Kexue Magician

Chapter 317 Why Are You Wearing Big Brother's Clothes

Chapter 317 Why Are You Wearing Big Brother's Clothes

Yumi Miyamoto, what a cute silly policewoman!
The square-faced man secretly sneered, with an expression of "So you are Miyamoto Yumi, you really have admired your name for a long time", pretending as if he was also a member of the Metropolitan Police Department, and then said to the horse-faced man: "This prisoner It's extremely vicious, don't be careless!"

The man with the horse face smiled and nodded. He also knew that because he was holding a gun against James, and it was easy to be seen when he put it away, the eldest brother would go out.

Miyamoto Yumi didn't seem to be bothered to tell her too much, she clutched her stomach and left in a hurry.

The square-faced man glanced left and right, full of vigilance.

Soon after, the square-faced man walked to the scene of the vehicle accident and saw two less seriously damaged vehicles, but no casualties were found.

"How do you drive? Don't you know how to keep a proper distance from the car?"

"Hehe, I didn't blame you yet, but you blamed me? If you didn't brake suddenly, how could I rear end?"

"The red lights are on, you must brake, don't you look at the lights? You don't need your eyes, you can donate them to the hospital, which is considered a good deed! What kind of car do you drive without your eyes? Do you want to be a street killer?"

"You, you, you! I will teach you a lesson for your parents!"

"Bastard, what qualifications do you have to replace my parents? How dare you take advantage of me? Watch!"

"I'm afraid of you, I have practiced Aikido."

It seems that because Yumi Miyamoto, the female traffic policeman, was not at the scene, and there was no one who suppressed them, the two car owners who had been discussing peacefully had become more and more verbal, and then they fought each other.

The square-faced man shook his head, speechless.

But since the policewoman Yumi Miyamoto was promised to command the scene, she naturally played the role of the police well, and she couldn't just watch the two people in front of her continue to fight.

"I'm a policeman, stop beating me!"

The square-faced man approached the two men with a serious expression, and opened his hands to separate them.

Hearing the police approach, the two men slowed down.

Hehe, the identity of the police is really easy to use, no one suspects it!A smug flash of pride flashed across the face of the square-faced man. He put his hands on the arms of the two men who looked like car owners, and pushed them away slightly.

The next moment, the situation changed suddenly.

The two men who were about to beat him to death suddenly turned sideways to deal with the square-faced man. They moved quickly, and took advantage of the situation, each grabbed one of the square-faced man's hands and clasped his hand behind their backs.

Then, the square-faced man was pushed to the ground, his hands were handcuffed, and his mouth was gagged with a rag.

This series of actions only took two or three seconds.

When the square-faced man came to his senses, he realized that he had changed from a free body to a prisoner. Suddenly, his eyes widened and the corners of his eyes almost split open, and he could only make a deep murmur.

I was fooled!

That cute and innocent female traffic policeman lied to me!
The square-faced man was extremely remorseful, he hated himself for not judging people by their appearance, and did not see the demon-like cunning heart under Yumi Miyamoto's lovely face.

Mom, you are right.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive others, and the policewoman is no exception...

The afternoon sun was still dazzling, and the square-faced man shed tears of regret.

As the think tank and leading brother of the criminal team, no one knows the IQ of his accomplice better than him. Even he was deceived. The two younger brothers can only follow in his footsteps, and then everyone gets together neatly in the prison.

On the other side, Miyamoto Yumi received a text message saying "It's done!".

Hehehe, Miss Ben is about to appear again!
There was cunning in Miyamoto Yumi's eyes, after walking out of the obstacle hiding her body, she immediately changed her face, pretending to be a carefree expression of relief.

She deliberately passed by the fake police car, smiled sweetly at the round-faced fake policeman and the horse-faced man, and then walked quickly towards the direction of traffic, apparently wanting to call the square-faced man back and let her continue to direct.

The round-faced fake policeman and the horse-faced man couldn't help but smile.

The beautiful woman in the police uniform smiled at herself. If I wasn't a gangster, I really wanted to chase her and fall in love with her!

Seeing the soul-giving expression on the horse's face, James Black smiled silently in his heart.

More than a minute passed.

"It's not good, it's not good, something happened!"

Yumi Miyamoto frowned, her footsteps were a little messy, and she ran to the counterfeit police car in a panic, and continued in a panic: "The two car owners started fighting, and the square-faced brother tried to persuade the fight but was besieged by the car owner. If you don't hurry up, something will happen. Already!"

"I'm just a weak woman, I can't stop it."

"Hurry up and help me subdue them. If you dare to attack the police, you must be sentenced severely!"

Yumi Miyamoto clenched her fists, her pretty face was filled with worry and resentment, her slender figure was more like a beautiful but weak flower in the garden at this time, even if she wanted to resist the wind, she still had a heart powerless.

Two car owners beat my elder brother?

There are only two of them!We stand a good chance!

The horse-faced man carefully estimated his combat power, and seeing Yumi Miyamoto looking worriedly into the distance from time to time, he quickly put away his pistol when she turned her head again, and opened the door to help.

The fake policeman in the driver's seat coughed and said, "Get in the car, we'll drive faster."

Yumi Miyamoto nodded quickly, opened the door immediately, and sat in the passenger seat.

The horse-faced man was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that he could just take this opportunity to leave the team and drive the car to the intersection. It would be much more convenient to escape at that time.

Then, the counterfeit police car left the original lane and drove to the traffic accident site at the intersection.

The horse-faced man and the round-faced fake policeman took a look, and sure enough, they saw two men pressing a man to the ground and punching them continuously.

Although the face of the beaten man could not be seen clearly, the gray-blue windbreaker that was exposed could already make Ma Lian and the others sure that this was their eldest brother.

Miyamoto Yumi had already opened the car door and rushed to try to persuade the fight.

"Don't try to escape!" The horse-faced man warned James in a low voice, quickly gave the round-faced accomplice a look, and secretly prayed that the elder brother would not be impulsive, and would not pull out a gun to shoot them, otherwise everyone would not be able to escape.

The horse-faced man got out of the car immediately and rushed to the scene of the beating.

The fake policeman in the driver's seat put his hands into his trouser pockets and stared at James fiercely, which was self-evident.

"Stop! I'm the police!"

The horse-faced man pulled away a man, and suddenly found that the person being beaten on the ground was not his elder brother at all, but a plainclothes policeman with an unfamiliar face, and immediately shouted: "Why are you wearing my elder brother's clothes?!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the horse-faced man immediately realized that something was wrong, and stretched his hands into his trouser pockets.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The plainclothes policemen who had been waiting for a long time immediately grabbed the horse-faced man with one hand, pinned him down and handcuffed him.

Outside the fake police car, two plainclothes policemen pointed guns at the round-faced fake policeman, and said sharply, "Raise your hands obediently!"

The face of the round-faced fake policeman was pale as paper in an instant, and sweat poured down from his forehead. He obediently let go of his hand holding the gun in his trouser pocket, then raised his hand and left the driver's seat, and was handcuffed as soon as he got out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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