Kexue Magician

Chapter 402 Being Single Is Not a Sin

Chapter 402 Being Single Is Not a Sin

The third day after the death of Representative Taro Tsuruta.

There are many people in Tokyo who carry frogs to work. Walking on the flat concrete road, they often hear the cry of frogs. Originally, many frogs go out quietly, but as long as one calls, the surrounding ones will follow suit. .

They don't know why they bark or what it means, but they just keep barking.

Those who didn't know thought they had come to the forest.

Miyano Akemi glanced around calmly, seeing the embarrassment on the faces of those who were making frog noises, she couldn't help smiling.

What Feng Chu said is right, people tend to echo what others say, and frogs can also echo what frogs say.

Luckily the frog in my pocket had its mouth tied.

Miyano Akemi, who was secretly grateful, blinked her eyes, and walked into the supermarket without any haste. The daily necessities such as meat, vegetables, milk and eggs at home were about to run out, and now she was out shopping.

Beef, Chicken, Pork, Eggs, Potatoes...

Miyano Akemi carefully checked the production date, shelf life and appearance of the products, and then put the selected food into the trolley one by one. In fact, there are quite a lot of serious people like her in the supermarket.

About half an hour passed.

Miyano Akemi paid the bill and went home with big bags and small bags. Her slightly obese body seemed to hide enormous strength.

Back home, Miyano Akemi breathed a sigh of relief.

She tore off the human skin mask, removed the waist padding, fine beads of sweat oozed from her forehead and face.

"When the weather is hot, let me go shopping."

"After all, the human skin mask is not very breathable, and careful people will feel a little strange when they see that you are not sweating."

Feng Chu, who was leaning against the sofa, said with a sigh, holding a can of Coca-Cola in his right hand, it was precisely because Akemi Miyano had a strong sense of urgency that he insisted on going grocery shopping instead of himself.

"Okay, I won't go until the temperature is above 27 degrees Celsius." Akemi Miyano smiled.

Feng Chu's brows twitched, and he took a sip of the cool Coke.

It is only 22 degrees Celsius now. According to the weather forecast, there are at least ten days or eight days before it will rise to 27 degrees Celsius. That is the highest temperature at noon, and it will take a long time until the temperature reaches 27 degrees Celsius at eight o'clock in the morning.

A little cunning...

While being moved, Feng Chu shook his head.

Time passed quietly, and before I knew it, it was night.

Feng Chu's routine is still the same as usual.

The dinner was slightly different from the usual one. There was an extra dish of frog soup with carrots and lean meat. The aroma made people salivate, and it seemed that their appetite was greatly increased.

"There is a frog that is not acclimatized to the water and soil. At noon, I saw that it was about to turn white, so I processed it in advance and used it to make soup tonight."

Akemi Miyano smiled slightly. As a chef, she knew that frogs killed alive had a better taste than frogs processed after death, and the meat was fresher and not so bad.

Feng Chu laughed, thinking of the story of "this hamster seems to be suffering from heat stroke, it's better to roast it and eat it".

After taking a sip of the frog soup, the corners of Hui Yuanai's mouth curled up.

"Friends of the audience, good evening everyone, we have invited my wife Kanta Senator tonight..."

On the TV screen, the hostess with a professional smile on her face pointed her right hand to my wife Gantai who was not far away. After my wife Gantai nodded slightly, she directly sat on the chair that had been prepared.

"An anonymous netizen launched an online vote: 'Who is the congressman you most wish to be unlucky'."

"My wife, Congressman, you are at the top of the list, with far more votes than No.2, and even your votes are higher than the combined number of votes of No.5, No.[-], No.[-] and No.[-]."

"What do you think about this?"

The hostess looked at my wife Gantai with a smile on her face. Netizens wished him bad luck, which was just a euphemism. In fact, they wanted him to die!
My wife Kanta also understood what the netizens meant, knowing that they wanted to die suddenly like Tsuruta Taro, and said: "Oh, I don't blame those netizens who voted for me, they really don't understand me."

The hostess said: "My wife, Congressman, you once proposed to levy a single tax on unmarried people aged 30 and above. The older you are, the higher the tax rate. Is that true?"

My wife Gan Tai said: "That's right, I actually have good intentions!"

"Think about it, everyone. Our country's birth rate is so low. If we still care about ourselves, our country may become the first country in the world to disappear in the long run."

"And everyone thinks about it seriously."

"If everyone doesn't get married, who will buy those jewelry, jade, diamonds, all kinds of jewelry, and luxury goods?"

"Shops that operate wedding dresses and gowns, wedding companies, photo studios, wedding emcee companies, and many other industries that are born out of marriage, aren't they going to go bankrupt?"

"Besides, if you don't get married, you won't have children. Is it necessary for mother and child stores, milk powder stores, toy stores, children's playgrounds, various interest training classes, and after-school cram schools to exist?"

"If you don't get married, you still need to buy a house and a car?"

"What about the real estate and related intermediary service industries, the automobile manufacturing industry, including auto parts production and sales companies, auto accessories production and sales companies, auto repair, beauty, sales and other related industries?"

"So many industries have closed down and people are out of work. Where does the money come from? How do you spend it?"

"All walks of life will be impacted unprecedentedly..."

"The national economy will plummet, and unemployment will sweep across the country, causing unimaginable and horrific social problems."

"So, I think it is very necessary to impose a single tax on unmarried people!"

My wife, Councilor Gantai, said earnestly and earnestly, with tears in her eyes.

The hostess was in awe.

My wife Kanta continued: "I will also propose to provide living allowances for newlyweds under the age of 35 and with an annual family income of less than 500 million yen. The upper limit of the subsidy is 100 million yen!"

"Where does the money come from? Of course it comes from the single tax."

"I want people who want to get married not to shrink back because of financial difficulties! I will continue to fight for this!"

The hostess immediately burst into tears.

She felt that my wife's congressman is really great, and the proposals are interlocking, which will not increase the financial burden of the country, but also perfectly solve the problem of funding sources.

In front of the TV screen, the corners of Feng Chu's mouth moved.

"This congressman is quite intelligent, not simple..."

Fengchu, Haibara Ai and Miyano Akemi continued to watch my wife Kanta's interview.

At the end of the live broadcast, when my wife, Mr. Kanta, bowed to leave, two frogs suddenly fell out of his cuffs. The frogs' four legs were tied and their mouths were sealed with scotch tape. The scene was embarrassing for a while.

"I thought my wife, a congressman, was really not afraid of death."

Miyano Akemi joked with a smile, with a hint of admiration still on her face, feeling that it was flawed.

"There is no one who is not afraid of death." Hui Yuanai shook his head slightly.

Feng Chu's eyes became deep, and he said lightly: "I don't know how long the peaceful time will last. I'm worried that the people who killed the congressmen are preparing for big moves. Now it's just the calm before the storm."

(End of this chapter)

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