wife master

Chapter 16

Chapter 16
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———————The following is the text———————

Yuhui now has ample money to spend, which is first used to improve living standards and travel conditions.They stayed at the inn in the town for two days and waited for Su Mian to fully recover before setting off.Yuhui insisted on hiring a carriage instead. She, Su Mian and A Li plus some luggage could fit in a carriage.

The eldest sister who drives the car is a talkative person. When the weather is good, Yuhui sits outside the car, chatting with her, familiarizing herself with the road scenery along the way, and even asks for advice on driving skills.Su Mian taught Ali how to sew and embroider in the car. During the break, she also took Ali to identify herbs in the mountains, and taught him everything she knew.

Along the way, Yuhui found that the law and order situation in Huaguo was much better than she had imagined. At least they had never encountered robbers who robbed houses, murdered people and set fire to them.

Yuhui specifically asked the elder sister who was driving the car about this issue, and the elder sister pointed to the pennant with a peony pattern embroidered on the roof and explained: "Guest officer, look, this is a car under the jurisdiction of the Peony League, and our car boss will drive it every year." Pay them a certain amount of protection money. The Peony League is the largest Jianghu force in China, and has assembled dozens of underworld gangs. Who would dare to provoke ordinary robbers? When you see our flag, you will stay away from it."

Yu Huixin said that it turned out that the underworld also engaged in alliance monopoly, collecting protection fees to make money and at the same time play a role in maintaining law and order.

"Sister, who is the leader of the Peony League? Isn't that equivalent to the overlord of the underworld?"

The eldest sister driving the car said: "That's not true. But the leader of the Peony League is elected every five years. The sisters in the alliance can sign up for the election. At that time, a martial arts conference will be held to judge the competition. The final winner Only those who are qualified to be the new alliance leader."

"Can people with high martial arts be re-elected?" Yuhui asked curiously, "Is it true that if a leader is born in a gang, that gang will be rewarded?"

"In the previous two terms, Jin Manman, the leader of the Money Gang, also served as the leader. As a result, the power of the Money Gang has spread all over the country, and the members of the gang have become very rich. Unexpectedly, during the general election three years ago, a shadow of Bai Shuang suddenly appeared, This person is extremely skilled in martial arts, and won the championship in one fell swoop. However, she does not seem to belong to any underworld gang. After Bai Shuangying became the leader of the Peony League, gangs in the alliance invited her to take up important positions in a certain gang, but she politely declined."

It turns out that Bai Shuangying has such a background that she is the leader of the Peony League that governs the world's underworld forces.Yu Hui wondered: "Since there are so many benefits to being the leader, each gang should carefully prepare and plan carefully. With Bai Shuangying alone, how could she easily win the championship in the martial arts conference where the underworld forces gather?"

"That's right, everyone has this doubt. I heard from the money gang that there is a mysterious organization behind Bai Shuangying working for her, and she has contacts with people who are both black and white. There are also rumors that Bai Shuangying is a person of the White Way or the court People who want to completely control the underworld forces to do ulterior affairs."

Although the eldest sister who drives the car is a serious businessman, she has a lot of knowledge from traveling all over the world, and she tells a set of stories from the hearsay and rumors, which greatly satisfies Yuhui's appetite and makes Yuhui's long-distance travel not boring. information.

When they arrived in the capital, the eldest sister who drove the car introduced a local friend to Yu Hui, who helped rent a private house, and the family settled down smoothly.Yuhui is naturally grateful for the eldest sister who drives the car for taking care of them.However, Yuhui is not without doubts, maybe this eldest sister is someone arranged by Bai Shuangying.

Yuhui's rented house in the capital is located near Dongshi, two streets away is the most prosperous commercial distribution center in the capital.The place where they live is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, and it is very convenient to travel and shop. The neighbors are also easy-going people from a well-to-do family.Generally speaking, the location is quite good and the price is reasonable. The rent for a year is only 36 taels of silver.

The middle of the main room is used as a hall.Yuhui chose the west side of the main house as her bedroom, and the west wing as her study.Su Mian lives on the east side of the main house.There was originally a stove in the east chamber, which was used as a kitchen.Yuhui didn't dare to live in the same room with Ali, fearing that one night she would become so lustful that she would touch the handsome man.When they were on their way, Ali always lived in the same room with Su Mian, and when the room was assigned, she automatically agreed that Ali continued to share the same room with Su Mian, so she didn't mention it.

At night, after Yuhui washed herself, she lay down on the bed early.

As usual, Ah Li went to Su Mian's room, helped Su Mian wash up, and asked for instructions as usual, "If you have no other orders, my lord, can Ah Li rest here?"

Su Mian didn't answer as usual, but said seriously, "Ali, although you have no status, you belong to Hui'er. Hui'er is an adult, how can you not have a man to serve her? You should spend more time with her." Get along and find a way to please her. We have temporarily settled down in Beijing, and we must establish some rules at home. You'd better not live in my room in the future."

Ali didn't feel surprised or wronged, he responded respectfully and left Su Mian's room.

Walking to the door of Yu Hui's room, seeing that the lights in the room had been turned off, A Li hesitated for a moment, and then cautiously asked softly, "Master, do you need A Li's service?"

Yuhui had already taken off her clothes, and was about to fall asleep, so she replied in a daze, "I don't need to serve you, so don't come in."

Ah Li didn't dare to disturb Yu Hui anymore, and quietly knelt down at the door, leaning against the wall to rest.

It's the end of autumn, the capital is located in the north, and the nights in the south are colder, so it's not comfortable to spend the night outside the house.A Li's clothes are thin, and he can only use his internal energy silently to alleviate the cold discomfort.

Su Mian actually guessed that Ali would be rejected by Yuhui, he thought that Ali would come back to find him and let him take him in, but in the end, Ali still didn't come back after midnight.Su Mian lost her composure, put on her coat and walked out of the room, walked to the door of Yuhui's room, and called softly, "A Li, it's so cold outside, why don't you sleep in the room?"

A Li didn't fall asleep, and when he heard this, he hurriedly knelt down and replied softly: "My lord, the master won't let me enter the room."

Su Mian said helplessly, "Ali, although there are no beds in the east and west rooms, you can rest on the floor. Why do you kneel at the door to blow the cold wind? If you don't pay attention to your body, if you fall ill, it will be the owner's loss." understand?"

A Li hesitated and said, "I'm not afraid of the cold. At the previous master's place, I always slept on the floor at the door of the master's bedroom, so that it would be convenient for the master to summon me at any time, and would not disturb the master's rest."

Although Su Mian couldn't figure out Yuhui's true thoughts, he also knew that she didn't want to see Ali suffer.So without any hesitation, Su Mian pulled Ali up from the ground, took the quilt, and let him build a floor bunk in the west wing to rest.

Su Mian instructed: "A Li, when Hui'er won't let you enter the room to serve, you will sleep here."

"Yes." Ali happily agreed, and said gratefully, "My lord is really a good man."

"Ali, what is a good person in your eyes? Are we better than your previous master?" Su Mian asked casually.

Ali pursed his lips and said, "I think Master and Young Master are better than my previous master."

"Where's the good?"

Ali replied truthfully: "Young master allowed me to sleep in the house, gave me such good clothes to wear, fed me every day, and patiently taught me decent craftsmanship. The master never beat or scolded me. Talk to me with a pleasant face."

Su Mian suddenly asked, "Then what if one day you lose these things? What will you do? If we scold you and beat you, and make you starve and freeze, what will you do?"

A Li was stunned for a moment, and said with a sad expression: "The former master said that a lowly slave like me was not qualified to enjoy those cares. It is my blessing that the master treats me well. When the blessing is exhausted, he wants to use me. No matter how my body vents, I can only stand next to it."

Su Mian sighed, and was about to say a few words of relief, when she turned her head and saw Yuhui came to the west chamber with her clothes on.

(End of this chapter)

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