Kexue Magician

Chapter 354

Chapter 354

Isn't this embarrassing Mr. Amuro?

Azusa Enomoto looked at the young woman in the beige dress, and became worried about Toru Amuro.

The regular customer with a unique hairstyle rubbed his chin, guessing that the target of the young woman was Toru Amuro. She probably wanted to question or even scold the store manager, so that the store manager would get bored with Toru Amuro, the subordinate who caused him trouble, so as to force Toru Amuro to resign. Purpose.

Brother Amuro is in danger!
The regular customer subconsciously picked up the coffee cup, only to realize that there was no coffee in the cup, and the mocha he ordered hadn't arrived yet.

"Okay, please wait patiently, miss."

Toru Amuro pondered for a long time, thinking that his current identity is a part-time waiter, no matter whether the customer is wrong or not, he can't just lose his temper with the customer casually, and he can't solve the problem with a gun.

Afterwards, Toru Amuro went back to the counter and spoke to Azusa Enomoto twice, untied his apron and walked out the door.

"Huh? Didn't Mr. Amuro agree to come down? Why did you go out suddenly?"

The man in the blue suit looked curiously at Azusa Enomoto.

Regular customers and Belmode with unique hairstyles also looked at Azusa Enomoto, looking forward to her answer, after all, everyone saw the scene just now.

"Mr. Amuro is going to the supermarket to buy something." Azusa Enomoto smiled worriedly, then picked up the filter paper, threw the filter paper and the coffee powder inside into the trash can, and poured the coffee in the measuring cup into the sink.

She wanted to make mocha coffee for the two men in blue suits again.

After a few minutes.

Toru Amuro pushed open the glass door and walked into the store, returned to the bar, and took out two measuring cylinders from the bag, one with a maximum capacity of 100 mL and the other with a maximum capacity of 250 mL, which are used for steaming, water injection and powder pushing water.

Afterwards, Toru Amuro took out an electronic stopwatch that could be accurate to 10 milliseconds, and a kettle that displayed accurate temperature.

And a small electronic scale accurate to milligrams.

After all the measuring tools were prepared, Toru Amuro started working.

Seeing this, the regular customer with a chic hairstyle couldn't help but praised: "Brother Amuro is too witty, he made everything digital, accurate and safe, no longer relying on feeling, I think this time there is a high chance of success!"

Azusa Enomoto glanced at Toru Amuro, and the big stone in her heart was relieved.

Belmode blinked slowly, without showing a trace of emotion on his face, but secretly smiled in his heart.

Bourbon, bourbon, do you think that you can make coffee that satisfies me? You are so naive...
Even if you do make the perfect cup of coffee this time, what about next time?

There are more than 20 kinds of coffee on this menu. I can see your true level from the Colombian coffee alone. Next time I order other coffees, you will still make mistakes, and then I can make use of the problem!
I can change my identity constantly, and you are a waiter, so I have a huge advantage as a customer!

To be honest, it's really interesting to play with a full-fledged member with the code name of the organization, watching him foolishly being kept in the dark, admiring his helpless and helpless expression.

A faint smile flashed in Belmode's eyes.

Before I knew it, a few more minutes passed.

Toru Amuro at the bar slowly breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the coffee cup and sent it to Belmode's table, and said with a professional smile on his face, "Please taste."

Regular customers with chic hairstyles, the man in the blue suit, and Azusa Enomoto all set their sights on Belmode.

Belmode didn't pick up the coffee cup immediately. Her nose fluttered slightly, and then a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said lightly, "You don't need to taste it. This is a failed product. Call your store manager to come over."

Amuro twitched his face, and anger flashed in his eyes.

Belmode, who noticed Toru Amuro's expression, opened his eyes slightly, and felt relieved, but he pretended to be very scared and patted his chest, sarcastically saying, "Are you trying to hit someone? I'm so scared!"

Amuro smiled and said, "I am a person with good professional ethics."

"Never throw a punch at a customer unless the customer has done something illegal or is in the way of other customers."

"Excuse me, miss, are you too rash to conclude that this is a failure without even trying it? Or are you deliberately teasing me?"

The man in the blue suit put down his coffee cup, and he couldn't bear to look at it any longer, and said, "Yeah, brother Amuro is so professional, you should take a sip and say it doesn't taste good, and it will look more real."

Belmode sneered: "I don't need to drink it at all, I can tell what it is just by smelling it."

"If you are not convinced and think that what I said is unfair, then ask your store manager to have a taste, see what he thinks, and ask if my judgment is wrong and I am making trouble for no reason!"

Toru Amuro stared deeply at this ordinary-looking young woman, but Belmode's disguise was too good for him to see through.

"When the store manager comes, the coffee is already cold, so the taste will naturally be bad." Toru Amuro said calmly.

"Why don't you try it yourself?" Belmode said.

Toru Amuro shook his head slowly, and calmly said: "How can I let the guests drink the coffee I drank? No matter whether you have a cleanliness or not, first of all, it is against etiquette for me to do so."

"Miss Xiaozi, please bring four more cups."

Azusa Enomoto was stunned for a moment, and brought four clean coffee cups over in a daze.

Toru Amuro poured the cup of coffee in front of Belmode into the four empty cups, then turned his head to look at the regular customer and the man in the blue suit with a unique hairstyle, and said with a gentle smile: "Can you please have a taste? I believe everyone judge."

Azusa Enomoto suddenly realized, I understand!

The regular customer and the man in the blue suit came over and said at the same time, "I'm so glad."

Afterwards, Toru Amuro, Shuke and the other four picked up their coffee cups, put them to their mouths and took a sip.

The next moment, Toru Amuro's face changed, and Azusa Enomoto hesitated to speak.

The regular customer and the man in the blue suit looked at each other, and finally the regular customer sighed: "This cup of coffee is actually not bad, but there should be one, no, half of the coffee beans should be broken, which spoils the overall experience."

"One mouse dropping spoiled a pot of porridge!"

Belmode smiled comfortably, and said coldly: "Why, you have nothing to say now?"

"The inside of the coffee beans is broken, and it's hard to see with the naked eye..."

The kind-hearted Azusa Enomoto defended, her voice getting weaker and weaker, and she suddenly thought that if she wore disposable gloves when picking coffee beans and sniffed every coffee bean, such mistakes would naturally not occur.

The air is quiet for a few seconds.

"Huh? Why are you all together?"

When everyone was silent, Feng Chu pushed the door open and entered with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Belmode's eyes lit up, and then he snorted in extreme dissatisfaction: "Mr. Fengchu, I respect you as a detective, and I also want to see if the coffee shop opened by a famous detective is different from ordinary coffee shops, so I come here just because of the name." Come."

"However, seeing it today is really disappointing!"

After Belmode finished speaking, he stared straight at Toru Amuro.

Feng Chu blinked, and looked at Toru Amuro with an expression of not knowing what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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