Warlock Toxic General Please Control Yourself

Chapter 190 Extra Episode 1 Du Lei and Lu Xiaowan

Chapter 190 Extra Story [-] Du Lei and Lu Xiaowan

The winter of this year was extremely cold, and it snowed heavily for several days in a row, decorating the whole world in white.

It was night now, and there was silence.

In a low blue-brick and yellow-walled house somewhere in the countryside, Lu Xiaowan curled up under the blanket, trembling.

The house is small and simple, with only simple tables and chairs, and a bed.

But for a 16-year-old lady, it was a bit scary to be empty.

This winter is really too cold, especially these few days. Lu Xiaowan, who was too cold to sleep, planned to burn some hot water to warm her feet before going to sleep.

She held the oil lamp, wrapped her clothes tightly, clapped her hands with her mouth, and came to the door of a narrow woodshed.

Half of the firewood in the firewood room was cut by Lu Xiaowan herself, and half was sent by her uncle's house, so it was piled full.

But for Lu Xiaowan, whose parents have both died and is alone, she can save as much as possible.

So for two nights in a row, she took advantage of the residual heat in the stove after cooking, warmed the cold water, washed up casually, and went to bed.

Most women are naturally afraid of the cold, and Lu Xiaowan is no exception.

Today, she finally couldn't bear it anymore, so she decided to spend a little extravagantly by burning some hot water to burn her feet so that she could sleep soundly.

Lu Xiaowan stood at the door of the firewood room, and was about to stretch out her hand to push it away, when she suddenly heard a strange sound inside.

Could it be that a thief has entered?She frowned slightly.

Then I don't know what was going on in my heart at that moment, Lu Xiaowan didn't go to the next door to wake up her uncle and cousin, but turned around and went back to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife.

As a young, unmarried single girl, Lu Xiaowan, who is not tall and looks not vicious, has a stubbornness in her body.

Once you decide on one thing, you will never look back.

For example, she said that she had to keep filial piety for her parents until she was 17 years old before she was willing to talk about marriage. In the past two years, no matter how many matchmakers came to the door, they were all turned away.

For example, some shameless rascals in the village saw her alone and wanted to take advantage of her, so without saying a word, Lu Xiaowan took a kitchen knife out of the kitchen.

Then he stared at him with those dark eyes, frightening those who were colorless, turned around and left immediately.

As a result, Lu Xiaowan's reputation as a powerful person spread, and as a result, there were fewer flies around, and fewer matchmakers came to her door.

She herself didn't think it mattered, but the uncle's and aunt's family next door were very worried about her.

At worst, I'll wring my hair and become a sister-in-law!Lu Xiaowan snorted coldly in her heart.

Holding a kitchen knife at this time, Lu Xiaowan, who was standing at the chaimen gate, took a deep breath and gently pushed the chaimen open.

As soon as the door opened, the abnormal sound became more and more obvious, wheezing, like a wild animal, with a faint smell of blood.

Lu Xiaowan thought to herself: Could it be that the injured beast in the mountain accidentally ran in?
She held the kitchen knife tightly in both hands, held her breath, and slowly approached the sound.

The heart in her chest was beating violently, her eyes were tightly locked on the source of the sound in the darkness, and her whole body was tense.

If a black shadow rushed out of the wood pile the next moment, the kitchen knife in her hand would chop down without hesitation.

It's getting closer, closer, and the smell of blood is getting stronger.

Lu Xiaowan picked up a piece of wood on the ground and pushed it away tremblingly.

Wheezing, wheezing became louder and louder, and then a black and furry beast-like head appeared in front of her eyes.

Could it be a blind bear?Lu Xiaowan hastily covered her mouth with her hands to avoid yelling out and startling the beast.

After confirming that there was no mistake about the beast, Lu Xiaowan took two steps back, planning to find her uncle and brother for help.

The moment he turned around, he suddenly heard a hoarse and unpleasant voice from behind, "Water..."

Lu Xiaowan's feet froze in place.

Is there something wrong with her ears, or is there someone else hiding in the woodshed?


When the strange and unpleasant voice sounded again, Lu Xiaowan was sure that there was someone else in the woodshed.

She clenched the kitchen knife in her hand and turned around.

It was snowing outside, and although it was late at night, it was bright.

The light came in through the small window of the firewood room, and Lu Xiaowan could vaguely see the beast moving, and the firewood spread away from it, revealing half of its body.

Then she saw something that looked like a hand, unable to lift it up and put it down again, and the moan calling for "water" sounded again.

Was it a wounded person?
Lu Xiaowan ran outside the woodshed, took the oil lamp, and boldly approached the black mass that looked like a human or a beast.

A face full of beards appeared under the oil lamp. At this moment, the man frowned and closed his eyes, showing a painful expression.

With one hand on his left shoulder and the other on the woodpile, he was in a semi-conscious state.

The clothes on his body were darker in color, and no specific wound could be seen, only blood clots that had solidified between his thick fingers.

I have to say that Lu Xiaowan is a very courageous little lady, she only hesitated for a moment, then went to the kitchen to fetch a bowl of water, and brought it to the man's lips.

Gulu Gulu, maybe he was very thirsty, the man was in a half-conscious state, and the bowl of water quickly drained to the bottom.

The water was brought up from the well in the evening, and it was already cold. After drinking it in this winter night, the man was shaking all over.

In such a cold day, if you just sleep here overnight, you will probably freeze to death tomorrow morning.

Lu Xiaowan sighed in her heart: Forget it, good people will do it to the end!

She went back to the house, took the quilt she had built, and put it on the man.

Silently said: My ability is limited, I can only help you get here, whether you can survive or not depends on your luck!
After tossing back and forth, her body became warmer, so Lu Xiaowan gave up the idea of ​​boiling water and went back to the house.

There are two quilts in the house, one is placed on the wooden bed, and the other is just given to the man, and the quilt she usually covers when she sleeps.

Now there is only one sheet left, Lu Xiaowan rolled up the quilt on the bed, got into it with her clothes still on.

Although the man is currently injured, Lu Xiaowan still thinks it is better to be more careful.

In a daze, he fell asleep again.

I was woken up by the crowing of chickens in the morning. There are several hens and one rooster at home. They are very conscientious every day and start crowing at one o'clock.

A few hens would lay a few eggs every day, and Lu Xiaowan was reluctant to eat them, so she saved them to exchange for a few copper coins.

Lu Xiaowan, who was lying on the bed, was thinking about how many eggs she had saved when she suddenly thought of the injured man in the woodshed.

She slipped off the bed abruptly and ran to the woodshed.

The sound of wheezing and wheezing sounded like last night, and Lu Xiaowan felt relieved.

Appears to be alive!

Then I got a little upset again, the man was unknown and injured again, what if he was a bad guy?
Should she wake him up and let him go?
Let him stay in the firewood room for one night, give him water to drink, and give him his only quilt, which is already the best of humanity.

Lu Xiaowan stepped forward, picked up a piece of wood and gently pushed him, "Hey, hey!"

The man didn't move a muscle.

"Hey, wake up!" Lu Xiaowan's subordinates increased their strength, and their voice also raised.

The man moved, as if he was about to wake up, and after humming lightly, there was no response.

"Hey, it's time for you to leave!" Lu Xiaowan said loudly.

The man finally moved again, and an unpleasant sound came out of his throat, "Hungry, so hungry..."

Then no matter how much the wooden stick in Lu Xiaowan's hand pushed and poked him, there was no more movement.

If it weren't for the wheezing sound of breathing, Lu Xiaowan really thought that he would have died.

She crossed her hips and stared at the man with her eyes closed tightly, who was in a deep sleep or in a coma for a long time, and finally turned and left helplessly.

The moment she closed the firewood door before she left, the man lying in the pile of firewood suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the door with a gloomy expression.

In the kitchen, Lu Xiaowan brought some semi-hard steamed buns to the firewood room after boiling them with some salt.

The man who was sleeping soundly seemed to smell the aroma of food. When Lu Xiaowan approached, his throat moved up and down, and his eyes slowly opened.

The eyes staring at the food in Lu Xiaowan's bowl were glowing green, like a beast in the dark, which shocked her greatly.

Lu Xiaowan hesitantly passed the bowl forward, and the man took it quickly, without caring about scalding it, and poured it into his mouth two or three times.

Lu Xiaowan's mouth has not closed since the moment the man took the bowl.

In the blink of an eye, the man drank all the food in the bowl, and was so shocked that he couldn't make a sound.

After the man finished drinking, he smacked his mouth and gave Lu Xiaowan the bowl without saying a word.

A pair of dark eyes, looking at her expression, a little scary.

Lu Xiaowan took the bowl subconsciously, with a dazed expression on her face.

Then he felt the bearded man on the opposite side tremble a bit, and he came back to his senses.

She stood up with a calm voice, "This strong man, the little girl's family is poor, and there is not much ration to entertain the strong man. After the strong man rests, please leave."

The man lowered his head, unable to see the emotion in his eyes clearly, and did not make a sound for a long time.

Just when Lu Xiaowan was about to open her mouth to drive people away again, the man suddenly said: "Hurt!"

Then he pointed to his left shoulder with his finger.

The wound was neither bandaged nor cleaned, and bloody wounds were exposed from the tattered clothes.

Lu Xiaowan's stomach churned, she opened her mouth, finally closed it, and left the firewood room.

Then Lu Xiaowan, who was boiling water in the kitchen, secretly scolded herself for being soft-hearted: After being frozen for several nights, she was reluctant to boil water to scald her feet, but now she wants to clean the wound of that strange man!After he has bandaged the wound, he must be let go!
Lu Xiaowan prepared a clean cloth, scissors, and boiling water, delivered them to the man, and left.

After an hour or so, Lu Xiaowan entered the woodshed, and the man had already taken care of everything.

She opened her mouth again, "This strong man, it is inconvenient for the little girl to have foreigners at home for a long time. The strong man's wound has been treated properly, please leave."

"Tired." The man closed his eyes, turned over on the firewood, turned his back to Lu Xiaowan, and stopped talking.

Lu Xiaowan was dumbfounded, what does this mean?Tired, so take a break?
The problem is that this is her family's woodshed, why should he rest when he is tired?Does this mean to rely on her?

Lu Xiaowan was so angry that her chest kept heaving, she wished she could take a wooden stick and poke two holes in that man's body.

Tell him in a good voice and angrily that you can't hear it, right?Let you see how amazing this girl is!
Lu Xiaowan turned around and ran to the kitchen, picked up the kitchen knife, and went back to the woodshed.

The man lay flat on the pile of firewood for some unknown reason, his chest rose and fell rhythmically, and the sound of wheezing and wheezing became much calmer, as if he had entered a state of sleep.

When Lu Xiaowan brought the kitchen knife, she just wanted to scare him and make him leave as soon as possible.

But now the man looks like he is sleeping soundly. He is afraid that he will chop him with a kitchen knife, but he still doesn't respond, which makes Lu Xiaowan not know what to do.

She stared at him for a long time, saw that he was motionless, stomped her feet in desperation, and left the woodshed.

This time the man didn't open his eyes, but the shaking of the beard on his face could tell that he was smiling just now.

He just stayed on like this.

Maybe it's because of his injury, maybe it's for other reasons, maybe it's because he doesn't want to cause more trouble.

Lu Xiaowan didn't know why she didn't tell her uncle and cousin about this man.

Instead, she evened out one of the eggs laid by the hens at home every day, and cooked it specially for the man, hoping that he would leave as soon as possible after he recovered soon.

About half a month later, when Lu Xiaowan opened the door of the firewood room one morning, she found that the man was no longer there.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, took the quilt away, took it apart, washed it three times with well water, and hung it in the yard.

Without that man around, Lu Xiaowan felt much refreshed. To celebrate, she specially cooked a bowl of frangipani that she hadn't eaten for a long time.

The fragrance of eggs spread in the air. Lu Xiaowan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Just as she was about to start, there was a knock on the door.

Who will come to her at this time?Could it be the uncle's family next door?

Lu Xiaowan stood up with doubts and opened the door, but saw the bearded man she thought had left early in the morning, standing outside the door with a serious face.

His dark eyes stared at her, a little depressed.

Lu Xiaowan's first reaction was to close the door, but the man had already stretched out his big palm against the door.

"Strong man, since the wound on your body has healed, please leave."

The man didn't speak, but turned his body slightly and raised his chin towards the yard.

Lu Xiaowan looked in the direction where his chin was pointing, and saw a fat wild boar lying in her yard, motionless.

"What does this mean?" Lu Xiaowan asked suspiciously.

"Board and lodging expenses." The man said.

"The past or the future?" Lu Xiaowan responded quickly.

The beard on the man's face seemed to tremble again, "Before."

Lu Xiaowan's face was slightly hot, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a brief silence, the man said, "I'm hungry."

Then, taking advantage of the moment when Lu Xiaowan was slightly stunned, she pushed open the door and squeezed in from her side.

Seeing the bowl of egg soup on the table, the corners of his mouth turned up, thinking it was specially reserved for him, he picked it up unceremoniously, and poured it into his stomach two or three times.

"That's..." Before I could say a few words about my dinner, the bowl of egg soup was gone.

Besides, it was useless, Lu Xiaowan secretly rolled her eyes and closed her mouth.

A bowl of frangipani naturally couldn't satisfy the man's stomach, so he turned to Lu Xiaowan and said, "Eat it."

For the sake of the wild boar, without further ado, Lu Xiaowan took out the only flour left at home, mixed it into noodles, and cooked two big bowls.

She only ate half of the bowl, and the rest of the bowl and a half went into the man's stomach.

"A strong man," Lu Xiaowan said, "The quilt you covered, today my daughter thought you had left, washed it and left it outside to dry, there is only one quilt left at home."

The man on the opposite side stared at her twice, and suddenly said, "Du Lei!"

Dooley?Lu Xiaowan frowned, why did she suddenly tell her name, what does this have to do with her?
After Du Lei said these two words, he still stared at her without blinking, as if to say: I told you my name, shouldn't you tell me yours?

Lu Xiaowan felt hairy for no reason when he saw it.

Just as he was thinking about how to get Du Lei to leave quickly, there was a sudden knock on the door: "Xiao Wan!"

It's the eldest aunt!

Lu Xiaowan was startled suddenly, if her aunt saw the wild boar in the yard and this bearded man, it would be terrible!
She got up quickly, made a silent movement, and said with her mouth: "My great aunt!"

Xiao Wan, so her name is Xiao Wan!Du Lei looked at the bowl of noodles that he had just finished eating in front of him, stretched out his fingers and stroked the edge of the bowl, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, half a smile, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lu Xiaowan's heart skipped a beat when she saw it, and the voice of the woman outside sounded again, and she responded as she walked out, "Auntie, what's the matter so late at night?"

The voice of the woman outside the door was old and gentle, "I haven't come to see you for two days. I made dumplings tonight, and your uncle asked me to bring you some."

Lu Xiaowan took the dumplings, "Auntie, it's getting late and the weather is cold, so Xiaowan won't keep you. You go back first, Xiaowan will go to see you and uncle tomorrow morning."

The woman didn't think much about it, she said to go to bed early and left.

When Lu Xiaowan came back with the dumplings, she found that Du Lei was no longer there. There was only one noodle bowl left on the table.

Could it be that this bowl has long legs and disappeared?Lu Xiaowan looked around in confusion, and when she was sure she couldn't find it, she was sure that the bowl was really gone!
Apart from her, the only one in this room just now was that bearded Du Lei.

He actually took her bowl away?
Lu Xiaowan couldn't figure it out, what did he want to do with a broken bowl?
Then thinking of the big wild boar in the yard, he had a headache and how to explain it to his uncle and cousin tomorrow, so he forgot about the stolen bowl.

Another month passed in a flash of time, and it was already after the Spring Festival, and it was also the time when Lu Xiaowan was 17 years old and could start talking about her husband's family.

The aunt who was in isolation started looking for a matchmaker to help her find a suitable candidate.


Du Lei is a taciturn boy, and his taciturnity is because his father brought him up to the age of four alone.

When Du Lei's mother was giving birth to Du Lei, she died of a hemorrhage. At that time, Du Lei's father was a commander-in-chief. He was very strong and scary, and he didn't like to talk.

Some well-meaning people pity him, a big man with a baby boy, for fear that he will accidentally crush the baby boy to death.

So in the few months after Du Leiniang's death, he helped Father Du find a lot of strong and strong girls in the countryside.

But when those girls saw Papa Du's stature and appearance, they were too frightened to approach him, and then they let it go.

Father Du, who was already seldom talking, became more and more silent, and Du Lei, who followed him, didn't learn to call father until he was more than three years old.

There was no need to fight for a while, so Father Du took Du Lei to build a nest in a nearby place and settled down.

Accidentally rescued a widow named Ning who was being bullied by her husband's uncle. Ning looked good and had a straightforward personality.

Back then, when she was five months pregnant, Xianggong died suddenly. He had a miscarriage in grief and hurt his body. The doctor said that he would never have children again.

Her husband's family drove her out of the house, and Ning also had the idea of ​​never marrying.

It's just that there is a lot of gossip in front of the widow's house, Ning's young and pretty, many bums and the like often come to harass her, including her dead brother who is not good for anything.

After Ning's beating and scolding those people a lot, she got bored and wanted to find someone who would be honest and have children, and just live her life like this and be done.

Father Du just doesn't like to talk and looks scary, but he is actually a full-fledged man.

Because of his kindness, Ning secretly observed the man's character, and the soft and cute little bun Du Lei aroused the mother's love in her heart, so she took the initiative to ask about Du's father cheekily. mean.

Father Du saw that there was a woman who was willing to take the initiative to marry him. She looked good and had no temperament. Compared with his dead daughter-in-law who was always crying and silent, he was much satisfied, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

His first daughter-in-law died after giving birth, which made him have a shadow on the woman's childbirth. Ning's inability to have children may be a lack for other men, but for him, it is indeed the best.

Soon, Du Lei had a mother.

Ning couldn't have children by herself, so she was very kind to Du Lei and loved him as if she were her own.

Du Lei had no mother since he was a child, and his father was a boring gourd. It was rare for someone to love him, and it was a perfect reward. He also regarded Ning as his own mother, but he couldn't change his taciturn habit.

Ning thought, as Du Lei is a man, speaking less is sometimes seen as prudence, which is not a serious problem, so after correcting it to no avail, he gave up.

A bachelor with a baby, and a woman, finally became a family.

The family lived in harmony and beauty for many years.

As Du Lei grew older, Ning began to worry about his future marriage.

Du Lei is also tall, but maybe part of him is inherited from his mother. He is not as rough and scary as Father Du, and his appearance is much softer than Father Du.

However, he also inherited Father Du's specialty as a man.

In the first few days when Ning's marriage came here, Father Du, who hadn't touched a woman for a long time, made her unable to get out of bed for a few days.

Ning Shi is a widow, she has long understood the relationship between men and women, and the joy of fish and water, but she has no ability to parry against Father Du.

At first, Ning Shi was a little embarrassed to speak out, but after a few days, Ning Shi finally couldn't bear to ask Father Du about the intercourse.

For example, don't just know how to go on a rampage, but be scruples about her feelings and so on.

Slowly, under her tutelage, Papa Du also made her enjoy a lot of happiness.

Ning's temperament is straightforward, she is easygoing about sex, and she is a widow, so she can deal with Father Du and not let herself be wronged.

But Father Du's previous daughter-in-law was said to be weak-tempered and never dared to speak loudly. She must have suffered a lot in this regard, but she didn't dare to speak out. She buried all this in her heart and became depressed.

Therefore, when Du Lei was born, he bled profusely and died.

But because of this, she, the widow, was cheap in the end.

Ning didn't want to pursue the past, but just thought that if Du Lei married a wife in the future, she would definitely not be able to marry someone with the temperament of his own mother.

But men's preferences for women are sometimes hard to tell.

Ning thought, before he was aware of women, he had to consciously train him, which one would be the best choice for the wife he would find in the future.

Therefore, under Ning's deliberate suggestion, Du Lei decided in his mind that a little lady with a big butt, courage and a fierce temper is the best candidate for a daughter-in-law in the world.

Du Lei grew up in the army with his father, and under the training of a group of uncles, he was very skilled. At the age of 17, he was promoted to commander.

On the way to report a message, he was intercepted by the enemy army. He desperately protected his brother to escape. He was injured and fled all the way, successfully avoiding the enemy army.

Later, because she got lost in the heavy snow, she came to the village where Lu Xiaowan lived. By chance, she hid in her firewood house.

Du Lei's first impression of Lu Xiaowan was: This little lady is so courageous!A man broke in with a kitchen knife.

The second impression is: this little lady has such a big butt!

The third impression is: this little lady is quite aggressive!

Combining the three, he found that this is what his mother Ning Shi told him, the best candidate for a wife!
Because of this, Du Lei, who was supposed to leave after he recovered from his injury, stayed back with a stern face.

The more we got in touch, the more I wanted to marry this little lady home as a wife.

Able to work, able to endure hardships, courageous, fierce-tempered, and big-ass!

At that time, Du Lei didn't know why he felt hot all over when he saw Lu Xiaowan's big butt, and his throat unconsciously secreted a lot of saliva.

Something seemed to be rampaging in her body, just wanting to throw her to the ground.

But Du Lei didn't know what he was going to do after falling down, all he knew was that he didn't want to leave her.

But he came out to deliver the letter after all, even if he was injured and couldn't go back, he couldn't stay for long.

Later, when it was really necessary to leave, Du Lei accidentally found out that the little lady was called Xiao Wan, so he quietly took the bowl she used to pack meals for him.

He didn't know why he would do this, anyway, he took it and ran away by accident.

After returning to the barracks, Du Lei began to lose his mind, and was spotted by the brothers in the camp.

After two times of pressing, I realized that little brother Du Lei had a sweetheart.

Father Du fought for many years and was promoted to a general. During this period, Ning Shi has been by his side all the time.

When Du Lei was about to become an adult, Ning warned the brothers in the camp not to lead him badly, or let Father Du look good on them!
Leaving aside Papa Du's own position, he is also a first-class player in the army, so one-on-ten is not a problem at all.

The group of brothers who originally wanted to take Du Lei to see him, immediately gave up after hearing Ning's warning.

So although the army kept talking dirty, they always took advantage of Du Lei's absence, causing Du Lei to know little about men and women.

Three months ago, Father Du recalled to Beijing because of his subordinates, and Ning Shi also went back with him.

Afterwards, they continued to fight, and then Du Lei sent a letter and was injured.

When he came back to the barracks, when the brothers found out that he had a sweetheart and was no longer under Ning's control, the two of them immediately came to life.

All kinds of comic books that were secretly hidden on weekdays were all moved in front of Du Lei.

Du Lei's eyeballs were straightened, and it was only then that he realized for the first time the difference between men and women, as well as the rampant aura in his body.

As a result, Du Lei missed Lu Xiaowan even more.

So the gang of brothers who were afraid of chaos in the world began to give him bad ideas.


After the wild boar was replaced with silver taels, and some simple furniture began to be installed in the house, that bearded Du Lei disappeared from Lu Xiaowan's memory just like those silver taels that disappeared.

Then when Lu Xiaowan forgot about him, one day a group of soldiers suddenly came to the village, carrying several large things, and came to the village aggressively.

It wasn't the officers and soldiers of the government, but the soldiers who had fought bloody battles on the front line. The murderous aura around them that was too late to restrain them scared the villagers into their houses.

Only a few bold ones poked out half of their heads quietly to watch, guessing where those soldiers were going?

At this time, Lu Xiaowan was preparing lunch at home, and then heard a sudden knock on the door.

In broad daylight, Lu Xiaowan didn't think much about it, she thought someone was in a hurry, and asked "Who is it?" and opened the door without any hassle.

As soon as the door opened, a large group of unfamiliar tall men with dangerous temperaments stood outside. Seeing her, someone asked, "Is it Xiaowan?"

"Yes!" Lu Xiaowan was a little frightened, so she answered subconsciously.

"Meet my sister-in-law!" The group of men suddenly saluted respectfully and said in unison.

"What?" Lu Xiaowan was even more at a loss.

After the group saluted, they pushed open the courtyard door, walked around her, and said to the people behind: "Bring it in!"

After a while, the things that were being lifted filled the entire yard.

A man with a gentler appearance saw Lu Xiaowan with a sluggish face, and answered her doubts aloud, "We are Brother Du Lei's brothers!
Brother Du Lei said that after ten days, he will marry his sister-in-law and let the brothers bring the things over first! "

"What?" This time it was not Lu Xiaowan who exclaimed, but her aunt.

The eldest aunt next door heard the noise and was worried about what happened, so she came over to have a look and just heard something that the elder brother was going to marry Xiao Wan in ten days.

Carefully and fearfully, the eldest aunt sized up the group of men in the yard.

The oldest one is about 30, so isn't their elder brother almost [-]?

Being Xiaowan's father is enough, how can you marry Xiaowan to such a person?

The eldest aunt pulled Lu Xiaowan behind her, and tremblingly said loudly: "No, no! My Xiaowan has already, already told her!"

"What?" Now it was the gentleman's turn to be surprised, "Brother Du Lei said that he already accepted the token of love from his sister-in-law."

"A token of love?" Lu Xiaowan recovered from the shock, and said calmly, "What token of love?"

"A bowl." The gentle man said: "My sister-in-law's boudoir name is Xiaowan, and I gave my elder brother a bowl, implying my sister-in-law's boudoir name, what is it if it's not a token of love?"

deliver?Lu Xiaowan sneered, obviously he stole it, okay? "Your elder brother said that I sent him?"

The gentle man said: "That's not true. But the eldest brother often takes out that bowl and looks at it, treating it like a treasure, saying it belongs to a girl's family."

The eldest aunt at the side was confused and interjected anxiously: "Xiao Wan, when did you meet that elder brother?"

"There is such a thing." Lu Xiaowan prevaricated vaguely, then turned to the gentle man, and said decisively: "Bring those things back! By the way, tell your elder brother, I don't want to marry!"

"Don't marry?" Before the gentle man could make a sound, those not-so-gentle men yelled, "How dare you not marry my elder brother?"

"Yes, if you don't marry my elder brother, who do you want to marry?"

"Whoever you marry, I will kill who! Except my eldest brother, no one is allowed to marry!"

"Yes! You dare not marry, I set fire to this village!"

One person talked to each other, each one was more arrogant than the other, and the voice was louder and louder, which was overheard by the people outside who came secretly to watch the excitement.

Then his face turned pale with fright, and he ran back home.

Before the group of soldiers left, Lu Xiaowan was favored by a certain bandit leader and wanted to force her to marry her back as a concubine, otherwise the rumors that she would kill the whole village spread like the wind.

As soon as the soldiers left, the villagers surrounded Lu Xiaowan's house.

"Xiao Wan, my aunt doesn't want to let you into the fire pit, but if you don't marry, Ah Qi, Ah Qin, and Ah Chun will have no way to survive!
You watched those children grow up, it doesn’t matter if my aunt dies, but my aunt can’t watch those little ones, they will die at a young age! "

"That's right, Xiao Wan, just be my sister-in-law, please. My sister-in-law finally got pregnant. I don't want to lose my life without even seeing the child!"


The eldest uncle and the eldest cousin were sullen, "Xiao Wan, pack up, let's go! Arms can't twist thighs, we can't twist them, can't we hide?"

"No way, Uncle Lu! What if the bandits take their anger out on us if you leave?"

"That's right, old Lu, your family will leave as soon as you say, what if we can't leave?"

"Little Lu, uncle knows that you love Xiaowan. Xiaowan is a good girl, and uncle is not willing to push her into the fire pit, but you have to think about it for the hundreds of people in our village!"


During the endless quarrels, Lu Xiaowan stood up and said loudly: "Stop arguing, I'll marry you!"

No matter how her uncle's family tried to persuade her, Lu Xiaowan was determined to marry!

How could the uncle's family not think that the niece was willing to sacrifice her for the sake of the whole village?
As a last resort, Momo Lei acquiesced.

Du Lei brought over everything, even the bride's bright red dress.

The size didn't fit very well, and the eldest aunt helped her change into the wedding dress overnight with tears in her eyes.

Even if she is forced to marry, the eldest aunt still hopes that this poor niece can walk out of this small house in a well-fitting wedding dress.

As a bride-to-be, Lu Xiaowan looked calm on the surface.

At night, after the aunt left, he sharpened and sharpened the scissors that were secretly hidden.

That ungrateful and smelly man, she kindly saved his life, and now he wants to marry her by force, and kill the whole village if she doesn't marry?
snort!If you marry, you will marry. At worst, I will kill you first on the wedding night, and if this girl commits suicide, it will be regarded as killing harm for the people!
Lu Xiaowan secretly made up her mind.

Ten days later, the day of the agreed marriage arrived soon.

On that day, Lu Xiaowan was sitting in the room waiting for her in the wedding dress that her aunt had stayed up for several nights to change, and covered her head with a hijab.

Soon, the sound of festive lamas came from the village.

The sound got closer and closer, and stopped outside the courtyard of Lu Xiaowan's house.

Xi Niang, who had a round body, walked in, and saw that the room was deserted, only the bride was sitting by the bed, and she was stunned.

I heard that the bride's parents died, but she still has relatives. Why is no one there?
Could it be that the bride has a bad temper and has fallen out with her relatives?So even if you are going to get married, you are still alone.

This village is really too strange. There are young ladies in the village who are about to get married, and all of them are crying.

Xi Niang's thoughts only stopped for a moment, what does all this have to do with her, anyway, she just takes money to pick up people.

"Ouch, bride..."

With Xi Niang's support, Lu Xiaowan obediently sat on the sedan chair.

After two hours of staggering, she was helped off the sedan chair.

In a very unreal state, Lu Xiaowan was sent to a new house.

After all the noisy sounds around her disappeared, she realized that her palms were covered with sweat.

The extremely sharp pair of scissors was put in her sleeve, Lu Xiaowan stretched out her hand to touch it, feeling a little more at ease.

Then heavy footsteps sounded, Xi Niang just said: "Congratulations..."

Then, as if being stopped by someone, he shut his mouth and left the new house.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Lu Xiaowan's heart was pounding hard.

The head cover was lifted, and a pair of big hands pinched her chin, lifting her drooping face.

The man who lifted her chin seemed very satisfied and very happy, and grinned.

Lu Xiaowan, who was forced to look at him, was stunned.

Who is this young man in a red silk robe?

(End of this chapter)

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