Chapter 8 Ignore (2)
The Jinding community was quiet, unlike other rescue locations.As long as the horn is loud, a large number of survivors will pour out from all directions.

The girl's face turned pale from the horror of these brutally dead zombies, and seeing Hua Qianxue yelling for a long time, none of the survivors jumped out. Seeing more and more zombies getting closer, she finally couldn't bear it. The resident shouted: "I have been shouting for so long, there is no one here at all! You are pretending to be a virgin! Let's go, let's go! There are more and more of these ghosts! If we don't leave, we will die here!"

It is undeniable that although what this girl said was ugly, it pointed out the truth.Some people who had just escaped from the pile of zombies nodded quickly and looked at Hua Qianxue: "Master Qianxue, after waiting for so long, no one showed up. I think there are no survivors here, look?" The subtext is, don't waste your time here.

However, although I was anxious to leave, my life was saved by this woman with extraordinary temperament in front of me, and I will ask for her relief in the future, so the person who spoke was not as ignorant as that girl. It's euphemistic.

"Hmph!" The man with the gun just now turned around and glanced disdainfully at the frightened girl jumping around, and then glanced contemptuously at the crowd who had spoken just now: "I don't know good from bad! We Qianxue The lord has saved you with compassion, and he is so tolerant and generous that he doesn't care about you, don't you want to climb on top of our lord?!"

"Dashan!" Hua Qianxue softly glanced at the man called "Dashan", disapprovingly stopped him from making even more ugly words, and turned to look at those people, saying in a gentle and comforting tone: "I know, seeing so many zombies, you are also afraid. But you have to put yourself in your shoes and think about it, if you are trapped here at this moment, would you also want us to abandon you and run away? Duren, if the people trapped in the community at this moment see us like this, they will definitely feel chilled, right? Besides, I am a first-level water ability, and I am fully capable of stopping these zombies, so don't worry, As long as I'm here, you'll be fine."

While Hua Qianxue was speaking, Xu Zhi was holding a military binoculars in both hands on the floor of Jinding Community, focusing, watching Hua Qianxue's lips constantly opening and closing, listening to what Hua Qianxue "unintentionally" played through the loudspeaker The corner of the mouth twitched slightly at the sound.

It's really difficult for her to hold a soft tone, not rush, not rush, and not breathe in the least bit of this sermon, and not only will the people being taught not be half dissatisfied, but also It is to make the possible "survivors" in this community feel grateful.It was exactly the same as in the dream, used to buy people's hearts, if it wasn't for the cold light that flashed in the depths of her eyes when she looked at the jumping woman, even Xu Zhi was almost deceived.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhi strengthened her determination even more.

Resolutely don't go to the snowy area, otherwise I'm afraid I won't even know how I died!

Besides, she now has a store of food and a "Peach Blossom Spring", so self-sufficiency is completely enough, and there is really no need to go to a place where someone she hates to make a living.

How comfortable it is to be free!

Thinking of this, Xu Zhi couldn't help but put down the binoculars in her hand, stretched lazily, and decided that no matter what the people below shouted, she would just ignore them.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Xu Zhi hadn't felt refreshed for a long time, when she saw Hua Qianxue holding a loudspeaker and spoke again: "Survivors of the Jinding community, did you hear that? This is the snowy area. If you are still alive, approach me, I will Will protect you, Xueyu will guard you!"

(End of this chapter)

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