
Chapter 20 20.Huaixi Palace looking at paintings

Chapter 20 20.Huaixi Palace looking at paintings
It is really a big event to say that Princess Fengxiang is getting married.

The bridegroom, Yan Shan, is a descendant of King Yan of the Shennong family, and is now the lord of Gusu City.Although he is only 25 years old, he possesses a great strategy in his chest, possesses peerless martial arts skills, and is proficient in the way of leading soldiers and generals. The common people are actually more popular with the people than his father, the old King Yan, and they are indeed the masters of a generation.

And the bride, Feng Yumeng, is eighteen years old.As the only daughter of Fengxiang city lord Yu Yu's only daughter, it goes without saying that her status is noble.It is even more rumored that Princess Yumeng was born with a beautiful country since she was a child, completely inherited her mother's appearance, and also intensively studied Taoist fairy arts since she was a child, and learned the ability to kill demons and subdue demons. Not to mention.

This talented woman is originally a match made in heaven, and their identities are special. Such a marriage is equivalent to combining the two cities of Gusu and Fengxiang into one family. How can such a big event not attract people's attention?

What's more, this time, the city lord Yu Yu intends to use her daughter's marriage to invite heroes from all over the world to discuss plans to eliminate demons. In this way, this grand event cannot be missed no matter what.

Because Huangfu Hua was responsible for guarding, he stayed in Fengxiang Palace the first night.As for Shen Yunfei, after a long sleep the next day, he vaguely remembered that there was still such a thing, so he hurriedly got up to freshen up, hurriedly hired a car, and hurried to the Forbidden Palace in the south of the city.

Once outside the Forbidden Palace, Third Young Master Shen was overwhelmed by the majestic momentum.

Although Wanglong Town is near Xuantian Dragon City, it is not like Shen Yunfei has never seen the world, but Xuantian Dragon City has long since declined, and there are Dragon City officials and imperial soldiers guarding it, but it is not like Fengxiang Palace. So grand.

This is the palace built by the Nuwa clan. Before getting out of the car, I saw a colorful stone statue of Nuwa with a height of tens of feet. There is also a relief on the base of the statue. Created man, smelted stones to mend the sky and many other achievements.

Looking at the lifelike statue of Nuwa, for some reason, Shen Yunfei thought of the goddess in his dream again.Faintly, he actually felt that the goddess in the dream had some similarities with the Holy Mother and Nuwa in appearance and demeanor.

It's just that you can't be profane in front of the holy statue, Shen Yunfei glanced around, not daring to look any further.

The holy statue is surrounded by a five-stone square, where vehicles cannot go any further.Shen Yunfei got out of the car, paid the fare, and continued walking.At this time, I saw that the square was already full of large and small vehicles parked around the square, some of which were pulled by oxen or horses, and there were even giant beasts similar to rhinoceros, which were tamed to bend their heads to their ears, with saddles on their backs, acting as mounts.

Shen Yunfei was amazed to see it, and he didn't know who was so sacred that he could use a rhinoceros canal as a mount.But he himself had ridden Bi Wen himself, and when he recalled the ferocious beasts domesticated in the Yiyang barracks, he put away his surprise and moved on.

At the southern end of the square, behind the statue of Nuwa, there is a cloud-patterned avenue, which is [-] feet wide and hundreds of feet long, and it is all paved with white jade.Each three-foot square brick is carefully engraved with auspicious cloud patterns, which look like floating clouds, but they are extraordinarily smooth when stepped on.Looking from a distance, it's like walking on the clouds, feeling like a fairy.

On both sides of the avenue, every ten steps, a pair of guards with spears stood like nails.Every ten people are separated by a ten-foot-high colored flag.The flag is painted with phoenixes, dragons, unicorns and many other mythical animals.The wind is strong, the flags are flying, and coupled with the two rows of nail-like guards in the Forbidden Palace, it really makes people feel more solemn and solemn.

Walking along the Yunwen Road to the end is the Chaoyang Hall, and there are palace people in front of the hall who are in charge of escorting them.Shen Yunfei originally wanted to look for Huangfuhua's figure, but then remembered that he was in charge of guarding the banquet, so naturally he would not appear here.

The third young master handed over the invitation, and a palace official accepted the invitation, leading him to Huaixi Palace in the west, and then left in a hurry.

Huaixi Palace is a side hall of Fengxiang Palace. In addition to the apse residence and garden, there is a rectangular hall in front.

The entire hall was integrated, except for the dense circle of pillars around it, there was no support point in the hall, and the roof of the hall seemed to be suspended in the air.Wisps of sunlight cast from the skylight, the interior of the hall is as bright and transparent as the outside, and its originality is amazing.

Under the guidance of Mr. Feng, Shen Yunfei also has some knowledge of the buildings in various places. He walked this way and found that the architectural style of Huaixi Palace is quite different from other palace buildings in Fengxiang Palace. Some taste of Kunlun Palace.

However, the hall is empty and there is no place in the middle that obstructs the line of sight. It is used to entertain guests, discuss affairs and observe ceremonies. It really has its own unique place.Perhaps it was precisely because of this that the city lord Yuyu chose the Huaixi Palace as the venue for the banquet.

Stepping over the one-foot-high vermilion threshold, a velvet embroidered red carpet embroidered with dragons and phoenixes stretches from the foot to the front of the ten-foot-wide and five-foot-high stage in the hall. The edge of the stage is surrounded by flowers. There are only nine steps six feet wide in the middle of the white jade railing.Nearly a hundred court musicians were sitting on both sides of the steps, playing light and cheerful music in unison. Dozens of dancers in colorful clothes on the stage danced to the sound of the music, filling the entire hall with a joyful and peaceful atmosphere.

Under the stage, there are more than a thousand tables of banquets neatly arranged on both sides of the hall. The delicious delicacies and fragrant fruits on the tables are naturally high-quality products that are rarely tasted by ordinary people.

Although it was still early at this time, almost all the guests from all over the world had arrived.Because the host hadn't arrived, no one dared to take a seat in advance. They were all scattered around the edge of the hall, chatting with each other, admiring the singing and dancing on the stage, or browsing the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls on both sides of the hall.

Shen Yunfei knew that the guests who came this time were either high-ranking or well-educated people, or even heroes of the rivers and lakes, famous families, and meritorious officials. They were all worthy of respect. He originally wanted to join in and chat with anyone casually. , suddenly saw from a distance Xie Wen, whom he met the day before yesterday, standing beside a group of guests on the west side of the hall, and beside him was a young woman in red, who was discussing something with several other people.

Seen from the side, the woman in red was handsome, heroic, and bright in speech, most likely she was Wen Ruxia.

Regardless of whether the woman is Wen Ruxia or not, as long as she sees Xie Wen, Shen Yunfei will naturally not dare to go forward.He looked left and right, trying to find an inconspicuous corner to hide in, but this Huaixi Hall was unobstructed and there was nowhere to hide.The third young master had an idea, turned around, found a direction with his back to Xie Wen, mixed in with a group of people, and pretended to admire the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall.

At first, he just wanted to hide from Xie Wen and talk to the woman who was suspected to be Wen Ruxia, but when his eyes fell on those calligraphy and paintings, he couldn't move his eyes away.

Those are not pictures of flowers and birds that focus on mountains and rivers, but illustrations of many monsters in the world.On each painting, the appearance and body of various monsters are drawn in detail. On the side or bottom of the pattern, there are detailed text descriptions, including the name of the monster, many characteristics, weaknesses, haunting environment and so on.

These things are no strangers to Shen Yunfei, he has seen these collections of pictures and texts in Mr. Feng's volumes.It's just that the same thing appeared in Fengxiang Palace, and it was more detailed and thorough than the ones he had seen.

Most importantly, Shen Yunfei had a feeling of deja vu for the painting techniques and handwriting.Just as he was about to watch carefully, someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder from behind.

The third young master was startled, turned his head and saw that it was his sworn brother Huangfuhua.

"Second brother, what are you doing hiding here? It's a rare scene like this. Don't you want to make a few more friends and learn more?" Huangfu Hua asked with a smile.

Shen Yunfei shook his head, pointed towards Xie Wen, and said in a low voice: "It's not that I don't want to, but I don't dare. If I'm too flamboyant and recognized by that side, do I want my little life?"

Huangfuhua looked over there, immediately smiled knowingly, but said: "Don't worry, this is the royal palace, even if she Wen Qizhu wanted to make trouble, she would not dare to make a move here."

"That won't work." Shen Yunfei waved his hands again and again, and said, "Even if she doesn't dare to do anything here, as long as she recognizes her and turns around and leaves the palace, can I still escape? Forget it, I'll take a look here , I took some free time in a while, and I slipped away early. It’s all your fault, you aroused my interest, and I risked my life to watch the fun.”

As he said that, he glanced at Xie Wen again, and found that no one noticed him.Looking back, I saw that Huangfuhua was dressed differently from usual today, he was wearing a navy blue brocade robe with tiger pattern, a black gauze purple swallow crown on his head, and a pair of green forged thick-soled boots under his feet. Packed away, it looked like most of the guests.

Shen Yunfei couldn't help being a little puzzled, so he asked, "What's the matter with your outfit?"

Huangfuhua lowered his voice, covered his mouth and leaned into Yunfei's ear, and whispered: "I'm called micro-service deep, discerning everything."

After saying this, Shen Yunfei understood.In this Huaixi Palace, apart from the guarding officers standing outside the gate, among these guests, there were also palace guards, in order to prevent problems before they happened and monitor any changes.After all, there are too many guests and too many guests. If not, it would be really difficult to be foolproof.

Huangfuhua looked around the hall for a week, and said: "Before the banquet starts, I'll take you around and point out some famous people. After the banquet officially starts, I won't have the time."

Shen Yunfei was naturally happy, but he asked in a low voice: "You still have responsibilities, so it doesn't matter?"

Huangfuhua smiled slightly, and said: "Since we want to be subdued and go deep, of course, the less noticeable the better. If I stand still and just stare at the guests, who would not know my identity? Now Using you as a cover, no matter how I look at it, I won't show any flaws."

Shen Yunfei thought about it too, looking at the entire hall, the guests were all chatting with each other except those who were concentrating on looking at the calligraphy, painting and carvings.Pointing and talking about someone during the period is really a normal behavior.Presumably these guests came from all corners of the country, not a few of them didn't know each other, and the length of knowledge was also uneven. It was really natural for two people like him and Huangfu Hua to stand together, introduce each other and listen to each other.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help covering his mouth with a smile, bumped Huangfuhua's chest with his elbow, and said in his mouth: "Is there anyone like you as a big brother? Use your own brother as a shield. However, since you said you want to introduce me, you can Let's start from there. Who is that old man in the gray square scarf standing by the door? I looked at him like a tea egg seller on the street, he doesn't look like a well-educated person, a strange man? His hands are a little dexterous, as if he has held a pen."

"You're blind!" Huangfuhua scolded with a low laugh, "That's Mr. Wu Daozi, the saint of painting. More than half of the pictures of demons hanging on the wall here are written by his old man. Even the master-in-law, I even learned painting from him. Fortunately, you have a pair of tricks, and even he doesn't recognize them."

How could Shen Yunfei fail to see that the old man's right thumb, index finger, and middle finger were covered with calluses, his wrist was exceptionally dexterous and powerful, and his eyes were even more piercing and discernible. He must be a master of calligraphy and painting.It's just that the third young master wanted to see how many strange people Huangfu Hua could recognize, and deliberately called him a tea egg seller on the street, deliberately scolding him.

In fact, even if Shen Yunfei didn't know any of the guests here, as long as he took a look at them, although he couldn't say exactly who they were, what their identity was, and what abilities they possessed, they could still guess pretty well.

(End of this chapter)

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