Warlock Toxic General Please Control Yourself

Chapter 284 Modern Chapter: Li Shu

Chapter 284 Modern Chapter: Li Shu (10)

"You're eating grapes and talking about sour grapes." Ayu pouted.

The two usually get along like friends without any scruples.

Li Shu drank the nourishing soup leisurely, "If you want, I can recommend you to act. With your skills, you can play a chivalrous woman. If you can catch it easily, you might become a hit!"

"Don't!" Ayu hastily stretched out his hand to refuse, "Nowadays, there are all beautiful actresses in the acting market. Although I don't look bad, but in this show business circle full of beauties, I don't even have a splash in it! I still have the self-knowledge of."

In fact, Ayu's appearance is much better than what she said. Because of her martial arts practice, she has a heroic look between her brows, which is enough to make her stand out among the crowd of Internet celebrities!

But being famous requires luck, and since Ayuzhi is not here, the two of them joked about it, and neither of them took it seriously.

Afterwards, they stopped talking and tried their best to attack the delicious food. When they ate until their stomachs burst, the two of them leaned back on the chair to rest for a while, and Ayu couldn't help feeling jealous again: "Ashu, I really envy you, no matter how much you eat, you won't gain weight! "

Li Shu rubbed her swollen belly with a satisfied face, "You won't be fat either."

"How can I compare with you? When you are resting, I am practicing boxing and fitness to consume excess fat, otherwise I would have become a big fat man." Ayu said: "Look at you, when you are free, eat and sleep, sleep After eating, I don’t lose weight, no matter how long I stay up late, my skin is still supple and smooth... Hey, don’t talk about it, people are more angry than people!”

Li Shu touched her face, it seemed to be true, she seldom used cosmetics, skin care products were the most basic, brands that ordinary people could afford, absolutely nothing expensive!
"It is estimated that God wants me to eat acting." Li Shu felt emotionally.

"God gave me great strength, and I guess it's for me to take the road of bodyguards to protect you beauties who are favored by heaven." Ayu said with hehe.

The two talked for a while, feeling that their stomachs were not full enough, so they asked the waiter to come in and pay the bill.

The moment the private room door was opened, Li Shu was still lazily leaning on the chair, with her hands on her stomach, like some kind of small animal after eating.

Her head was slightly drooping, black hair covered half of her face, the exposed part was shiny and delicate, like the most perfect work of God.

Someone outside the door, with dark eyes, locked her face tightly.

Li Shu, who was completely relaxed, felt a burning gaze, and subconsciously looked outside the door.

Open your mouth wide and freeze.

The guy outside the door slightly hooked his lips towards her, left a meaningful smile, and left.

Li Shu's heart suddenly galloped, and her face was slightly hot.

Since childhood, Li Shu has always been a good child with excellent character and learning. She was educated by good tutors. Good children should not lie. Li Shu has been educated for more than ten years and has always strictly abided by it. Didn’t she never tell lies during the rebellious period? , but quickly felt bored.

After growing up, I gradually realized that sometimes the truth hurts more than lies, so I also learned to tell some white lies.

But things like lying one hour before and being caught the next hour have never happened.

This feeling is really bad!

Li Shu felt very uneasy, she couldn't say she was guilty, and she vaguely wanted to defend herself.

She took out her mobile phone, thinking that if Xi Liemo sent a WeChat message to question her, she would explain it symbolically.

However, the phone remained silent.

 Cocoa rice, hahahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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