Reborn 1980 has a farm

Chapter 677 1 Ground Chicken Feather

Chapter 677

Because of poor food and rest during the confinement period, and insufficient milk, the child screamed hungry every day.

At first Tian Jianjun was considerate of her, but later he didn't know whether he was annoyed by the child or provoked by his mother-in-law. When the child cried, he had a bad face, and he either got up and left, or blamed her for not being able to take care of the child.

At first she cried and complained, but then Tian Jianjun got annoyed and moved to the next room, saying that she didn't want to delay her work during the day.

She was suffering like Coptis chinensis in her heart, but the way the Tian family looked at her was not only gloating but also sarcastic.

After the full moon, the mother-in-law took away the coal stove in the house, saying it was a waste of money, and the child fell ill within a few days.

Children are the most troublesome when they are sick, and they can’t say anything. Apart from crying, she is making noise. She is also a mother for the first time, and she doesn’t know how to deal with it. She asked her mother-in-law for advice, and she was scolded for abusing the child... deliberately not letting the child eat enough , just got sick.

There was not enough milk, and she had no choice but to boil some rice soup to feed.

But after all, that thing is no better than milk. In the end, she begged Tian Jianjun to buy two cans of malted milk for her daughter, and her sister-in-law asked for one.

The spring is warm and cold, and the little girl's health is not good. She has been sick every three days. At first, she thought it would be better to drink some medicine, so she didn't take it to heart. In addition, her mother-in-law disliked her for giving birth to a daughter. She didn't give her a good face, and she got more angry, and she also resented this girl, but she wouldn't have such a difficult time for a kid.

But a few days later, I saw the child wilting, and then I couldn't even feed it. Seeing the little girl's face flushed, I realized the seriousness, and ran to the mother-in-law with the child to ask for money to see the doctor.

The mother-in-law looked at the child and frowned, perhaps because she didn't want to bear the reputation of harming her granddaughter, so she gave ten yuan.

She ran to the clinic, and the doctor took the temperature. The child had a fever of 41 degrees and convulsions. He was given antipyretics, but he ignored it. He said that it could not be cured, and asked her to take the baby to the county hospital, otherwise he would die. Danger.

Fortunately, Tian Jianjun just came back, knowing the seriousness of the matter, he didn't dare to delay, and the two came to the county hospital together.

After a car inspection, the child had a fever with pneumonia, and when he came a little later, he had a fever with meningitis. The two were scolded by the doctor, saying that they would not be parents.

Back in the ward, Tian Jianjun caught her and scolded her severely, saying that she couldn't even look down on a child.

I stayed in the hospital for a week. During this period, my mother-in-law didn't show up once, but Tian Jianjun came once every two days, and she ran around all by herself.

The child was discharged from the hospital today, and Tian Jianjun came to pick her up. As soon as they got to the road, they had a disagreement again.

The child got sick and spent a lot of money, and the man didn't give her a good face, and she had to face the eyes of the family when she got home. Suddenly, Li Nianxiang broke down a bit.

In normal times, she would have burst into tears long ago, but today she looked at Yao Suqiu across the road and stood up stiffly. She couldn't lose face, especially in front of Yao Suqiu.

"Brother Jianjun, the child is not feeling well, let's go home quickly, so as not to cause trouble again."

Tian Jianjun looked at Li Nianxiang's pale lips and frowned. When he saw the child in her arms, he didn't say anything. He pushed the bicycle, let the mother and daughter sit down, and rode away.

Li Nianxiang was sitting on the back seat, after a long distance, he looked back in a strange way, just in time to see Yao Suqiu pull the car door and get in.

(End of this chapter)

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