Chapter 540

At this time, Wang Xiao no longer paid attention to any moves, and was completely venting his grief and anger in a desperate way.All the bodyguards knew the importance of Wang Xiao in Wang Yishi's heart. Even if the young master went crazy now, he was still the number one in the master's heart. Now they can only stop him, but they can't hurt him. By the master's punishment.

The bodyguards didn't dare to use their strength, so what's the use of having more people?Wang Xiao tried his best, how could he be inferior if there were too many bodyguards?Within a few minutes, several young men had already been slapped black-eyed by Wang Xiao.The shattering of glass, the overturning of chairs, and the screams of the maids in the hall mixed together, creating chaos.

Wang Yishi put on a nightgown, stepped on slippers and walked downstairs quickly before wiping off the water stains on his body. He just turned the corner and saw this scene.

"Stop!! What are you talking about!!"

Looking at his son who looks like an angry little leopard, Wang Yishi already guessed something in his mind. The son is really smart, so he guessed it was him?
As soon as Wang Xiao saw Wang Yishi, his gums were bleeding with hatred.Just as he was about to rush over, his shoulders were firmly clamped by the bodyguards on one side.

Wang Yishi gathered his clothes, walked towards the sofa with a smile on his face, as if he didn't see the mess in the hall.He sat down leisurely, raised his legs, took the cigarette case from the coffee table, opened it, and lit a cigar.

Both sleeves of Wang Xiao's suit were torn, revealing the white shirt inside. His slightly long hair was disheveled due to the fight just now, his bangs covered his eyes, and he was forced to bend over, but he still had the strength of character, his phoenix eyes He stared at Wang Yishi coldly.

"If anything happens to Xiao Yu, I will never let you go!"

Wang Yishi paused when he heard the movement of his hands, frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "It's just a woman, it's worth letting you look like this? Not to mention your own identity, but also my Wang Yishi's face." To the bodyguard Waving his hand: "Let him go."

The bodyguard obeyed and let go, Wang Xiao stood up straight, did not tidy herself up as Wang Yishi wished, but strode forward, stood in front of him and looked down at him.

Wang Yishi frowned: "Sit down!"

Wang Xiao didn't move at all.

Distraught by his son Sen Leng's eyes, Wang Yishi's voice became a little impatient: "I'll let you sit down! You're deaf!"


As soon as Wang Yishi finished speaking, Wang Xiao slapped him in the face!Wang Yishi was taken aback by the beating, and looked up at his beloved son in disbelief. Before he could say anything, Wang Xiao had already pinned him down on the sofa.

Wang Xiao held Wang Yishi's neck tightly with both hands, supported the ground with his left leg, and knelt on the sofa beside Wang Yishi with his right leg. All the strength and anger in his body gathered at Wang Yishi's throat for a while.

"I'll strangle you to death! If you dare to touch Xiao Yu, I will risk my life for you!!"

Wang Yishi's eyes were bulging, and he grabbed Wang Xiao's wrist with both hands and thumped vigorously.

The frightened bodyguards at the side thought of rushing up, and four or five of them pulled Wang Xiao away together.

Regaining fresh air, Wang Yishi stroked his throat and gasped for breath. He coughed for a long time before finally recovering.

Wang Xiao's hands were cut behind the back by the bodyguards, and she kept struggling, her phoenix eyes were blood red, obviously she didn't intend to save her life and wanted to fight with Wang Yishi.

Wang Yishi couldn't believe that Wang Xiao, whom he loved so much, wanted to strangle him because of Jiang Ruoyu? !
"You unfilial son!"

"Are you worthy?"

"What did you say?!"

"Hmph." Wang Xiao sneered, "Are you deaf?"


Wang Yishi got up angrily, rushed over and beat him with a raised hand.

Wang Xiao glared at Wang Yishi angrily.For some reason, Wang Yishi couldn't let go of his hands under his son's intense gaze. He just held up his slap, and couldn't land on Wang Xiao's face no matter what.

"A woman dies as soon as she dies. Is there any kind of woman we want in our family's status! Are you destroying the rare relationship between our father and son for a bitch!"

Hearing Wang Yishi's remarks, Wang Xiao's fear expanded and his speculation became reality.Wang Yishi really wanted to kill Xiao Yu!Looking for Xiaoyu is like looking for a needle in a haystack. If I haven't found it yet, maybe something will happen to her in the next second?

Thinking of such a situation, mist gushed out of Wang Xiao's eyes, and she gritted her teeth fiercely and said in a choked voice: "I will never live alone if she dies! But even if she dies, I will avenge her first!!"

I don't know where the strength came from. The people behind Wang Xiao never thought that he could exert such strength so suddenly that they couldn't pull him back.

Wang Xiao broke free from the shackles, and kicked Wang Yishi hard in the chest.

Wang Yishi has never been treated like this.No matter how much he loves his son, he will not allow the "boy" to hit the "old man", but he is old after all, and he was kicked in the arm instead of dodging, and he kicked back several times and lay on his back with his left hand on the sofa. When he was about to get up, Wang Xiao kicked him in the head again.

The bodyguards really couldn't believe that there are such sons beating Lao Tzu in the world, so they rushed up to stop him.

Wang Yishi became impatient, and casually took out a pistol from the crack of the sofa, and shot Wang Xiao.


Wang Xiao didn't feel surprised, there was a bloody gash on his left arm, but he didn't feel any pain, as if bleeding could make him feel better.He charged towards Wang Yishi's muzzle without dodging or dodging, and kicked what should be kicked!
When the bodyguards saw that the boss had shot, the buddies couldn't stop Wang Xiao any longer. They were afraid that they would be killed, so they worked together, regardless of whether Wang Xiao was hurt or not, the five of them worked together to kill Wang Xiao. Pressing against the sofa with his backhand, he pressed his body tightly with his kneecap.

This kid is crazy!This was Wang Yishi's first feeling after shooting.However, when he saw the blood pouring from Wang Xiao's left hand onto the carpet, and his messy hair was still struggling, he still felt distressed.No one has ever given him such a feeling, Wang Xiao is the first one.

"Enough, you, call the family doctor!" After ordering the assistant, Wang Yishi said to the suppressed Wang Xiao earnestly: "Son, even if you hate me, I will kill that bitch. If you are smart, Just don't mention it again, I can pretend nothing happened."

Wang Xiao was about to burst into tears, and roared hoarsely: "Impossible! I hate you! I hate you! She's gone, what else would Wang Xiao do in this world!! Without Jiang Ruoyu, why would there still be Wang Xiao!!"


"I'm not your son!! I tell you, I designed everything, I installed the tracker, I have been designing you from the very beginning, you killed me, killed me!!"

"Wang Xiao!" Wang Yishi's face darkened: "Don't make such a joke!!"

"Why don't you even kill me! Do you have any heart? Years ago you didn't recognize my mother, and you didn't recognize me. Now that your son is dead and you have no successor, you only think of me. What do you think I am? Is it a puppy that comes and goes when you call it! You can’t give me my happiness, but Jiang Ruoyu can give it to me, and with her I don’t want the whole world! Why do you want to do this! Why!”

Wang Xiao roared hoarsely, but his heart was like a mirror, and he didn't say the word "smuggling" in the end, because he knew that if he said it now, everyone who heard these words would probably be buried.He didn't expect Wang Yishi to trust him to this extent. He told him that he was framed, but Wang Yishi still didn't believe it.

Wang Xiao was helpless and sad, but he didn't forget to leave a way out for himself. The revenge at the beginning has now become a deliberate venting. The case has not been completed yet, and maybe there is something useful for him.His undercover agent cannot be exposed for the time being.He was too reckless and impulsive just now. Fortunately, there is still time to remedy it.

Wang Yishi sighed and said: "Son, you have to understand that when a man is born in this world, he wants to do something. If he walks around a woman's skirt, can he succeed! You have solved your worries, without Jiang Ruoyu, you will have no weaknesses from now on!"

"I hate you. If Xiao Yu dies, I will definitely kill you." Wang Xiao's voice gradually calmed down, and she looked up at Wang Yishi silently, making Wang Yishi's back sweat.

"Master, Dr. Sun is here."

Wang Yishi waved his hand wearily, "Let's show the young master."

Wang Xiao was pressed to sit on the sofa, and a doctor surnamed Sun bandaged his arm bruised by the bullet.Out of anger, he beat Wang Yishi. Although he also had a bloody hole in his arm, Wang Yishi trusted him even more.

I don't know what's going on with Ye Tuo, where Xiao Yu is now, whether he's alive, or already...


When Jiang Ruoyu opened his eyes, he was lying on a warm kang, covered with a quilt, and the kettle in the room was sitting on the iron stove, gurgling and steaming.

Sitting up, Jiang Ruoyu coughed and observed the surrounding environment.This room is not big, about seven or eight square meters. There is a big kang when you enter the door. A fire is lit in the hearth in the corner. The iron chimney circles around the house and sticks out from the window.In the early spring of March, it was still very cold at night, but it was warm on the kang.

No need to ask, she must have been brought here by the kidnapper brother.

Thinking of the scene at the train station, Jiang Ruoyu felt uncomfortable for a while, and she was almost able to call for help.

But now that she has come here and she has nothing to do, she has to analyze the current situation.Why did the kidnapper go out of his way to take her away instead of killing her?What is his identity with Wang Yishi, and what does he know?

While she was meditating, the blue wooden door with peeling paint was pushed open, and Shen Weiliang came in with two bowls of hot instant noodles.

"woke up?"

"Hmm." Jiang Ruoyu covered her mouth and coughed twice: "Where is this?"

"You don't need to know, eat first, and then take the medicine later!" Shen Weiliang ordered angrily, then took out penicillin V potassium tablets from his pocket and threw them to Jiang Ruoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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