Chapter 57 Life Foundation

Things like symbionts are extremely secretive things, and even if they appear in the world, they have a high probability of appearing in the black market.

The entire underground world is controlled by Bai Ye, as long as there is the slightest trace, he can follow the clues and find people out.

Bai Ye now wants the symbiosis, as well as the snake charm.

The order he issued was to reduce the target as much as possible.

After all, the New York black market is also huge, and this kind of fanfare search will definitely attract these people.

If you can't find people quickly, it will be extremely difficult to find people.

Before Bai Ye walked out of the laboratory, the entire underground world of Niu Yue was already in agitation.

This is the strength that the underground emperor should show.

There seems to be a pair of eyes above the entire button, scanning everywhere.

His hands kept searching everywhere, and most of the people could only curl up and tremble on the ground in the face of all this.


It was already very late, since Bai Ye left Fisk Mansion, it was already midnight.

It's even later now, even in Niuyo, a city that never sleeps, there is no one else who can walk on the street except for a police officer occasionally.

But just under this circumstance, a figure suddenly flashed in front of a building in New York City.

There was a ripple in the air, but it was fleeting.

The building looks a little different from the surrounding environment. Apart from the flashing neon lights on the surface of the rest of the building, its interior is completely dark.

There are not so many workaholics, and it is already around three in the morning, even most of the overtime workers have gone home.

But not only the outside of this building is still lit, but also a little light inside.

Apparently there are still people active in here.

Walking into the building, the building inside has a lot of tempered glass, and it looks very transparent everywhere, which seems to give people some kind of illusion.

The hall is very empty, except for a front desk in front of it, there is nothing else.

At this time, the front desk was off work, but there was a big man in a suit standing in front of him waiting.

In the empty hall, a sudden figure appeared very abrupt, but that person stood there.

Looks like it's been a while.

At this moment, the door slowly opened, and a long-haired woman in tights walked in.

The woman's skin looks a little dark, but very healthy.

A head of long hair flutters behind her, and her facial features are even more delicate. The outline is very deep, which is very impressive.

She was holding a black package by her side, and it was wrapped in black cloth, so she couldn't see what was inside.

"Miss Snake!"

Seeing the woman appear, the man hurried forward.

"Sorry, it's been a long wait."

The woman's voice was very pleasant, like an orchid in an empty valley, with a hint of mystery.

"The doctor is waiting for you inside!"

The bodyguard pointed to the building.

"Take me to him, I have brought what he wants."

the woman said.


The building was huge, and the two walked for a long time before arriving at an experiment.

This place is brighter than the outside, and there are rooms made of transparent tempered glass everywhere.

In the middle of the room is a platform, which is full of symbiosis.

In one operating room, a man is looking into a glass room in front of him.

He was wearing a white coat with a suit inside.

Beside him were many people in white coats, all looking at the room in front with different expressions.

"Dr. Drake! Miss Snake is here!"

said the bodyguard.

But this person didn't pay any attention to it, and still looked at the experiment inside.

I only saw that this room was slightly different from the other rooms.

There was an extra skinny person inside.

The little snake knew that this person should be some homeless man in this city.

Although this person is clean, the scars on his limbs and the confusion in his eyes cannot be changed.

She has seen this kind of people a lot. Homeless people are like another kind of crowd in this city. They may appear anywhere on the street.

There are many such people, but they are also the most easily overlooked group.

The symbiote next to him seemed very excited, even though it was locked in the container, it kept hitting the container.

The body of the symbiont was pulling in the container, constantly being supported by a sticky body like tentacles.

It's like howling and cheering.

"Release the symbiote!"

Dr. Drake said to the people on the side, with a hint of excitement on his face.

The person who heard the order directly pressed a button.

The container that originally isolated the two opened instantly.

The symbiont rushed out like a beast that smelled fishy.

This time it no longer looks like a thick liquid, but a real beast.

"What! Help! Help me! Help me!"

The homeless man slammed on the tempered glass desperately. He was terrified of the thing behind him.

Anyone who sees such a thing will be scared.

Bang bang bang!
The tempered glass made a rapid muffled sound under the knocking of the homeless man.

Dr. Drake watched all this with excitement on his face.

The little snake's expression was even more complicated. She knew that this was what she stole, but she didn't know how it could be so dangerous!
As early as more than a month ago, Little Snake accepted the employment of this company called the Bio-Foundation to search for a living liquid in the Fisk Building.

But there was no result for a long time, even if I searched the entire Fisk Building, I didn't find it.

Originally thought that Drake gave the wrong information.

But half a month ago, I finally discovered an extremely secret laboratory under the Fisk Group.

But the things I want are also placed in a room like this.

I can only be invisible, but I can't go through walls!
I kept waiting for them to leave, or for the glass door to open.

The results continued for half a month.There are experimenters inside, and the glass door has not been opened once.

Today, she finally waited for the opportunity to steal the thing, but she did not expect it to be so dangerous.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have accepted this business!"

Although her little snake loves money, she still doesn't want to do this kind of business that is easy to take her life.

Everything in the glass room is still going on.

The symbiote was wriggling on the ground, as if there were countless mouths on its body, screaming silently in all directions.

The homeless man has been forced to the corner, and his two feet shrank back weakly on the ground.

His whole body was trembling with extreme fear, and his arms were in front of him, as if he couldn't be hurt as long as he couldn't see it.

There was a sound like a poisonous snake in the air.

As if the symbiont couldn't bear the temptation at last, it pounced on it, and instantly covered the homeless man's body like glue.

Horrified screams followed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"



(End of this chapter)

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