Chapter 245 Surprise
After winning the award for Best New Male Singer, Li Yimu began to be distracted, and his thoughts would often drift to one side. After all, there is still a while before his next award. This will be awarding some movie soundtracks, TV series theme songs and ending episodes awards.

Li Yimu didn't sing a few episodes, only "One Person Thinks About One Person" was not shortlisted, so it has little to do with him.

"Next, let us welcome the rapper and independent musician, Ni Xiaoxing, to present the Best Singing and Dancing Combination Award."

Accompanied by the BGM of the rap song, Ni Xiaoxing stepped onto the stage, and Li Yimu came back to his senses, um, I know him, I met him on a rap show before, a mentor, Sun Xiangyi's former teammate of the boy group.

The awards he presented are also related to him, the singing and dancing group award, there are many singing and dancing groups this year, although the members of the nine boys men's group have developed well, their popularity is also very high.

But because it is a group made up of different companies, the number of times the members get together is relatively small, and there are not many collective singing and dancing stages, so it is really not sure whether they will win the award.

"The winner of the Best Singing and Dancing Group of the Year is the nine boys men's group!"

Ohhhh, the teammates in the back row stood up happily and rushed to the stage. Li Yimu naturally wanted to go too. After he got on the stage, Pan Lei asked Li Yimu to speak, and Li Yimu asked Pan Lei to speak after he said it.

Pan Lei thanked a wave according to the list given by the company, and finally talked about several mentors in their debut program, Xing Yi, A Rui, Big Burger, Gong Lixue, when it came to the last Nan Xiaoyue, Pan Lei With a stretch of his right hand, Li Yimu was drawn.

"You come here!"

Li Yimu took the microphone and said: "Thanks to Nan Xiaoyue, I have one and only one dance teacher, because of her one-on-one tutoring, I, a dance idiot, did not hold back the team."

After speaking, Pan Lei continued to pick up the microphone and start talking. The audience all said, uh, is this Li Yimu saying thank you to Nan Xiaoyue as long as he delivered his acceptance speech?
Inexplicably, everyone hopes that Li Yimu will get a few more awards, let's see what else he can do, thank you Nan Xiaoyue for the fancy style.
The Muguang band won the award, and Li Yimu was inevitable as the lead singer. The other three members directly pressed him in the middle and picked up the microphone. There was no way, let’s say it, a wave of thanks, and they were about to bow and step down.

Li Shi joked with the microphone: "Huh? Don't you thank Nan Xiaoyue this time?"

There was a lot of laughter at the scene. It could be seen that everyone was looking forward to how Li Yimu would thank Nan Xiaoyue just now. Li Yimu really thought of it, and said with a microphone:
"Thanks to Nan Xiaoyue. Because everyone in our band is short on time, we will rehearse until late that day when we are free. No matter how late it is, she will always wait for me outside the door and go back together."

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" The scene booed, and several people bowed and left the stage.

The best song award of the year, the setting of this award is that a singer can only be shortlisted for one song, so Li Yimu was only shortlisted for the first song "Daoxiang".

The selection of this kind of awards is based on sales, word-of-mouth, song quality and other aspects. Free songs like "Young China" are not included in the awards, and the album "Nan Xiaoyue" is placed on the best album of the year. It was reviewed by insiders, so the organizer chose "Daoxiang".

The songs that competed in the same field also included Meng Dayu's "Back to the Island Song", the previous best newcomer singer Yan Hao's "Go Travel", Nan Xiaoyue's solo single "Like You" and so on.

Li Yimu won the award, this is really a surprise, he is also very excited.

After accepting the award on stage, after another wave of routine thanks, this time he took the initiative to mention Nan Xiaoyue without waiting for the cue of the host:
"Thanks to Nan Xiaoyue, if it wasn't for her in that show, I might not have performed this song so hard, because she is sitting below, I just want to show my best side!"

This is indeed true. If the dance instructor at that time was replaced by someone he didn’t know, Li Yimu would have firmly carried out his idea of ​​paddling. It was only after seeing Nan Xiaoyue that his thoughts changed.

On the one hand, it’s a habit. To perform in front of her habitually should be the best. On the other hand, I’m afraid that she will leave after the show is over, so I want to stay with her while she’s still around.

At an awards ceremony, Li Yimu came to the stage to give four speeches and thanked Nan Xiaoyue four times. Fans recorded the screen and turned it into a video to talk about it. On Xiaopo's station, the UP owner of the ghost animal area was even more cheerful. BGM, came up with a work called "Thank you".

The content of the video is probably Li Yimu standing at the awards ceremony, and then repeatedly saying: "Thank you Nan Xiaoyue for being my first listener, thank you Nan Xiaoyue for giving me a lot of inspiration, thank you Nan Xiaoyue, wait for me to go back together, thank you Nan Xiaoyue, thank you Nan Xiaoyue."

Li Yimu never expected that after getting rid of the professional backup dancer in the ghost animal area, he would once again become a popular dancer in the ghost animal area.
He watched the video and sighed. Fortunately, he didn't win any awards later, otherwise the length of the video could be longer
In the end, Li Yimu missed out on Best Male Singer, Best Lyrics, Best Composer and Best Album, but he was able to bring back two trophies, already more than expected.

At the end of the show, fans also took pictures of Li Yimu and Nan Xiaoyue holding hands, each holding a trophy in the other hand.

Netizens relished that when he was interviewing, he said that one is good, because the other hand has to hold Nan Xiaoyue, and now it is even better, he took two, the two are holding hands, and the other hand can still hold Trophy, perfect!
After the Golden Song Awards, Li Yimu had a short vacation. There was nothing to do in these three days. Afterwards, he only needed to record the "Challenge Unlimited" Chinese traditional culture chapter, and then he could concentrate on waiting for the Spring Festival.

What he didn't expect was that Nan Xiaoyue gave him a surprise.

In the community where Li Yimu and Nan Xiaoyue lived together, when she was about to enter the elevator, Nan Xiaoyue flipped through her bag and suddenly shouted that she couldn't find her ID card.

"Don't worry, think about where you are?"

"I put it in the bag, help me find it!"

Li Yimu took Nan Xiaoyue's bag and looked down. Nan Xiaoyue's bag is usually very neat and tidy. Cosmetics, sunscreen, paper towels, and various cards are all placed according to their places. Today is especially messy. I think she should be the one who rummaged through it. Right, Li Yimu thought to himself.

It's outside, and it can't be said to turn the bag over and pour out all the things to find, he can only tidy up a little bit.

While he was busy tidying up with his head down, he didn't notice that Nan Xiaoyue, who was supposed to press the 19th floor of the elevator, pressed the 17th floor.

Nan Xiaoyue looked at Li Yimu with a snickering smile on her face: "Hey, we are people who have read detective comics, and we know that if we are busy entering the elevator, we will not notice the number of elevator floors."

"Ding dong!" The elevator showed up, Nan Xiaoyue asked him if he found it, Li Yimu said no, he was still packing his bags, and walked forward habitually, towards room one.

Nan Xiaoyue pressed the combination lock, opened the door, and said to him: "Don't look for it, I have a surprise for you!"

Li Yimu looked up, in front of him was an unfamiliar room, it looked clean and bright, he looked up at the house number, 1701!

Nan Xiaoyue shouted happily: "Dangdang, our home is finished!"

Now I live in a rented house, this is the property with our name on it, our home!

 Tomorrow (6.25) is the author’s birthday. It’s not too much to ask for a wave of monthly tickets or something, or you don’t want these, just say happy birthday, hahahaha.

  I had a great time last year, because I started the dream of being an Internet writer that has been hidden for many years, and I also got the love and support of so many friends, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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