was admiring the rare side of his brother, realized belatedly that Tachibana Ryosuke seemed to have paused for a long time.

Tachibana Ryosuke, who held back for a long time, continued to output, and released his ultimate move but was all dodged by the opponent inadvertently, almost exploded in anger.

No matter what he said, Brandy, a stinky and shameless person, always seemed to be in high spirits.


"Cough, what Mr. Orange said is quite right." Seeing that his brother was turning pale with anger, the little devil hastily responded perfunctorily.

"Since you also think what you said is right, then stay away from Liangliang. You will only bring him trouble."

Tachibana Ryosuke, who was turned into a puffer fish, looked at Brandy with an innocent face coldly, restraining his urge to slap his deceptive face.

"Hahahaha." Brandy was successfully amused by Tachibana Ryosuke's little expression, and his cheap brother is too funny.

Although Tachibana Ryosuke still has a straight face and seems to be very calm...

But the little devil, who is familiar with every micro expression of Tachibana Ryosuke, can see the turbulent waves hidden under his brother's bluffing appearance at a glance.

Hahahahaha, why doesn't he know that his serious brother has such a playful side?
 The first update, thanks to Xin Lingwei, Lonely Xueluo, book friend 20201121145326104.

  Tachibana Ryosuke, who was about to be cried by the little devil, begged for a subscription angrily!

(End of this chapter)

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