Reborn 1980 has a farm

Chapter 825 The new factory manager

Chapter 825 The new factory manager

Liu Yang was taken aback, and remembered what the comrades from the Investment Promotion Office said with emotion, saying that the factory had been rented out in black and white, and the right to use it for 30 years was in the hands of this little girl.

If these stranded workers want to stay in the new factory, they have to sign a new contract with the new boss, changing from regular workers to contract workers.

Therefore, after learning that the factory was leased out, the people from the County Investment Promotion Office called the remaining workers together and held a small meeting in advance to make everyone mentally prepared.

The new factory is different from the old factory. After working in the forward area, don't be passive and slow down, otherwise the labor contract will be terminated easily.

He is the accountant of the old factory, and he has never made any mistakes in the accounting. Since the factory closed down, he has been doing odd jobs to supplement the family income.
After hearing that the factory was taken over by someone, he thought about it. He still wanted to see the attitude of the new factory manager before deciding whether to stay or not.

"Boss, I have worked in this factory for three years and am very familiar with it. If you want to know anything, just ask me."

Yao Suqiu looked at Liu Yang, pointed to the office buildings on the left and right,

"You inform people to come to the yard for a meeting. It's the first time I meet you today, so let's get acquainted first."

"Hey, wait a minute, boss, I'll inform everyone right away."

When Liu Yang heard this, he was immediately happy, and hurried to the gate. The workers had been waiting for a long time, but they didn't dare to come forward.

Watching Liu Yang run out of the door, Yao Suqiu turned around and went to the office building next door, took out a table and two chairs from inside, and said to Dai Junnu,
"Sit," while speaking, Yao Suqiu took out a pot of tea and two cups from the space.

Dai Jun: "..."

The girl had a rough day, he expressed a little sour.

Five minutes later, more than 5 workers came with Liu Yang. When they saw Yao Suqiu and Dai Jun in the yard, they couldn't help being stunned. Can such a young boss start the factory?
"This is our new factory director, surnamed Yao, hurry up and say hello." Seeing everyone staring at Yao Suqiu in a daze, Liu Yang hurriedly greeted everyone.

"Hello, Director Yao,"

"Hello, my name is Yao Suqiu. Before I came here, I heard from the investment promotion office that you are not willing to leave the factory and want to continue working. I also know that you are all local workers and live with your family. days of the mouth."

"Although the government provides unemployment benefits every month, it is not much after all. Everyone is living a very hard life. I know this, but as a new factory manager, I also have requirements for recruiting workers. I hope you understand this. .”

Yao Suqiu knew a little bit about these people. They used to be full-time employees, and their work was like eating a big pot of rice. Sometimes it was inevitable that they would be passive at work, unable to get on at work, and their tempers were not small. It was very troublesome to manage these people.

Coupled with poor management, the factory will close down sooner or later.

This is also the reason why she chose to lease as if she had not acquired it.

Listening to Yao Suqiu's tone, everyone looked at each other for a while, and someone couldn't help but say,
"What request, we have to know in advance, you will notify in advance, right?"

"Yeah, we have been waiting for the factory to reopen, looking forward to the stars and the moon, now you tell us this, do you understand how to embarrass others?"

"Yes, yes, we are old employees of the factory, and we have a deep affection for the factory."


Listening to the tone of everyone's discussion, Yao Suqiu took a sip of tea, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

It wasn't until Liu Yang saw something was wrong and interrupted everyone's speech that the courtyard was completely quiet.


Everyone: "..."

"Since you don't say it, it's up to me to say it. Your old factory has closed down, and now I rent it out. I will be the factory director of this factory in the future. In a few days, even the name of the factory will be changed to Jiahe Cereals and Oils...that is to say , this factory will be a private enterprise in the future, and will never have anything to do with state-owned enterprises.”

"If you have deep feelings for the old factory, please leave on your own, because your old factory has gone bankrupt, closed down, and will never come back."

Yao Suqiu said, looking at the stunned expressions of everyone, her tone was quite indifferent,
"You used to be state-owned workers. The factory is gone. You are laid-off workers. You should go back and think clearly about where you are going. If you want to continue working here, you have to sign a new labor contract. From now on, it will be implemented in accordance with the specifications of the labor contract. You work, I send Salary, if you slow down your work, I will fire you."

Everyone: "..."

"The labor contract is divided into long-term and short-term. The long-term contract is three years, and the short-term is one year. This is up to you to choose. I will not be short of any benefits that are included in the labor contract. I will not support those beyond the scope, such as long-term sick leave. Here you are the only ones who can or cannot do it, whether it is suitable or not, and it is absolutely not allowed to ask for acquaintances to ask for sick leave, or to stay away from work for a long time."

"I just said that I belong to a private company, not a place to raise my ancestors. So, think about it, if you want to continue to fish in troubled waters, you are asking for trouble. Instead of letting me be fired later, it is better to leave early."

"If you're not afraid of my strict management here, come here tomorrow morning to sign the labor contract. Of course, I also promised everyone in advance that I will not default on wages here."

As soon as Yao Suqiu said this, the 20 or so people below were a little confused for a while.

Looking at them, Yao Suqiu didn't urge her, she leaned on the chair and looked at the thick tung tree leaves above her head, and looked sideways at Dai Jun,

"How many people do you think will remain after what I said?"

"Ugly words say that the front is not ugly, you have done a good job."

The biggest drawback of the state-owned factories, besides seniority, is that they grind foreign workers. You can't say that everyone is just like the uncle, it's hard to say how capable they are, and their tempers are not small.

There are three fires for the girl to directly take office as a new official, and it can save a lot of trouble by burning them down in advance.

"Director Yao, let me ask first, since this will be a grain and oil factory in the future, let me ask you, we used to do canning, and we didn't do rice flour oil, so what should we do?"

"Don't worry about this. Before you take up the job, you must be trained first. If you pass the training and get a certificate, you will also be specially trained for technical jobs according to different jobs. If you really can't learn it, you will do odd jobs."

In this regard, Yao Suqiu did not insist, after all, everyone's ability is different, as long as you work hard, there will always be a suitable position.

"Director Yao, I want to ask, how is our salary calculated?"

"Salary is classified according to the type of work, basic salary + job salary + performance salary. This is a financial matter. If you don't understand, you can ask Liu Yang later and let him explain to you."

Having said that, Yao Suqiu took a sip of tea,
"But one thing I have to make clear in advance is that ability determines salary."

 I wish you all a Happy New Year
(End of this chapter)

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