Chapter 218 Marco's Crisis
"Mr. Xue, is it really that~ it's her~ Yan Zi is the new CEO of Jiangdu Entertainment?"

As soon as Xue Congfu returned to Tianfeng Entertainment from the meeting, Wanpingan was already waiting for him at the door. The news is now known to Jiangdu Entertainment, and it will reach Tianfeng Entertainment faster than Xue Congfu came back by car.

From the fact that Wan Ping'an could tell by changing his address a few times, his heart was in a mess.

Xue Congfu, who is known as the smiling tiger, couldn't laugh any more at this moment. He wanted to get angry at first, but think about it, if he got angry here one second, it would be passed on to Jiangdu Entertainment in the next second...

So suppressing his anger, he nodded with a gloomy face, and then walked quickly to the elevator.

"This~ no, Jiangdu Entertainment is such a big group, how can it... how is it possible?"

Wan Pingan trotted all the way and asked incredulously, followed into the elevator, and found that there were two employees in the elevator, a man and a woman.

"You two go out and take the next elevator, Mr. Xue and I have something to talk about!" Wan Pingan said with a stern face.

The two employees saw that the faces of their company's boss and song director were as dark as if they had touched the bottom of a pot, and hurried out of the elevator.

Watching the elevator door close, the male employee said curiously: "What's the matter? I've been in the company for so many years, and it's rare to see Mr. Xue's ugly face."

"You don't know?" Another female employee looked around and said mysteriously: "The youngest son of my uncle's brother-in-law who works in Jiangdu Entertainment sent me a message just now, saying that Jiangdu Entertainment has a new CEO. , guess who it is?"

"who is it?"

"I knew you wouldn't guess it!" The female employee said proudly, "It's the original artist of our Tianfeng Entertainment, Miss Yan Zi who opened the artist studio who was squeezed out by Mr. Xue this year, don't you think he looks ugly? ?"

"Miss Yan Zi? Are you kidding me?" The male employee seemed to be listening to the Arabian Nights: "I remember she joined Tianfeng Entertainment last year, right? How old is she this year? It seems like 24 or how much?"

"Hehe, if you still don't believe me, the whole company will know about it soon." After finishing speaking, the female employee said sourly, "What's wrong with being young? As long as he has a background, he's just a three- or four-year-old kid." Children, we don’t have to work for others.”

On the other side, Wan Pingan followed Xue Congfu all the way to the CEO's office.

"Mr. Xue, what should we do about this?" Wan Ping'an scratched the few hairs on his head.

At this moment, Xue Congfu also thought that all his strength had been exhausted, and he slumped on his chair, and said helplessly: "What should I do? What else can I do? Maybe I can give her the CEO position, right? "

Thinking of what Yan Zi said when she looked at her today, "There will not be too many changes in personnel affairs for the time being", her face turns blue and white.

The current Tianfeng Entertainment is absolutely controlled by Jiangdu Entertainment, the second largest shareholder is Xu Tianfeng, and I am only the third shareholder. If they really target me, I really have nothing to do.

"Why don't we admit...admit it?" Wan Pingan has also followed Xue Congfu for many years, and as far as he knows Xue Congfu is not a master who will choose to die in everything.

"Admit it? How do you admit it?" Xue Congfu asked. The fact that he could ask such a question meant that he approved of Wan Ping'an's suggestion.

"Mr. Xue, think about why Mr. Yan left Tianfeng Entertainment at that time?" Wan Ping'an said in a low voice.

Xue Congfu heard Wan Ping'an's dislike of Mr. Yan, his face was cloudy and he thought about it, and said, "Stop playing charades at this time, let's talk about it?"

"Okay!" Wan Ping'an nodded: "Didn't the company receive a lot of garbage notices to her at that time? In fact, as long as Mr. Xue finds a scapegoat from the marketing department, he will say that these notices are the behavior of the following, Then find a way to disclose this matter to Jiangdu Entertainment."

"Believe it or not is the same thing, at least I've made a gesture here!"

After Wan Ping'an finished speaking, Xue Congfu was noncommittal, and continued: "The second is Marco. You Qingchen has been loyally following Mr. Yan, and even established a studio under the name of 'You Qingchen Studio'."

"At the time when the contract was terminated, there were discussions on the Internet that Mr. Yan abandoned us at Tianfeng Entertainment, and it was You Qingchen who took over the responsibility. Therefore, You Qingchen's status in Mr. Yan's heart is definitely not low. And who is You Qingchen's thorn in his side and thorn in his flesh? Isn't it Marco?"

After listening to Wan Ping'an's analysis, Xue Congfu kept tapping on the table with his fingers, and said after a long time: "The first method is wrong, you are not a fool over there, you didn't go today, Yan...Although Mr. Yan is young, But on the first day today, she gave both grace and power, and the two giants of Jiangdu entertainment, Lu Xun and Chen Mingshan, were both subdued by her."

This was something Wan Pingan didn't expect. Thinking about the Yan Zi she met in the company before, isn't she just a harmless little girl? She didn't expect to hide it so deeply.

If this is the case, the other party must be the one who can't rub the sand in his eyes. Pushing a scapegoat on his own side may be counterproductive.

"Mr. Xue is still thoughtful!" Wan Pingan flattered him, but Xue Congfu was not in the mood to listen to his flattery at this time.

"The second one you mentioned is indeed a solution. After today's meeting, I inquired about it. You Qingchen took the studio and those people into Jiangdu Entertainment, and became a separate business department, in charge of Mr. Yan's performance affairs. She's still in charge."

Having said that, Xue Congfu stopped talking, but the meaning was already very clear.

Wan Pingan nodded: "I know what to do, Mr. Xue."

"Okay, go down first if you have nothing to do." Xue Congfu waved his hand wearily.

Seeing Wan Pingan leave with a nod and bow, Xue Congfu only felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Tianfeng Entertainment's performance has been very good recently, especially after signing Ma Keer. Although her album has not been released yet, other businesses are doing well. I originally thought that the new CEO would take office so that I could show my face.

Unexpectedly, Ma Ke'er, who I paid a lot of money to sign back at the time, actually planned to freeze her now.

But there is no way, the situation is stronger than others, and I have to show an attitude of admitting my mistakes. The matter of Ma Ke'er can be regarded as a signal sent by myself, let's see how the other side responds.

Soon Ma Ke'er's manager, Sister Li, received several calls, all of which informed her that there was something wrong with Ma Ke'er's announcement and needed to be postponed.

Sister Li, who has been in this circle for so many years, immediately sensed something unusual. She didn't need to ask much, and she got a piece of news that she couldn't believe. Yan Zi became the new CEO of Jiangdu Entertainment.

So this is Jiangdu entertainment going to suppress Ma Ke'er?Although Ma Keer is the most popular female star in recent years, Sister Li still feels great pressure in the face of Jiangdu Entertainment, the largest private media group in China.

What's more serious is that Ma Ke'er is now signed to Tianfeng Entertainment, a subsidiary of Jiangdu Entertainment. Although at the time of signing the contract, it was stated how many works would be produced each year, but the quality of these works is up to them.

Is it true that my own artist can act in a shoddy online movie if he has two film queens and one TV queen?
(End of this chapter)

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