Chapter 297 Old Clothes

If the hands and feet on the railing were indeed done by the queen, then it is not difficult for Gu Qiying to follow the trend.

If a concubine died in the queen's conspiracy, wouldn't the queen's crime be greatly increased at once.

Who is better to die?

To kill Gu Qiying herself, of course not, no one can kill her.

This unlucky guy, first of all, he can't make good friends with the queen, so that the queen's sinister intentions can't be revealed; secondly, he can't make good friends with the concubine Xian, because it will make the concubine Xian lose her left arm and right arm; finally, he can't be someone who the emperor loves very much, killing two birds with one stone It's good, but it really hurts the emperor to conduct a thorough investigation, and the tricksters may also be exposed, which can be said to be worth the candle.

So, what a good candidate Cui Haitang and Cui Cairen are.

Well, thinking of this, Haitang who was sitting in Yunxiu Palace suddenly realized that there was no accident, and that he was not unlucky as a scapegoat, but someone's premeditated backstop.

When Guo Sihai came to take orders in the evening, Haitang had a secret talk with him.

Because of the reunion of Guo Shaoqing's mother and child intentionally or unintentionally, Haitang's mysterious aura is added to Guo Shaoqing's view. In addition to the gratitude in his heart, Guo Shaoqing is very willing to relieve his worries with Mrs. Haitang.

Haitang didn't explain to him why she sent Wang Nizhen to Dali Temple. This acquaintance made it a tacit secret between two people—perhaps three people, plus Wang Nizhen herself. .

The secret conversation went very smoothly, and Haitang knew that from now on, she would have an extra trump card in her hand.

Up to now, she has an excellent medical woman like Chu Yun, an excellent guard commander like Nie Changfeng, and a heavyweight investigator like Guo Sihai.Haitang felt that she could finally breathe a sigh of relief secretly.

After sending Guo Sihai away, someone came from the dining room and asked if he wanted more food for the evening.

Haitang thought for a while, and said no, there will be no meal in Yunxiu Palace tonight.

She still remembered Qin Yan's words.Qin Yan said that he would come to Yunxiu Palace for dinner today, if he forgot, he would let Haitang rush to Dazheng Palace.

Haitang suddenly felt that rushing to Dazheng Palace to ask someone seemed more exciting than waiting for someone in Yunxiu Palace.

She has been sad all day and night, and she needs to cheer up.

He looked at the time and found that he was still free, so he called Biyun over to wash himself up.Under Biyun's guidance, Biluo is also gradually picking out a few clothes and showing Haitang one by one.

Haitang always feels that this is not good, that is not good, it seems that everything is missing a little bit.

"There is always one missing piece of clothing in this woman's suitcase."

Biyun couldn't help laughing and said: "Now the master is saying such things. In the palace before, the servants and servants saw that you didn't have two decent clothes, and they all complained about you. What did you say?"

"Uh, what did you say? I really don't remember."

"You said, what is it not to wear, and who is it for?"

Haitang's heart moved slightly, and she couldn't help sighing: "Isn't it. Once you pretend to be someone in your heart, you won't be able to be chic."

Biluo raised her silver-red dress and came over again, Haitang was stunned when she saw it.

Biyun said: "Biluo, Master doesn't wear other colors, you should look for blue ones."

Haitang suddenly said: "It's lucky that you found this one, where did you find it?"

Biluo said: "Pressed under the box, the servant is in a pile of blue, and I saw it at a glance, so I took it out for the master to see."

"Just this one." Haitang said lightly.

Biyun was a little surprised, but didn't ask the reason, and said to Biluo: "It's a little wrinkled, you should iron it out quickly."

Biluo responded, carried the clothes and went outside.

Seeing Biyun who combed her hair with a puzzled expression, Haitang smiled and said, "Is it because you're not used to it?"

Biyun nodded honestly: "I'm really not used to you changing colors."

Haitang said: "You can't dress too rigidly. It's good to have your own style. If you're too stubborn, you'll be stuck in a rut. It's the same with being a human being. It's more refreshing if you change your mood."

These words are obviously not just about clothes, Biyun certainly knows what Haitang is going through recently.It is impossible for her not to grow, she is undergoing an unprecedented transformation.

Biyun said: "Master is right. Blue is certainly very beautiful, but in the future, master will become more and more stable and mature, but you will always wear pink and pink colors. I'm afraid you will feel awkward Woolen cloth."

Haitang smiled and said, "You might as well just say that I will grow old sooner or later, and it is impossible to wear pink all the time."

"Oh master, you scared the servant to death, how dare the servant say that."

Haitang glanced at her sideways, and said with a smile: "Yeah, I dare not say that, I only dare to think so."

Biyun's brow was sweating: "Let's tell the master, Biyun is stupid, I can't tell you."

Haitang laughed loudly: "You have such a temper, some of you will be bullied by that Lu Xiaobao in the future. He is a fine person."

Biyun was also helpless, Mrs. Haitang really talked about Xiaobao at the slightest disagreement, it was simply unbearable.

After talking and joking for a while, Haitang restrained her face and said, "Biyun, you probably forgot that the clothes just now were bought for me by the emperor."

In this life, Qin Yan has never bought clothes for a woman out of his own pocket.Back then, he took Haitang to Cui's house on a whim, but Haitang didn't dress properly, so Qin Yan's carriage turned to the cloth shop on the way, and bought this ready-made dress for Haitang.The colors and styles were chosen by Qin Yan himself.That was the beginning of Haitang's love for Qin Yan. Looking back now, it is still as sweet as ever.

Biyun said: "How can I forget it. That time when you came back wearing this dress, our jaws dropped in shock. It was really unexpected."

Haitang flattened her mouth: "Actually, I think it's not bad for me to wear red."

Biyun naturally nodded appreciatively.

In fact, Haitang was right. When Biluo came over with the ironed silver-red dress, she was panicked, only Haitang seemed to be in a good mood.

"Come on, put it on. Even though Yuan'er was born, she doesn't seem to have gained much weight, and this dress fits her well."

Biyun hurriedly flattered her: "Master, although you gave birth to the second prince, your body shape hasn't changed at all, it's still the same as before."

"Speech, it will make me happy."

Put on the clothes, stand in front of the mirror, and see the blurred figure.Although it is not very real, but that figure can also be seen.Wearing the same piece of clothing now will add a touch of extravagance.

Two years ago, Haitang was thinner and childish. Although the silver-red color looked good on her body, she couldn't hold it anymore.Now that she gave birth to Qin Yuan, her whole body has become gentle and mature. Her face that used to love to smile is now restrained a little, adding a bit of charm.And set off by such gorgeous clothes as silver and red, it looks charming and refined.

"Let's go to Taisho Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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