Chapter 101 Offer My Loyalty
Logan walked out of the room. He didn't know why he came out, but he just felt that it was inappropriate for him to stand in the room.

In the room, both Bai Ye and Mariko stood in the room.

But compared with the tall Bai Ye, Mariko is really a little short.

She was a little stunned when she heard Bai Ye's words, she raised her head and looked at the man in front of her without saying a word.

She didn't know what else she had that could impress the person in front of her. Although it seemed that she had inherited tens of billions of property, she couldn't even go home now.

She has nothing!

Bai Ye still has a lot to conquer, this world!Multiverse!strong force!
Which one is not addictive!Which one is not great!
Why does Mariko think that her beauty can be used as a condition?

Looking at her, Bai Ye seemed a little impatient. Could it be that he reminded her too little?
"You don't even know what you have, how can you negotiate terms with me?"

He's not interested in helping a fool.

When Mariko heard Bai Ye's words, she just lowered her head tightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Bai Ye stood by the window quietly waiting for her reply, his time was limited, if he couldn't get it through a transaction, he had to get it in another way.


Mariko's faint voice sounded in the room.

Bai Ye looked sideways at her.


Mariko raised her head slowly, and said to Bai Ye's condescending eyes:
"Loyalty! My lord!"

"I can only offer my allegiance."


Bai Ye finally squeezed out a chuckle.

"Then you shouldn't look at me like that!"

The serious and dangerous voice made Mariko quickly lower her head.

But she was relieved in her heart, because she knew that her last bargaining chip worked.

Bai Ye didn't say anything else, just walked out.

Wolverine Logan outside the house watched Bai Ye come out, stood up hastily, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

Seeing his aggrieved look, Bai Ye didn't say anything, but walked towards his room.

Regardless of Bai Ye, Logan, as a subordinate, is of course not qualified to ask.

"Get ready, we're leaving in an hour."

At the last moment when the door was closed, Bai Ye said.

In fact, we can start immediately, but Yashida Shingen is destroyed in the villa, and this hour is reserved for Logan.

He is not some kind of headstrong boss, he doesn't care about the feelings of his subordinates at all.

Sure enough, upon hearing Bai Ye's words, Logan's face lit up with joy, and he hurried into Mariko's room.

What they talked about, Bai Ye naturally didn't know.

Nor was he interested in knowing.

In the room, he was thinking about the next layout.

The spell was still somewhere in the manor, and he hadn't found it yet, but he had sensed it.

As for why I want the loyalty of Mariko, it is to be able to control this great family.

Completely control the Japanese underground world!

In fact, there is no problem in choosing anyone, he just needs to be loyal to himself.

However, in terms of loyalty, Japanese people are doing very well, as long as you are better than him!Much stronger!He will always be loyal.

Bai Ye is very sure of this.

Time passed quickly, and when Bai Ye walked out of the room, Logan was already standing outside.

"Are you sure you want to go? I think you'd better stay here!"

Their place is not safe, no matter what, it is under the eyes of the Yashida family.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Logan didn't feel anything.

He doesn't have any feelings for Mariko, it's just a little pitiful, but there's no need to stay by her side to protect her.

Seeing her indifferent attitude, Bai Ye secretly shook her head in her heart.

"Logan! You stay here!"

Jokingly said it was for his marriage, but Bai Ye estimated that the Yashida family would investigate them sooner or later.

"True! Go!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Ye didn't care about anything, and went downstairs directly.

Sitting in the car, Bai Ye remembered a disadvantage of not bringing Logan.

It's just that without him to balance the weight, Bai Ye always felt that the tail of the car was raised.

Driving to the temple, it was getting late, but even so, there were still a lot of vehicles here.

But unlike in the daytime, all the cars here belong to the Yashida family.

"It seems that Yashida Shingen is really in a hurry."

is not that right?I am anxious that my daughter is not dead yet.


As soon as he reached the mountain road, someone stopped Bai Ye's vehicle.

"This is a private territory, you can't come in and out at will."

A very small man came up and spoke.

So polite that you can't say no.

"I'm a guest at the funeral during the day, and I'm here to see Mr. Shingen."

"You can ask, just say that I am a friend of Mr. Logan."

Opening the window, Bai Ye said to the man.

But the man didn't make any movement, he just looked at Bai Ye in surprise.

"I have limited time!"

The cold voice finally made the man react, and he didn't dare to say a word, so he hurried to the side.

"That person is here! It's the person your lord wants us to find!"

As he spoke, he secretly glanced at Bai Ye in the car.

"It's right here on the mountain road!"

He kept talking on the phone, he nodded, and finally walked to Bai Ye's side.

"Sorry, sir! I wasted your time."

After speaking, it was a deep bow.

By that time, Bai Ye's car had already left.

The closer you are to the manor, the more prying eyes will be around you.

"My lord, do you want to~"

Tru's deep voice sounded, these prying sights are completely offensive to adults!
Even he couldn't stand it at all.

"What are you entangled with the little guy?"

Bai Ye waved his hand, and shadows emerged from the shadow of the vehicle.

In an instant, bloody aura spread throughout the mountain road.

Not long after, Bai Ye arrived at the gate of the manor.

"Mr. Valon, Lord Shingen has been waiting for you for a long time."

Unexpectedly, it was Dr. Green, also known as Mrs. Hydra, who was waiting at the gate.

Bai Ye didn't answer, but took a step forward, with his upper body slightly tilted, and kept approaching her.

Seeing Bai Ye approaching, Green's face showed a trace of discomfort, but after all, there was no movement.

Bai Ye approached Green's ear and said softly:

"If you are here, can I think Hydra is also involved? Ma'am!"

In an instant, Green's face changed directly, and his eyes were fixed on Bai Ye's side face.

"Why does he know Hydra! Why do you call me Madam!"

Bai Ye didn't hesitate at all, and walked directly into the courtyard.

But before Green could get out of the shock, a huge fist hit him.

(End of this chapter)

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