
Chapter 99 28.Who is the weakest

Chapter 99 28.Who is the weakest among a hundred people

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While looking at Shen Yunfei, everyone also paid attention to the remaining 65 "Betta fish".However, from the beginning to the end, no one stood up and voluntarily became Shen Yunfei's "fighting fish".

Until Magic Ji said: "Since it is the last one, anyone who wants to can stand up."

At this time, only one person took a step forward and raised his head to face Shen Yunfei.

This is a young man, he looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, he is the youngest among all the warriors present.Moreover, his stature is not considered tall, his aura is not calm, and his soul power is not considered profound, and he can't even find a single characteristic in his whole body.It can be said that if any appraiser is to be selected, he will be the first to be eliminated.

However, after seeing the young man, Shen Yunfei just smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, it's just you."

As a result, all 36 appraisers have their own "Betta Fish".In the future, each appraiser will have one day to choose the appropriate equipment, mounts, and various items for their "Betta" in the Dili Tower. Afterwards, the "Betta" will A arena contest is held in the Tianshi Tower to decide the winner.

The competition adopts a promotion method, firstly, the treasure appraisers draw to decide the opponents, until the final three are determined.

There are a total of five rounds in the martial arts competition, divided into five days. During these five days, all appraisers can adjust the equipment of their "Betta Fish" at any time according to the situation, but the mounts cannot be replaced.

In each round of battle, there is a certain limit on the number of items brought, including mounts.Regardless of the size and type, it is only calculated by the number of pieces.

The audience and examiners will stay in the Renhe Pagoda to observe every move of the appraisers with the six giant "True Water Mirrors".That is to say, even if they are not at the scene, everyone can see the competition of the appraisers.After deciding on their own "fighting fish", the appraisers, under the guidance of their attendants, turned to Dili Tower and began to choose combat equipment for their respective "fighting fish".

The Dili Pagoda has six floors, but it is taller than the Renhe Pagoda, and the space on each floor is extremely spacious and heavy.

Unlike the hollow wooden structure surrounding the Renhe Pagoda, the Dili Pagoda is completely made of huge stones, like a solid fortress.

Except for the outer eaves of the tower, as soon as you enter the tower gate, there are winding stone steps on both sides, and behind a stone gate on the front is the space on the first floor.This goes up, every floor is like this, the entire interior of the tower, in addition to being completely built of thick boulders, is also wrapped in layers of steps.

On the first floor, some cushion balls are randomly placed, and there is drinking water next to it, which is a resting place for appraisers and their "fighting fish".And this place has long been divided into several spaces by screens, and the screens are engraved with sound-proof arrays, so that the appraiser and the "fighting fish" can communicate independently without being affected by other people.

And from the second floor upwards are the items they are about to pick.

As soon as they entered the Dili Tower, some appraisers led their "Betta" upstairs to choose equipment, and some were not in a hurry and planned to have a full communication with the "Betta" before making a decision.Therefore, as soon as they entered the Dili Pagoda, the 36 appraisers dispersed, some went to the second floor, some went to the third floor, some went to the top floor, and some stayed on the first floor for a short rest.

And when the last treasure appraiser entered, the gate of the Dili Tower was closed, so far, they were all in an independent space.No one is responsible for explaining to them, because everything needs them to see with their eyes and comprehend with their own hearts.

Shen Yunfei looked at the young man who followed behind him like a follower, and asked with a smile: "What's your name?"

The boy was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect the treasure appraiser to ask him such a question, it seems that it has nothing to do with the next competition.However, since he was instructed to answer any questions raised by the treasure appraiser as long as there were no taboos involved, this question obviously did not fall into the category of taboo violations.

So the boy replied: "The code name of my subordinate is Li Feng."

"Li Feng?" Shen Yunfei couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Since it is a code name, it is naturally not his real name, but the number chosen by the world for him.And general numbering, if it is not just numbered or sequenced, it has its special purpose.

During the inquiries of other treasure appraisers before, Shen Yunfei noticed that among the 100 people, 64 people were named after the eight trigrams, while the remaining 36 people had 28 places and eight winds.In other words, the names of these 100 people also represent their own characteristics.

And because Bafeng seems to be the weakest, only one of them was asked about his name before, named Xunfeng, who was eventually chosen by the purple robe.

The reason why Shen Yunfei is sure that there are eight winds is not based on imagination, but because of the two names "Xunfeng" and "Lifeng".

Bafeng is related to Bagua, but it is not the same as Bagua, but the wind angle theory derived from Bagua, which is a method for divination.

The Xunfeng has a long flat swing and a continuous blow, which is considered to be the most durable among the eight winds.And Li Feng's characteristic is bright and gentle, intermittent and continuous, it should be regarded as the weakest of the eight winds.

If the names of these 100 people are really determined according to their respective strengths and characteristics, then it should be considered that the 64 hexagrams have mutual restraint, the 28 constellations have distinctive characteristics, and since the eight winds are all winds, it means There are advantages in speed.But again, correspondingly, all have zero defense.

If you really have to rely on equipment to make targeted adjustments, choosing 64 hexagrams and 28 constellations is better than eight winds.Because both the Eight Diagrams and the 28 Constellations have their obvious attributes and characteristics, and they are born and restrained. As long as their weaknesses or strengths are compensated or enhanced, the goal can be achieved.In addition to zero defense, Bafeng's biggest flaw is that it cannot be determined.Even if there is a category, it is difficult to make up for it from equipment or mounts.

If the comparison this time is not about appraising treasures, but purely identifying people, the safest way to do it is to rule out the eight winds first.Because it is too difficult to control the wind.However, after all, it is about appraising treasures now, the higher the difficulty, the more challenging it is.

After all, Shen Yunfei's goal is not to win the championship, but to prove his strength.Choosing the most difficult topic actually fit his idea.

It's just that he never thought that this young man who volunteered to be the "fighting fish" for himself was actually the weakest one among the 100 people.Because it is the slowest one among the eight winds, it can't take advantage of the wind at all, and the eight trigrams that have the same attributes as Li Feng, which belongs to Li Xun's "Ding" hexagram, are also stronger than Li Feng. few.After all, people have gold and soil in the six lines, so they are somewhat defensive.

"It seems that it's really nerve-wracking." Shen Yunfei scratched his scalp and said with a smile: "Come on, let's go upstairs and see what treasures there are."

Li Feng heard the words, and naturally followed the third young master.However, he is still young after all, so he can't help but have a youthful heart.Seeing that Shen Yunfei finished asking this question, he stopped asking other questions. Seeing that there was no one around, he was curious for a moment, so he asked in a low voice: "Master, why don't you ask me other questions? I would ask all other appraisers. "

Hearing this, Shen Yunfei couldn't help but laugh, and what he laughed was of course the boy's name for him.

But looking back, he is now responsible for directing all actions of Li Feng, and Li Feng is his "fighting fish", so it is not an exaggeration to call him the master.However, Shen Yunfei really didn't like this title, so he said with a smile: "Is there any need to ask? You kid has practiced in all four aspects of body, mind, spirit, soul, but you can't do it well. Only the speed is a little faster, and you are still unstable. Among a hundred people, although your potential is not small, you are still the weakest one. Otherwise, you would not volunteer, and you are anxious to prove your strength. Don’t call me master in the future, you Be happy, call me Brother Yunfei, no matter how you say it, I am a few years older than you."

"This...isn't it good?" Li Feng hesitated for a while, but finally changed his mind under Shen Yunfei's "firm" eyes, and called San Shao Brother Yunfei.And he was deeply impressed by Shen Yunfei's ability to see through him at a glance, but because Shen Yunfei treated him so frankly, he felt a little embarrassed, worried that his current lack of strength would affect the final results of the third young master.

Seeing the shame in Li Feng's eyes, Shen Yunfei comforted: "Don't worry, I don't care about the ranking, I just want to see it. But don't be discouraged, maybe I can pick a few for you upstairs. A good thing is coming. Although you are not as good as them now, in time, it will not be a problem to surpass any of them. After all, it is not so easy for fellow practitioners of the four realms."

Seeing that Li Feng still didn't believe it, Shen Yunfei leaned closer to his ear and said, "I'll tell you a secret, I'm also a fellow practitioner of the Four Paths, just like you, with zero defense. Don't underestimate yourself. If you really want to talk about it, the 100 Among people, you are really the one who suits me best."

It wasn't until this moment that Li Feng's eyes finally brightened, his confidence recovered a little bit, and he no longer felt guilty for dragging Shen Yunfei back because of his eagerness to perform.

In fact, Shen Yunfei didn't say this casually, but he knew very well that it is impossible to win such a competition without self-confidence.And since Li Feng was eager to express himself, he probably didn't have much confidence in the first place, and even had a little low self-esteem.Only by telling him this way can he worry about his grades from time to time.

Walking to the second floor of the Dili Pagoda, appraisers have already begun to select artifacts.All the weapons and equipment are placed on this floor, and they are placed in four categories: avatar, heart, qi, and soul, and then subdivided into weapons and armor, from head to toe, everything is available, even including pills and formation symbols. .Although there are not many of them, the wonderful thing is that they are complete in variety, and warriors of almost any attribute can pick out suitable equipment and weapons from them.

It's just that these equipments are also good and bad. Although they are not top-quality, their quality is not bad.What is the most suitable can only rely on the eyesight of the appraisers.

Shen Yunfei only glanced at it and felt a little disappointed.Because the things here are not good for Shen Sanshao, they are even only a little bit better than those on the street.

He originally came here with an eye-opening mentality, full of hope to see some magical weapons, so he naturally looked down on the things here.But thinking about it is also true, if it is really a magical weapon, it is impossible to place it at random and let them choose.Even if there is, it is impossible to achieve an average of each attribute.

Third Young Master sighed, and didn't go in again, pulled Li Feng's clothes, and said, "Come on, let's go upstairs and have a look."


Descendants of the Dragon, let's play "Dragon"

(End of this chapter)

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