Take the arsenal to Da Ming

Chapter 106 "Ming Pao"

Chapter 106 "Ming Pao"

On the second day after Ye Dacheng and the others left Fucheng, another major event happened in Fucheng. The first issue of "Ming Pao", founded by Mr. Tang, was officially published.

This is called a newspaper, and almost no one has heard of it, but the thousand copies that just came out were quickly sold out.

It turned out that the newspaper was somewhat similar to the notice, but it was very different.

Announcements are mainly official announcements, such as the implementation of some government orders or the arrest of criminals.

But this newspaper contains a lot of content, covering some things that happened in Chaozhou Prefecture, Daming, and even outside of Daming during this period.

For example, the commendation meeting held by Mr. Tang two days ago, the entire newspaper used a large space to describe the whole process.

There are also recruitment information in the newspaper, as well as notices for the arrest of prisoners, all of which are divided into areas and arranged in a very neat way. It is clear at a glance what to look for.

In fact, the Dibao had already appeared in the Han Dynasty, and there were notices similar to newspapers in ancient Rome.

About 200 years ago, the Germans invented metal movable type printing, and printed newspapers began to appear.

About 30 years ago, the Germans issued a regular newspaper, which is a weekly newspaper.

Newspapers are no longer a rare thing in Europe, but the time for daily newspapers is not yet ripe, so at this time they are weekly or even monthly.

There were also newspapers in Ming Dynasty, and more than 60 years ago, there was the first privately published newspaper in the capital.

However, unlike the newspapers that had an impact in Europe and were passed down, the newspapers in Ming Dynasty were only a flash in the pan, and few people even know about them until now.

The "Ming Pao" that Tang Ning is currently publishing will naturally not stop publishing after a few issues. As long as Tang Ning is still alive and the new army is still there, this matter will continue.

He did not start "Ming Pao" on the spur of the moment, but started to prepare after entering Fucheng.

It's just that the current conditions are limited. For the time being, only one issue will be issued every ten days, and three issues will be issued in January.

For printing, it is natural to use movable type printing.

Movable type printing was invented by Bi Sheng in the Song Dynasty, and it was called movable clay type. The Germans 400 years later improved it on this basis and called it movable lead type.

Now, Tangning is using metal movable type printing because it is more economical and practical.

As a person with a modern soul, Tang Ning knew the importance of mastering public opinion, and newspapers were undoubtedly an important means of conveying public opinion.

So get newspapers into your hands before anyone else realizes how important they are.

The current writers of "Ming Pao" are mainly teachers and students of Chaozhou University. Next, he will train a group of full-time writers and accept contributions from others.

In terms of content, it will try to be as rich as possible. Guiding public opinion is one aspect. It also requires newspapers to be the carrier of knowledge, ideas and culture. The policy of obscuring the people has never been an option Tangning considered.

It was precisely because of Tang Ning's leadership that "Ming Pao" came out from behind as soon as it came out, surpassing European newspapers at the same time in terms of content and layout.

Wannu Bugarao, who got a copy of "Ming Pao" by chance, was ecstatic. The contents of the newspaper could help him understand Daming more deeply.

But what makes him strange is that he has lived in Haojing for not a year or two, but he has never heard of the state-owned newspaper of Ming Dynasty, and he has never heard of the existence of newspapers from other Jesuits who have entered introspection. .

"Ming Pao" was the first Ming Dynasty newspaper he saw, which shouldn't be such a strange thing.

What really surprised him was, how could "Ming Pao" be so perfect when it came out?It far surpasses European newspapers that have been around for decades.

Wannu Bujialao couldn't help thinking about it. He felt that everything related to Tang Ning's young man would be much more advanced as soon as it appeared.

For example, tobacco, tobacco was introduced to Daming by their Westerners.

As a result, when the Tang man took it out, it was a cigarette with something called a filter on it, which was far ahead of Europe.

There are also watches, which are the strengths of the Europeans, and Daming is far behind in this regard.

As a result, the Tang man directly took out the watch, which is not available in Europe now.

There are also matches and lighters, which Wannu Bugarao had never heard of before.

Wannu Bujialao felt that Tang Ning, a young man, not only had a lot of secrets, but also knew a lot. Sometimes a few casual pointers would benefit people a lot.

For example, Tang Ning once suggested that Wannu Bugarao could try to make a pendulum clock by using the frequency of the pendulum.

At first, Wannu Bugarao didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he was a master watchmaker himself, so why did he need a young man from the Ming Dynasty to teach him.

As a result, after taking the time to try it, Wannu Bugarao was shocked. He found that the frequency of the pendulum could really calculate time, and he immediately discovered the huge business opportunities hidden in it.

Wannu Bugarao really wants to restore the Bugarao Cannon Factory to its former glory, but in the end, he is still a businessman, and he also wants to make Wannuhang's business bigger.

Because of this, he took time to study clocks and watches, and wanted to make a pendulum clock as soon as possible.

Wannu Bugarao once felt that it would be better for him to communicate more with Tangning if he hid himself and concentrated on his studies. Sometimes that guy's casual pointers really seemed to open a new door.

However, that Mr. Tang is too busy, and it is difficult to see people now. Wannu Bugarao felt that that guy was hiding from him.

He didn't think it was necessary. He was not a stingy person, and he also explained that if he successfully invented the pendulum clock, he would give Tangning [-]% of the dividend for free.

If you pay more attention, isn't it just sitting and collecting money?
But how did he know that even if Tangning didn't tell him the working principle of the pendulum clock, someone would invent it more than ten years later.

The reason why Tangning was willing to tell Wannu Bugarao this idea was because she hoped that Wannu Bugarao could give more help to the craftsmen on his side in other aspects.

Of course, Tangning was limited to telling him things that had little impact. Regarding the future development direction of cannons and other firearms, as well as the key principles, he would definitely not tell Wannu Bugarao.

For example, flintlock guns will completely replace matchlock guns. Although it will not be long before European armies will generally begin to equip flintlock guns, there will be a time lag in between.

The flintlock gun has already been developed, and even Daming, Bi Maokang invented the percussion flintlock gun ten years ago.

However, like the Ming Dynasty, the Europeans who invented the flintlock gun first did not pay much attention to the flintlock gun, and only had a small amount of equipment.

Knowing the historical trend, Tangning naturally would not miss this opportunity. He personally explained to Song Yingxing, and handed over Bi Maokang's "Illustration of Military Weapons" to him, and asked him to study it as soon as possible. Produce.

In fact, Bi Maokang himself just passed away this year. It would be great if this weapon expert could live a few more years. If others don't support the development of the flintlock, he, Tangning, will definitely support it with all his strength and let Bi Maokang take full responsibility.

But fate is not good, and it is useless to say these things.

In order to make the flintlock guns produced by her own arsenal more advanced, Tangning also obtained a few European flintlock guns from Wannu Bugarao's Wannu shop.

Let Song Yingxing compare the flintlock guns in "Illustration of Military Weapons" to learn from each other's strengths.

In order not to attract Wannu Bujialao's attention, Tangning also bought a lot of things in the Wannu store, almost buying all the things that Daming didn't often see.

Wannu Bugarao only thought that Tang Ning wanted to know something that he had never seen in Europe, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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